- of any of various dull tannish or grey colors
- the hard inner (usually woody) layer of the pericarp of some fruits (as peaches or plums or cherries or olives) that contains the seed; "you should remove the stones from prunes before cooking" (同)pit, endocarp
- an avoirdupois unit used to measure the weight of a human body; equal to 14 pounds; "a heavy chap who must have weighed more than twenty stone"
- a lack of feeling or expression or movement; "he must have a heart of stone"; "her face was as hard as stone"
- building material consisting of a piece of rock hewn in a definite shape for a special purpose; "he wanted a special stone to mark the site"
- kill by throwing stones at; "People wanted to stone the woman who had a child out of wedlock" (同)lapidate
- United States architect (1902-1978) (同)Edward Durell Stone
- United States jurist who served on the United States Supreme Court as chief justice (1872-1946) (同)Harlan Fiske Stone
- United States jurist who was named chief justice of the United States Supreme Court in 1941 by Franklin D. Roosevelt (1872-1946) (同)Harlan Stone, Harlan F. Stone, Harlan Fisk Stone
- United States journalist who advocated liberal causes (1907-1989) (同)I. F. Stone, Isidor Feinstein Stone
- United States feminist and suffragist (1818-1893) (同)Lucy Stone
- United States filmmaker (born in 1946) (同)Oliver Stone
- the act of pelting with stones; punishment inflicted by throwing stones at the victim (even unto death) (同)lapidation
- 〈U〉(物質としての)『石』,石材 / 〈C〉『小石』,岩石の小片 / 〈C〉《複合語を作って》(特定の目的に用いる)石材 / =precious stone / 〈C〉(形・堅さが)石に似たもの(あられなど) / 〈C〉(腎臓・膀胱(ぼうこう)などの)結石 / 〈C〉(果実の)種,核 / 〈C〉《英》(体重を表す重量単位の)ストーン(14ポンド(約5.35キログラム)に相当) / 『石造りの』,石の・石器製の / …‘に'石を投げる,石を投げて殺す / …‘に'石を取り付ける(張る,敷く),沿って石を並べる / 〈果実〉‘の'種を取る
- 酔った・マリファナを吸ってうっとりとした
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- 1. 胆石の疫学および危険因子 epidemiology of and risk factors for gallstones
- 2. 胆石の溶解療法 dissolution therapy for the treatment of gallstones
- 3. 最新の診療アップデート practice changing updates
- 4. 腎結石分析の解釈 interpretation of kidney stone analysis
- 5. 結石除去後の残存結石片の臨床的意義 clinical significance of residual stone fragments following stone removal
English Journal
- [The relation of stone and carcinoma of the gallbladder based on the mucosal findings].
- Yamagiwa H, Onishi N, Terada.SourceDept. of Clinical Pathology, Mie Univ. School of Med.
- Gan no rinsho. Japan journal of cancer clinics.Gan No Rinsho.1990 Oct;36(12):2131-6.
- Based on the mucosal findings in gallbladder patients, intestinal metaplasia was found in 18.4% of such cases without a stone or a carcinoma, in 30% of the with a bilirubin stone, in 37.7% of those with a cholesterin stone, in 69.1% of those with a carcinoma but without a stone and in 78.9% of those
- PMID 2232182
- Morphological study of cholesterol hepatolithiasis. Report of three cases.
- Saito K, Nakanuma Y, Ohta T, Ueda N, Higashino Y, Yamamichi N, Kidani E.SourceSecond Department of Pathology, Kanazawa University School of Medicine, Japan.
- Journal of clinical gastroenterology.J Clin Gastroenterol.1990 Oct;12(5):585-90.
- Three cases of pure cholesterol intrahepatic stones are compared morphologically to those of calcium bilirubinate stones. Cholesterol stones were found in the intrahepatic bile duct of the left lateral lobe in two cases and in both the left lateral and the right posterior lobe in one. Although the c
- PMID 2230004
- [Clinico-biochemical and morphological changes in obstructive calculous pyelonephritis in children].
- Akylbaev DD, Nikolaev AI, Sulaĭmanov AS, Mamutov ZhI, Islambekov GK.AbstractThe article presents results of a comparative study of clinico-biochemical and morphological alterations in 38 patients with obstructive calculous pyelonephritis before and after operation. The data obtained show considerably elevated activity of LDG and other enzymes, content of cholesterin, total phospholipids followed by histomorphological alterations in the kidney.
- Vestnik khirurgii imeni I. I. Grekova.Vestn Khir Im I I Grek.1986 Oct;137(10):86-8.
- The article presents results of a comparative study of clinico-biochemical and morphological alterations in 38 patients with obstructive calculous pyelonephritis before and after operation. The data obtained show considerably elevated activity of LDG and other enzymes, content of cholesterin, total
- PMID 3798672
Japanese Journal
- 高山 哲夫,加藤 活大,佐野 博,柴田 時宗,本多 康希,小川 裕,小山 泰生,武市 政之,妹尾 知己,神崎 正紀
- 日本消化器病学会雑誌 80(2), 194-202, 1983
- … Either the cystic duct or the neck of the gallbladder was obstructed by an impacted stone in 8 cases and a carcinoma of the common bile duct in 1 case. … There was no obstruction in the remaining 3 cases in one of which a stone was impacted in the distal part of the common bile duct; …
- NAID 130001063367
- Morphological Studies on the Papilla of Vater, the Minor Papilla, the Peri-Vaterian Diverticulum, and the Promontory; with Special Reference to Their Changes with Aging and Relations to the Pancreatico-Biliary Diseases (Part-I)
- 石川 功
- 日本消化器病学会雑誌 73(9), 1003-1021, 1976
- … Cholecystolithiasis, especially of cholesterin stone, is more often in the types with common channel (Type III, IV), and choledocholithiasis, especially of bilirubin stone, is more often in the types without common channel (Type I, II). …
- NAID 130001062054
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- コレステロール結石 [ Cholesterol stone ] 読み方 : これすてろーるけっせき コレステロール結石とは、胆汁という消化液に含まれるコレステロールやたんぱく質などが固まってできる、乳白色の結石 。 コレステロール結石は、胆石の中で ...
- This mixture provides specific support in the reversal of the process of cholesterol stone formation in the gall bladder. It is the same treatment I use with my human patients with such problems. The herbs included in th
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- 英
- cholesterol gallstone
- 同
- コレステロール結石、コレステリン石 cholesterin stone
- 関
- 胆石、結石
- コレステロールは胆汁酸とリン脂質の界面活性物質作用で水に溶けている。コレステロールが過剰になったり、胆汁酸とリン脂質が欠乏するとコレステロールが析出する。
- 脂質異常症、糖尿病、肥満、妊娠後の高エストロゲン状態(SSUR.608)
- 回腸末端の切除も胆汁酸の再吸収低下から胆汁酸欠乏をきたしてコレステロール結石を形成しやすくする。
- 英
- cholesterol gallstone
- 同
- コレステリン石 cholesterin stone
- 関
- 胆石症
- 英
- cholesterin stone
- 関
- コレステロール胆石
- 関
- calculi、calculus、lithogenous