- the coronoid process that provides an attachment for the temporal muscle
- perform mathematical and logical operations on (data) according to programmed instructions in order to obtain the required information; "The results of the elections were still being processed when he gave his acceptance speech"
- a sustained phenomenon or one marked by gradual changes through a series of states; "events now in process"; "the process of calcification begins later for boys than for girls" (同)physical process
- (psychology) the performance of some composite cognitive activity; an operation that affects mental contents; "the process of thinking"; "the cognitive operation of remembering" (同)cognitive_process, mental_process, operation, cognitive operation
- a natural prolongation or projection from a part of an organism either animal or plant; "a bony process" (同)outgrowth, appendage
- a mental process that you are not directly aware of; "the process of denial" (同)unconscious process
- subject to a process or treatment, with the aim of readying for some purpose, improving, or remedying a condition; "process cheese"; "process hair"; "treat the water so it can be drunk"; "treat the lawn with chemicals" ; "treat an oil spill" (同)treat
- deal with in a routine way; "Ill handle that one"; "process a loan"; "process the applicants"
- preparing or putting through a prescribed procedure; "the processing of newly arrived immigrants"; "the processing of ore to obtain minerals"
- subjected to a special process or treatment; "prepared ergot"; "processed cheeses are easy to spread"
- prepared or converted from a natural state by subjecting to a special process; "processed ores"
- (自然の)『作用』,過程 / (物事の)『手順』,方法 / (技術上の)製法,工程 / 召喚状,出頭令状;訴訟過程 / (動植物の組織の)隆起,突起 / 加工(処理,調整)した / 〈食品〉‘を'加工する / 〈写真フイルム〉‘を'現像する / 〈資料〉‘を'コンピューターにかける / …‘を'一定の手順で処理する,(整理する,調査する)
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/05/20 20:31:40」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
The Coronoid process (from Greek korone, "like a crown") can refer to:
- The coronoid process of the mandible, part of the ramus mandibulae of the mandible
- The coronoid process of the ulna, a triangular eminence projecting forward from the upper and front part of the ulna
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English Journal
- Zygomaticocoronoid Ankylosis: A Rare Clinical Condition Leading to Limitation of Mouth Opening.
- Güven O.SourceFrom the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Ankara, Ankara, Turkey.
- The Journal of craniofacial surgery.J Craniofac Surg.2012 May 4. [Epub ahead of print]
- ABSTRACT: Ankylosis, between the coronoid process and the zygoma, is a rare occurrence. A review of the literature has disclosed 15 reported cases of this disorder. True incidence of this condition might be even higher. Zygomaticocoronoid ankylosis might have been encountered by many surgeons, and y
- PMID 22565902
- Biomechanical effects of surgical cut direction in unilateral mandibular lengthening by distraction osteogenesis using a finite element model.
- Tehranchi A, Behnia H, Heidarpour M, Toutiaee B, Khosropour MJ.SourceDental Research Center, Dept. of Orthodontics, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
- International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery.Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg.2012 May;41(5):667-72. Epub 2011 Dec 15.
- Although the precise prediction of the results before distraction is important, performing three-dimensional (3D) simulations for all distraction osteogenesis patients is not practical. Formulating general guidelines based on the factors affecting the 3D results of distraction treatment is recommend
- PMID 22172284
Japanese Journal
- 栃原岩陰遺跡(長野県南佐久郡北相木村)出土の縄文時代早期人骨 : ―縄文時代早期人骨の再検討―
- 香原 志勢,茂原 信生,西沢 寿晃,藤田 敬,大谷 江里,馬場 悠男
- Anthropological Science (Japanese Series) advpub(0), 1111180003, 2011
- 長野県南佐久郡北相木村の縄文時代早期の地層(8300から8600 BP(未較正))から,12体の人骨(男性4体,女性4体の成人8体,および性別不明の幼児4体)が,1965年から1968年にかけての信州大学医学部解剖学教室を中心とする発掘で出土した。数少ない縄文時代早期人骨として貴重なもので,今回の研究は,これらの人骨の形態を報告し,従来明らかにされている縄文時代早期人骨の特徴を再検討するものである …
- NAID 130001255783
Related Links
- The Coronoid process (from Greek korone, "like a crow's beak") can refer to: The coronoid process of the mandible, part of the ramus mandibulae of the mandible; The coronoid process of the ulna, a triangular eminence projecting forward from ...
- The coronoid process is a triangular eminence projecting forward from the upper and front part of the ulna. Its base is continuous with the body of the bone, and of considerable strength. Its apex is pointed, slightly curved upward, and in flexion ...
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- 英
- uncinate process (M,KH), uncinate process of pancreas (N,Z)
- 英
- uncinate process
- 英
- coronoid process
- 尺骨の近位端にあって、前方にある突起。後方にある突起は肘頭
- 英
- coronoid process
- 同
- uncinate process
- 同
- ルシュカ関節
- 同
- 鈎状突起
- 関
- 椎骨
- 英
- coronoid process
- ラ
- processus coronoideus
- 関
- 橈骨
- 英
- uncinate process of ethmoid
- ラ
- processees uncinatus
- 英
- coronoid process (KL)
- ラ
- processus coronoideus
- 関
- 下顎骨
- 関
- coronoid process
- 関
- course、fashion、manner、means、method、mode、procedure、processing、protrusion、way
- 関
- application、handle、process、transaction、treat、treatment