- mark with lines; "sorrow had lined his face"
- a length (straight or curved) without breadth or thickness; the trace of a moving point
- a single frequency (or very narrow band) of radiation in a spectrum
- reinforce with fabric; "lined books are more enduring"
- a particular kind of product or merchandise; "a nice line of shoes" (同)product line, line of products, line of merchandise, business line, line of business
- the road consisting of railroad track and roadbed (同)railway line, rail line
- a commercial organization serving as a common carrier
- acting in conformity; "in line with"; "he got out of line"; "toe the line"
- something (as a cord or rope) that is long and thin and flexible; "a washing line"
- a conceptual separation or distinction; "there is a narrow line between sanity and insanity" (同)dividing_line, demarcation, contrast
- a formation of people or things one behind another; "the line stretched clear around the corner"; "you must wait in a long line at the checkout counter"
- a formation of people or things one beside another; "the line of soldiers advanced with their bayonets fixed"; "they were arrayed in line of battle"; "the cast stood in line for the curtain call"
- a fortified position (especially one marking the most forward position of troops); "they attacked the enemys line"
- a mark that is long relative to its width; "He drew a line on the chart"
- a spatial location defined by a real or imaginary unidimensional extent
- in games or sports; a mark indicating positions or bounds of the playing area
- persuasive but insincere talk that is usually intended to deceive or impress; "`let me show you my etchings is a rather worn line"; "he has a smooth line but I didnt fall for it"; "that salesman must have practiced his fast line of talk"
- text consisting of a row of words written across a page or computer screen; "the letter consisted of three short lines"; "there are six lines in every stanza"
- be in line with; form a line along; "trees line the riverbank" (同)run along
- cover the interior of; "line the gloves"; "line a chimney"
- fill plentifully; "line ones pockets"
- providing something with a surface of a different material (同)facing
- a protective covering that protects an inside surface (同)liner
- the act of attaching an inside lining (to a garment or curtain etc.)
- having a lining or a liner; often used in combination; "a lined skirt"; "a silk-lined jacket"
- (used especially of skin) marked by lines or seams; "their lined faces were immeasurably sad"; "a seamed face" (同)seamed
- bordered by a line of things; "tree lined streets"
- Chinese distance measure; approximately 0.5 kilometers
- 『線』,筋,けい / (色・縫い目などの)『線』,しま;(顔・手などの)しわ(wrinkle) / (物・人の)『列』,行列(row) / 『綱』,糸,針金 / 電線,電話線,電信線 / (文章の)『行』;(詩の)『行』 / 《しばしばa~》《話》『短い手紙』(note) / 《複数形で》輪郭,外形(outline) / 境界線(boundary);限界,限度(limit) / (鉄道・バスなどの)路線;航路,空路 / 《複数形で》せりふ / 進路,道順(course);(考えなどの)筋道,方針 / 《しばしばone's~》(活動の)分野,方面;特意 / 家系,血統,血筋 / 在庫商品,仕入れ品 / 導管,パイプライン / 《しばしば複数形で》戦線,防御線 / …‘に'『線を引く』,筋(しま,しわ)をつける / …‘に'『沿って並ぶ;』(…を)…‘に'沿って並べる《+『名』+『with』+『名』》
- (材料で)〈着物など〉‘に'裏を付ける《+『名』『with』+『名』》 / (…で)…‘を'満たす,(…を)…‘に'詰め込む《+『名』+『with』+『名』》
- 〈U〉(服などの)裏張り,裏塗り / 〈U〉裏地,裏材
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/03/09 22:59:43」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Epiphyseal plate |
Plain radiograph of 12 year old child's lower leg showing growth plates at lower ends of tibia and fibula |
Hypertrophic zone of epiphyseal plate showing three zones: maturation (top), degenerative (middle) and provisional calcification (bottom). |
Latin |
lamina epiphysialis |
The epiphyseal plate (or epiphysial plate, physis, or growth plate) is a hyaline cartilage plate in the metaphysis at each end of a long bone. The plate is found in children and adolescents; in adults, who have stopped growing, the plate is replaced by an epiphyseal line.
- 1 Role in bone elongation
- 2 Histological organization
- 3 Pathology
- 4 Studies in animals
- 5 References
- 6 See also
Role in bone elongation
Endochondral ossification is responsible for the initial bone development from cartilage in utero and infants and the longitudinal growth of long bones in the epiphyseal plate. The plate's chondrocytes are under constant division by mitosis. These daughter cells stack facing the epiphysis while the older cells are pushed towards the diaphysis. As the older chondrocytes degenerate, osteoblasts ossify the remains to form new bone. In puberty increasing levels of estrogen, in both females and males, leads to increased apoptosis of chondrocytes in the epiphyseal plate.[1] Depletion of chondrocytes due to apoptosis leads to less ossification and growth slows down and later stops when the entire cartilage have become replaced by bone, leaving only a thin epiphyseal scar which later disappears.[2] Once the adult stage is reached, the only way to manipulate height is modifying bone length via distraction osteogenesis.
Histological organization
The growth plate has a very specific morphology in having a zonal arrangement.
Epiphyseal plate zone (from epiphysis to diaphysis |
Description |
Zone of reserve |
Quiescent chondrocytes are found at the epiphyseal end |
Zone of proliferation |
Chondrocytes undergo rapid mitosis under influence of growth hormone |
Zone of maturation and hypertrophy |
Chondrocytes stop mitosis, and begin to hypertrophy by accumulating glycogen, lipids, and alkaline phosphatase |
Zone of calcification |
Chondrocytes undergo apoptosis. Cartilagenous matrix begins to calcify. |
Zone of ossification |
Osteoclasts and osteoblasts from the diaphyseal side break down the calcified cartilage and replace with mineralized bone tissue. |
A mnemonic for remembering the names of the epiphyseal plate growth zones is " Real People Have Career Options," standing for: Resting zone, Proliferative zone, Hypertrophic cartilage zone, Calcified cartilage zone, Ossification zone.[4] The growth plate is clinically relevant in that it is often the primary site for infection, metastasis, fractures and the effects of endocrine bone disorders.[citation needed]
Defects in the development and continued division of epiphyseal plates can lead to growth disorders. The most common defect is achondroplasia, where there is a defect in cartilage formation. Achondroplasia is the most common cause of dwarfism.
Salter-Harris fractures can occur on epiphyseal plates.
Studies in animals
John Hunter studied growing chickens. He observed bones grew at the ends and thus demonstrated the existence of the epiphyseal plates. Hunter is considered the "father of the growth plate".[5]
- ^ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21068162
- ^ "Skeletal System / Bone Development and Growth". Archived from the original on 2008-07-09. http://web.archive.org/web/20080709164649/http://training.seer.cancer.gov/module_anatomy/unit3_3_bone_growth.html. Retrieved 2008-07-10.
- ^ Ovalle, William K.; Nahirney, Patrick C. (2007). Netter's essential histology : with Student consult online access (1st ed. ed.). Philadelphia, Pa.: Elsevier Saunders. ISBN 9781929007868.
- ^ "Medical Mnemonics". http://www.medicalmnemonics.com/cgi-bin/return.cfm?searchbox=proliferative&discipline_id=All&system_id=All&bodypart_id=All&level_lo=All&level_hi=All&clinical=All&hi_yield=All&g_rated=All&language_id=All&numrows=10&rowstart=1&mtype_id=All&orderresultsby=rating.
- ^ "Growth Plate (Physeal) Fractures". EMedicine.com. http://www.emedicine.com/orthoped/topic627.htm. Retrieved 2008-01-15.
See also
- Human development (biology)
Musculoskeletal system · connective tissue: bone and cartilage (TA A02.0, TH H3.01, GA 2.86–95)
Cartilage |
- perichondrium
- fibrocartilage callus
- metaphysis
- cells (chondroblast
- chondrocyte)
- types (hyaline
- elastic
- fibrous)
Bone |
- intramembranous
- endochondral
- osteoblast
- osteoid
- osteocyte
- osteoclast
- subchondral bone
- epiphysis
- epiphyseal plate/metaphysis
- diaphysis
- Condyle
- Epicondyle
- osteon / Haversian system
- Haversian canals
- Volkmann's canals
- connective tissue (endosteum
- periosteum)
- Sharpey's fibres
- enthesis
- lacunae
- canaliculi
- trabeculae
- medullary cavity
- bone marrow
- long
- short
- flat
- irregular
- sesamoid
anat (c/f/k/f, u, t/p, l)/phys/devp/cell
noco/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
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English Journal
- [2-14C]Thymidine incorporation activity of stem cells in either tumor or cradle tissues in a normal or transplanted animals.
- Shigematsu A, Yui J, Hamai Y, Hatori A.SourceInstitute of Whole Body Metabolism, Nauchi, Shiroi City, Chiba, Japan. iwbm@d9.dion.ne.jp
- European journal of drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics.Eur J Drug Metab Pharmacokinet.2005 Jan-Jun;30(1-2):29-39.
