- 関
- co-administration、co-application、co-apply、coadminister、coadministration、coapplication、coapply
- give or apply (medications) (同)dispense
- perform (a church sacrament) ritually; "administer the last unction"
- work in an administrative capacity; supervise or be in charge of; "administer a program"; "she administers the funds" (同)administrate
- direct the taking of; "administer an exam"; "administer an oath"
- major food fish of Arctic and cold-temperate waters (同)codfish
- lean white flesh of important North Atlantic food fish; usually baked or poached (同)codfish
- lettuce with long dark-green leaves in a loosely packed elongated head (同)cos_lettuce, romaine, romaine lettuce
- …'を'『治める』,管理運営する / (…に対して)…'を'執行する,実行する(carry out)《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / (…に)〈薬・手当て・援助など〉'を'与える《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / (…に)〈一撃・非難・叱責など〉'を'与える,浴びせる《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / (…に)寄与する,役立つ《+『to』+『名』》
- =codfish 1
- 〈人〉'を'ばかにする
- cosine
- =because
- Colorado
- cobaltの化学記号
UpToDate Contents
全文を閲覧するには購読必要です。 To read the full text you will need to subscribe.
English Journal
- The pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic rationale for administering vancomycin via continuous infusion.
- Waineo MF1, Kuhn TC, Brown DL.
- Journal of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics.J Clin Pharm Ther.2015 Jun;40(3):259-65. doi: 10.1111/jcpt.12270. Epub 2015 Apr 11.
- WHAT IS KNOWN AND OBJECTIVE: Vancomycin is administered via intermittent infusion (II) almost exclusively in the United States, whereas continuous infusion (CI) dosing methods are used regularly in many European countries. The purpose of this literature analysis is to review current evidence regardi
- PMID 25865426
- New combination bronchodilators for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: current evidence and future perspectives.
- Singh D1.
- British journal of clinical pharmacology.Br J Clin Pharmacol.2015 May;79(5):695-708. doi: 10.1111/bcp.12545.
- Fixed dose combination (FDC) dual bronchodilators that co-administer a long acting β2 -adrenoceptor agonist (LABA) and a long acting muscarinic antagonist (LAMA) are a new class of inhaled treatment for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This review focuses on the clinical evidence for t
- PMID 25377687
- Detection of a negative correlation between prescription of Chinese herbal products containing coumestrol, genistein or daidzein and risk of subsequent endometrial cancer among tamoxifen-treated female breast cancer survivors in Taiwan between 1998 and 2008: A population-based study.
- Hu YC1, Wu CT2, Lai JN3, Tsai YT2.
- Journal of ethnopharmacology.J Ethnopharmacol.2015 Apr 28. pii: S0378-8741(15)00294-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2015.04.028. [Epub ahead of print]
- ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: Tamoxifen users sometimes seek complementary and alternative medicine advice for treatment of a variety of illness and co-administer with phytoestrogen-containing herbs, resulting in an increasing concern of its influence in subsequent endometrial cancer risk. Our stu
- PMID 25934515
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- 関
- co-administer、co-administration、co-application、co-apply、coadminister、coadministration、coapplication
- 関
- co-administer、co-administration、co-application、coadminister、coadministration、coapplication、coapply
- 関
- co-administer、co-administration、co-application、co-apply、coadministration、coapplication、coapply
- 英
- coadministration、co-administration、coapplication、co-application、coadminister、co-administer、coapply、co-apply
- 関
- co-administer、co-administration、co-application、co-apply、coadminister、coadministration、coapply
- (ad(~に)+minister(仕える)=(国政など)に仕える→統治、管理する
- (人・政府などが)(国・市など)を(秩序整然と)治める。~の行政管理をする。(会社・学校・世帯など)を運営(管理)する。(政務・業務など)を司る、指揮する。
- (法律)(財産など)を管理(処分)する。
- (人・法廷などが)(処罰・治療・儀式などを)を(人に対して)行う、執行する、施行する。(薬)を(人に)投与する(to)
- A wide variety of therapies have been empirically administered.(様々な治療が経験的に行われてきた)
- (人に)(宣誓)をさせる。(言質)をとらせる(to)
- (SVO1O2/O2 to O1)(人が)O1(人)にO2(避難・忠告など)を与える。
- 関
- administrate, administration, control, give, govern, manage, management
- 関
- Gadiformes
コバルト cobalt