- to remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted -- used only in infinitive form; "let her be"
- work in a specific place, with a specific subject, or in a specific function; "He is a herpetologist"; "She is our resident philosopher" (同)follow
- have life, be alive; "Our great leader is no more"; "My grandfather lived until the end of war" (同)live
- be identical to; be someone or something; "The president of the company is John Smith"; "This is my house"
- happen, occur, take place; "I lost my wallet; this was during the visit to my parents house"; "There were two hundred people at his funeral"; "There was a lot of noise in the kitchen"
- have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer"
- occupy a certain position or area; be somewhere; "Where is my umbrella?" "The toolshed is in the back"; "What is behind this behavior?"
- spend or use time; "I may be an hour"
- a column of light (as from a beacon) (同)beam of light, light beam, ray, ray of light, shaft, shaft of light, irradiation
- a group of nearly parallel lines of electromagnetic radiation (同)ray, electron_beam
- smile radiantly; express joy through ones facial expression
- express with a beaming face or smile; "he beamed his approval"
- (nautical) breadth amidships
- long thick piece of wood or metal or concrete, etc., used in construction
- the broad side of a ship; "they sighted land on the port beam"
- the 3rd letter of the Roman alphabet (同)c
- (music) the keynote of the scale of C major
- a general-purpose programing language closely associated with the UNIX operating system
- pleased and proud; "beaming parents"
- radiating or as if radiating light; "the beaming sun"; "the effulgent daffodils"; "a radiant sunrise"; "a refulgent sunset" (同)beamy, effulgent, radiant, refulgent
- cheerful and bright; "a beaming smile"; "a glad May morning" (同)glad
- an elementary particle with negative charge (同)negatron
- 《連結語として補語を伴なって…『である』,…だ,…です / 《位置・場所を表す語句を伴って》(…に)『ある』,いる(occupy a place or situation) / 〈物事が〉『存在する』,ある(exist);〈生物が〉生存する,生きている(live) / 行われる,起こる,発生する(take place, occur) / 存続する,そのままでいる(remain as before) / 《『be to』 do》 / …する予定である,…することになっている / …すべきだ / 《受動態の不定詞を伴って》…できる / 《命令》…するのだ / 《条件節に》…する意図がある / 《『if…were to』 do》…するとしたなら / 《『be』 do『ing』》《進行形》 / 《進行中の動作》…している,しつつある / 《近い未来》…しようとしている,するつもり / 《動作の反復》(いつも)…している / 《『be』+『他動詞の過去分詞』》《受動態》…される,されている / 《『be』+『自動詞の過去分詞』》《完了形》…した[状態にある]
- 〈C〉(建設の)『はり』,『けた』,横材 / 〈C〉(船の甲板を支える)横はり / 〈C〉(はかりの)さお;(織機の)糸巻き / 〈C〉『光線』,光束 / 〈C〉(顔などの)『輝き』,晴れやかさ / 〈C〉(船舶・航空機用の)信号電波 / 〈U〉最大船幅 / 《副詞[句]を伴って》『輝く』,光を発する / (…に)顔を輝かせる《+『at』(『on, upon』)+『名』》 / 〈光・熱〉'を'出す,発散する / (…に向けて)〈放送・無線信号〉'を'送る《+『名』+『at』(『to』)+『名』》 / …'を'顔を輝かせて言う
- carbonの化学記号
- 輝く,晴れやかな
- 『電子』,エレクトロン
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English Journal
- GNB3 gene 825 TT variant predicts hard coronary events in the population-based Heinz Nixdorf Recall study.
- Frey UH1, Moebus S2, Möhlenkamp S3, Kälsch H4, Bauer M4, Lehmann N2, Nöthen M5, Mühleisen TW5, Stang A6, Erbel R4, Jöckel KH3, Peters J7, Siffert W8.
- Atherosclerosis.Atherosclerosis.2014 Dec;237(2):437-42. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2014.08.025. Epub 2014 Aug 28.
- OBJECTIVE: The C825T polymorphism of the gene encoding the human G protein beta-3 subunit (GNB3) is associated with hypertension and obesity. Moreover, genotypes of the GNB3 polymorphism have been associated with development of coronary artery disease, and the 825T allele is thought to influence the
- PMID 25463071
- Beamlet based direct aperture optimization for MERT using a photon MLC.
- Henzen D1, Manser P1, Frei D1, Volken W1, Neuenschwander H2, Born EJ1, Joosten A1, Lössl K1, Aebersold DM1, Chatelain C1, Stampanoni MF3, Fix MK1.
- Medical physics.Med Phys.2014 Dec;41(12):121711. doi: 10.1118/1.4901638.
- PURPOSE: A beamlet based direct aperture optimization (DAO) for modulated electron radiotherapy (MERT) using photon multileaf collimator (pMLC) shaped electron fields is developed and investigated.METHODS: The Swiss Monte Carlo Plan (SMCP) allows the calculation of dose distributions for pMLC shaped
- PMID 25471958
- Multimodality image guidance with Dyna-CT for transcatheter treatment of paravalvular leak of a stentless valve.
- Van Leer-Greenberg B1, Martinez CA, Heldman AW.
- Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions : official journal of the Society for Cardiac Angiography & Interventions.Catheter Cardiovasc Interv.2014 Nov 22. doi: 10.1002/ccd.25756. [Epub ahead of print]
- The transcatheter treatment of paravalvular leaks (PVL) are technically challenging procedures; they pose increasing difficulty in cases where there is a stentless valve, without the usual fluoroscopic landmarks. Hence, there is limited experience in treating this defect percutaneously. We present a
- PMID 25418793
Japanese Journal
- W031007 3D積層造形チタン合金の疲労特性と表面改質によるその特性改善の試み
- 年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 2015, "W031007-1"-"W031007-5", 2015-09-13
- NAID 110010049724
- 第五回千葉医学会賞要旨:症例の予後改善のための,電子ビームCT,4列~320列CTを用いた循環器領域の新しい臨床診断学の開発への貢献
- 症例の予後改善のための,電子ビームCT,4列~320列CTを用いた循環器領域の新しい臨床診断学の開発への貢献
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- 英
- ultra-fast CT, ultrafast CT, UFCT, dynamic spatial reconstructor, DSR
- 同
- 電子ビーム走査型CT, electron-beam CT, EBCT
- 関
- emit、radiant、radiate、radiation、radiative
- 関
- electric、electricity
- 関
- electronic、fast electron、positron