- A novel autoradiographic procedure was developed for such continuously cycling cells as stem cells on account of proliferating rate of which is astronomically high per min. Negative visualization is observed over any mitotic image by use of a biomarker, "[2-14C]thymidine" for a few minutes in both c
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- Shigematsu A, Kawai N, Kuroiwa H, Higashi N, Debori Y, Yui J, Hamai Y, Hatori A, Awazu S, Takeuchi N, Yamabayashi H, Sato Y, Yamamoto T.SourceInstitute of Whole Body Metabolism, 340-2, Nauchi, Shiroi City, Chiba 270-1407, Japan. iwbm@d9.dion.ne.jp
- Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP.Regul Toxicol Pharmacol.2004 Dec;40(3):207-18.
- A synchronous evaluation was performed, using a quick in vivo [2-(14)C]thymidine labeling method, of the toxico- and pharmaco-dynamics of a given dose of yttrium-90 (90Y) at a given time after injection to nude BALB/c mice loaded with 10(7) HuO9 cells. Quantitative data were 14C-microautoradiographs
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- The cranial lateral-line system in Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) (Siluroidei:Clariidae): morphology and development of canal related bones.
- Adriaens D, Verraes W, Taverne L.SourceUniversity of Ghent, Institute of Zoology, Belgium. Dominique.Adriaens@rug.ac.be
- European journal of morphology.Eur J Morphol.1997 Jul;35(3):181-208.
- The cranial lateral-line system, as well as the canal bones are well developed in the African clariid catfish Clarias gariepinus. A generalised cranial lateral-line pattern is present (supraorbital, infraorbital, preoperculo-mandibular, otic, postotic and temporal canals). The supratemporal commissu
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Japanese Journal
- 岡 秀,佐藤 肇,木村 誠之,佐川 文明
- 昭和医学会雑誌 22(6), 227-235, 1962
- … made on the clinical findings of a breast fed male baby of 1 month old of a family employing lead acetate in the process of water proof working developed typical lead poisoning with symptoms such as heavy anemia, displeasure, basoerythrocytosis, porphyrinuria, tooth neck and epiphysial lead line etc with a review of the 6 cases of infantile lead poisoning reported in Japan in the past 15 years.<BR>An attention was drawn on the possibility of lead poisoning as the causative agent of the infantile anemia of unknown …
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- 馬の用語事典 骨端線 (epiphyseal line)の用語解説 - 骨端付近に存在する軟骨層で、骨の長軸方向の成長に関与する。骨端板ともいう。
Related Pictures

- 英
- epiphysial line (M), epiphyseal line (KH,KA)
- ラ
- linea epiphysialis
- 関
- 長骨
- 長骨が成長する間、軟骨の骨端板が骨幹と骨端の間に介在する。この骨端板は骨幹と骨端から骨に置換されていくが、この過程で両者の境界の骨は特に密になりX線像で骨端線として認められる (M)
- 骨の成長の停止と共に緻密質になった場所 (KH.78)
KH. 78
- 日
- 長い散在反復配列、長散在型反復配列、長い散在性反復配列、ライン、広範囲散在反復配列
- 英
- long interspersed nuclear element, long interspersed nucleotide element, long interspersed element, long interspersed repetitive elements, LINEs, long interspersed repeat sequences
- 関
- レトロトランスポゾン
- quoted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_interspersed_nucleotide_elements#LINEs
- Long interspersed nuclear elements[8] are a group of genetic elements that are found in large numbers in eukaryotic genomes. They are transcribed (or are the evolutionary remains of what was once transcribed) to an RNA using an RNA polymerase II promoter that resides inside the LINE. LINEs code for the enzyme reverse transcriptase, and many LINEs also code for an endonuclease (e.g. RNase H). The reverse transcriptase has a higher specificity for the LINE RNA than other RNA, and makes a DNA copy of the RNA that can be integrated into the genome at a new site.
- The 5' UTR contains the promoter sequence, while the 3' UTR contains a polyadenylation signal (AATAAA) and a poly-A tail.[10] Because LINEs move by copying themselves (instead of moving, like transposons do), they enlarge the genome. The human genome, for example, contains about 20,000-40,000 LINEs, which is roughly 21% of the genome.
- 関
- lineage、lining、pedigree、stock、strain、string、undercoat
- 関
- line、undercoat