- set into opposition or rivalry; "let them match their best athletes against ours"; "pit a chess player against the Russian champion"; "He plays his two children off against each other" (同)oppose, match, play off
- a concavity in a surface (especially an anatomical depression) (同)fossa
- remove the pits from; "pit plums and cherries" (同)stone
- a trap in the form of a concealed hole (同)pitfall
- a surface excavation for extracting stone or slate; "a British term for `quarry is `stone pit" (同)quarry, stone pit
- (auto racing) an area at the side of a racetrack where the race cars are serviced and refueled
- (commodity exchange) the part of the floor of a commodity exchange where trading in a particular commodity is carried on
- an enclosure in which animals are made to fight
- a sizeable hole (usually in the ground); "they dug a pit to bury the body" (同)cavity
- send by special mail that goes through diplomatic channels
- an enclosed space; "the trapped miners found a pocket of air" (同)sac, sack, pocket
- a small or medium size container for holding or carrying things
- (anatomy) saclike structure in any of various animals (as a marsupial or gopher or pelican) (同)pocket
- put into a small bag
- a long narrow shallow receptacle
- a narrow depression (as in the earth or between ocean waves or in the ocean bed)
- a receptacle into which an electric device can be inserted
- receptacle where something (a pipe or probe or end of a bone) is inserted
- a bony hollow into which a structure fits
- the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle; approximately equal to 3.14159265358979323846...
- the 16th letter of the Greek alphabet
- (自然の,または掘った)『地面の穴』,『くぼみ』 / 《しばしば単数形で》《the pit》立て坑,採掘場 / 落とし穴 / 《単数形で》《the pit》《英》(劇場の)平土間(1階正面後部の安い料金の席全体を指す);平土間の観客;《米》(舞台手前の1段低くなった)オーケストラ席 / (身体や物の表面の自然にできた)くぼみ / 《しばしば複数形で》(傷・天然痘などでできた皮膚の)小さなくぼんだ跡,あばた / (動物を入れておく)囲い;闘鶏場(cockpit),闘犬場 / 《the ~》地獄(hell) / ピット / 自動車修理店などで,車体の下で作業するために床に設けたくぼみ / 《the pits》自動車レースで給油・タイヤ交換などの場所 / …‘に'点々と穴をあける;…‘を'あばたにする / (…と)…‘を'取り組ませる,対坑させる《+『名』+『against』+『名』》
- (サクランボ・モモなどの)核,種(stone) / 〈果物〉‘から'種を取り除く
- (革製の)小袋(たばこ入れ・さいふなど);郵便袋;(兵隊の)弾薬袋 / (カンガルーなどの)腹袋 / (動物の)ほお袋 / (目の下の)たるみ
- (細長い箱形の)水おけ,水盤;かいばおけ / (雨・細鉱用の)とい / (波と波との間,峰と峰の間などの)細長いくぼみ,谷間 / (気圧の)谷
- (物を差し込む)穴,受け口,ソケット / 窩(か)(体の部分で落ちくぼんだ所)
- 〈C〉パイ(ギリシア語アルファベットの第16字Π,π;英語のP,pに相当) / 〈U〉円周率(記号はπ)
- ごちゃまぜの活字 / ごちゃまぜ,混乱
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Look up PIT, pit, or pits in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Pit or PIT may refer to:
- 1 Structure
- 2 Science and technology
- 3 Games
- 4 Music
- 5 Places
- 6 People
- 7 Other uses
- 8 See also
- Ball pit, a recreation structure
- Casino pit, the part of a casino which holds gaming tables
- Trapping pit, pits used for hunting
- Pit, an area of a racetrack where pit stops are conducted
- Pit, a part of a trading floor where open outcry takes place
- Pit cave, a natural cave containing a vertical shaft
- Open-pit mine, surface extraction of rock or minerals
- Coal mine, also known as a pit in parts of England
Science and technology
- Armpit, a body part
- Pit, an excavation in metal caused by pitting corrosion
- Pit, a seed inside a fruit; for example a cherry pit
- Pit (nuclear weapon), the core of an implosion weapon
- Programmable interval timer, a computing device
- Pulsed inductive thruster, a device used in spacecraft propulsion
- Pit (botany), a part of plant cell walls which allows the exchange of fluids
- Probability integral transform, a theorem in probability and statistics
- Pit, one of many indentations used to store data on a Compact Disc
- Boolean prime ideal theorem, which guarantees the existence of certain types of subsets in a given abstract algebra
- Pit bull, a breed of dog
- WF-31, a cocaine analogue
- Pit (game), a Parker Brothers card game simulating a commodities exchange
- Pit (Kid Icarus), the main character in the video game series Kid Icarus
- Pits (card game), a card game similar to whist and rummy
- Front ensemble, the stationary percussion section in a marching band or drum corps
- Mosh pit, an area for dancing at a concert
- Orchestra pit, the area in a theater in which musicians perform
- Pit River, a watershed in California, US
- The People's Improv Theater, a venue in New York City, US
- Pittsburgh, US, by abbreviation
- Pittsburgh International Airport, US, by IATA code
- Pit Martin (1943–2008), Canadian National Hockey League player
Other uses
- PIT maneuver, a ramming tactic used by law enforcement in vehicle pursuits
- Party of Independence and Labour, a Senegalese political party
See also
- PIT-1, a gene
- The Pit (disambiguation)
- Pitt (disambiguation)
- Pitts (disambiguation)
- Bottomless pit (disambiguation)
- Cockpit
- Hole (disambiguation)
- Fossa (disambiguation), (Latin for pit)
- All pages beginning with "Pit"
- All pages with titles containing Pit
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English Journal
- Primary familial brain calcification with a novel SLC20A2 mutation: Analysis of PiT-2 expression and localization.
- Taglia I1, Formichi P1, Battisti C1, Peppoloni G1, Barghigiani M2, Tessa A2, Federico A1.
- Journal of cellular physiology.J Cell Physiol.2018 Mar;233(3):2324-2331. doi: 10.1002/jcp.26104. