- 関
- C1 complement、complement 1
- make complete or perfect; supply what is wanting or form the complement to; "I need some pepper to complement the sweet touch in the soup"
- a complete number or quantity; "a full complement"
- one of a series of enzymes in the blood serum that are part of the immune response
- something added to complete or embellish or make perfect; "a fine wine is a perfect complement to the dinner"; "wild rice was served as an accompaniment to the main dish" (同)accompaniment
- number needed to make up a whole force; "a full complement of workers" (同)full complement
- a word or phrase used to complete a grammatical construction
- either of two parts that mutually complete each other
- the 3rd letter of the Roman alphabet (同)c
- (music) the keynote of the scale of C major
- a general-purpose programing language closely associated with the UNIX operating system
- (あるものを完全にするため)(…を)補う物(事)《+『of』+『名』》 / 補語(文法で文の成分の一つ) / (必要な)全数,全量;(船の)定員 / …を補足する,補う
- carbonの化学記号
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- 1. 補体系の制御因子および受容体 regulators and receptors of the complement system
- 2. 補体系の遺伝性疾患 inherited disorders of the complement system
- 3. 補体経路 complement pathways
- 4. 補体系の後天性疾患 acquired disorders of the complement system
- 5. 後天性C1インヒビター欠損症:臨床症状、疫学、病因、および診断 acquired c1 inhibitor deficiency clinical manifestations epidemiology pathogenesis and diagnosis
English Journal
- Effects of physiologically relevant dynamic shear stress on platelet complement activation.
- Shanmugavelayudam SK, Rubenstein DA, Yin W.SourceSchool of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Oklahoma State University , Stillwater, OK 74078-5016 , USA.
- Platelets.Platelets.2011 Jun 16. [Epub ahead of print]
- Disturbed shear stress, commonly found in cardiovascular diseases, plays important roles in platelet activation and functions. It has been reported that when activated by elevated shear stress, platelets were able to support complement activation to completion. In this study, through a dynamic cone
- PMID 21679034
- Modifiers of complement activation for prevention of antibody-mediated injury to allografts.
- Hughes PD, Cohney SJ.SourceaDepartment of Nephrology, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia bWestern Hospitals, Parkville, Victoria, Australia.
- Current opinion in organ transplantation.Curr Opin Organ Transplant.2011 Jun 15. [Epub ahead of print]
- PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Improvements in prevention and management of cellular rejection of solid organ transplants, coupled with increasing numbers of sensitized patients, have focused attention on antibody-mediated rejection (AbMR). Complement is a critical component of AbMR, in addition to interfacing
- PMID 21681097
Japanese Journal
- たいまつ米胚芽発酵GABAによるヒト単球系細胞株(U937)表面上のCD93の発現およびインターロイキンー 8(IL-8)の産生増強
- 池脇 信直,石附 亨,中村 雅彦,林 裕二,樋口 元剛,後藤 牧人
- 九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 11, 159-167, 2010-03
- … その結果、たいまつ米胚芽発酵GABAで培養したU937細胞はCD93(C1qRp)の発現が有意に増強した。 …
- NAID 110007577976
- Identification and characterization of nCLP2, a novel C1q family protein expressed in the central nervous system
- Shimono Chisei,Manabe Ri-ichiroh,Yamada Tomiko [他]
- Journal of Biochemistry 147(4), 565-579, 2010-04
- NAID 40017072167
Related Links
- C1-inhibitor (C1-inh, C1 esterase inhibitor) is a protease inhibitor belonging to the serpin superfamily. Its main function is the inhibition of the complement system to prevent spontaneous activation. C1-inhibitor is an acute-phase ...
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- 英
- complement C1、C1 complement、complement 1
- 関
- 補体第一成分
- 関
- complement 1、complement C1
- 英
- complement C1、C1 complement、complement 1
- 関
- 補体C1
- 関
- C1INH、complement C1 inactivator protein
- 関
- C1q complement
- 関
- C1r complement
- 関
- C1s complement
- 補って完全にする物、補完物。(免疫)補体
- (必要な)全数、善良