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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2019/06/14 19:36:08」(JST)
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- FEF (模型メーカー)
- Falmouth Education Foundation マサチューセッツのファルマウス
- エクアドルサッカー連盟, エクアドルのサッカー組織
- FEF シリーズ, 軸配置4-8-4(Four-Eight-Four)のユニオン・パシフィック鉄道の蒸気機関車。製造以来一度も現役を離脱したことのない844号機が有名。
- 前頭眼野 (Frontal eye field)
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FEF or Fef may refer to:
- Fef, Indonesia, the capital of Tambrauw Regency, West Papua, Indonesia
- Ecuadorian Football Federation (Spanish: Federación Ecuatoriana de Futbol)
- FedExField, a stadium in Landover, Maryland, United States
- Fire Emblem Fates, a video game
- Forced expiratory flow
- Frontal eye fields
- Frontier Education Foundation, in Pakistan
- Fusion Energy Foundation, a defunct American think tank
- Union Pacific FEF Series, a steam locomotive
- First European Farmers
UpToDate Contents
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- 1. 臨床現場での肺活量測定office spirometry [show details]
…FEV1 by the FVC. The forced expiratory flow between 25 and 75 percent of the FVC (also known as FEF25-75 or maximal mid-expiratory flow rate) should not be used to detect "small airways disease" in adults…
- 2. 小児における肺機能検査の概要overview of pulmonary function testing in children [show details]
…flow, and restrictive disorders affect indices of volume. FEV1, FEF25-75%, and PEFR are decreased in obstructive disorders. FEF25-75% represents flow in smaller conducting airways. It is less effort …
- 3. 喘息患者への肺機能検査pulmonary function testing in asthma [show details]
…clinical outcomes . The mean forced expiratory flow at 25 to 75 percent of forced vital capacity (FEF25-75), also known as the maximum mid-expiratory flow (MMEF), is highly dependent on the level of …
- 4. 青年や成人の喘息の診断diagnosis of asthma in adolescents and adults [show details]
…percent of the vital capacity (FEF25-75) observed over time or in response to bronchodilator are not used to diagnose asthma in adults; nor are decreases in the FEF25-75 used to characterize the…
- 5. 肺機能検査の基準値の選択selecting reference values for pulmonary function tests [show details]
…gives a high rate of false positive or false negatives for FEV1/FVC, forced expiratory flow (FEF, also called maximum midexpiratory flow) 25 to 75 percent, and maximal respiratory pressures, especially…
English Journal
- Brain function during stages of working memory in schizophrenia and psychotic bipolar disorder.
- Huang AS, Rogers BP, Anticevic A, Blackford JU, Heckers S, Woodward ND.
- Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2019 Jun;().
- Working memory (WM) is impaired in psychotic disorders and linked to functional outcome. Most neurobiological models emphasize prefrontal cortex (PFC) dysfunction in the etiology of WM impairment. However, WM is composed of multiple processes, including encoding and maintenance, and the delineation
- PMID 31185485
- Contribution of FEF to attentional periodicity during visual search: a TMS study.
- Dugué L, Beck AA, Marque P, VanRullen R.
- eNeuro. 2019 Jun;().
- Visual search, looking for a target embedded among distractors, has long been used to study attention. Current theories postulate a two-stage process in which early visual areas perform feature extraction, while higher-order regions perform attentional selection. Such a model implies iterative commu
- PMID 31175148
- Proteomic analysis of saliva from partially and fully engorged adult female Rhipicephalus microplus (Acari: Ixodidae).
- Feng LL, Liu L, Cheng TY.
- Experimental & applied acarology. 2019 Jun;().
- Rhipicephalus microplus salivary gland secretes a number of complex bioactive proteins during feeding. These components are important in feeding and affect anti-coagulation, anti-inflammation and also have anti-microbial effects. In this study, tick saliva was collected from partially engorged femal
- PMID 31175473
Japanese Journal
- Causal Role of Neural Signals Transmitted From the Frontal Eye Field to the Superior Colliculus in Saccade Generation
- 松本 正幸
- Frontiers in Neural Circuits (12), 69, 2018-08
- … The frontal eye field (FEF) and superior colliculus (SC) are major and well-studied components of the oculomotor system. … The FEF sends strong projections to the SC directly, and neurons in these brain regions transmit a variety of signals related to saccadic eye movements. … Electrical microstimulation and pharmacological manipulation targeting the FEF or SC affect saccadic eye movements. …
- NAID 120006582991
- フルチカゾン/サルメテロール配合薬(DPI)からフルチカゾン/ホルモテロール配合薬(pMDI)への切り替えによる高齢喘息患者の末梢気道閉塞の改善
- 長瀬 洋之,杉本 直也,新井 秀宜,渡邉 彩香,宇治野 真理子,江﨑 崇,酒瀬川 裕一,大隅 美圭,小林 このみ,小泉 佑太,田中 祐輔,路 昭暉,吉原 久直,倉持 美知雄,山口 正雄,大田 健
- アレルギー・免疫 25(2), 248-259, 2018-02
- NAID 40021447212
- Weak-ferromagnetism of CoF3 and FeF3
- Lee Sanghyun,Torii Shuki,Ishikawa Yoshihisa,Yonemura Masao,Moyoshi Taketo,Kamiyama Takashi
- 日本物理学会講演概要集 73.1(0), 973-973, 2018
- NAID 130007649116
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- The latest Tweets from FEF Ecuador (@FEFecuador). Cuenta oficial de la Federación Ecuatoriana de Fútbol. Ecuador ... Tweet with a location You can add location information to your Tweets, such as your city or precise location ...
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- 英
- frontal eye field FEF
- 関
- 8野
- 同
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フェニルアラニン phenylalanine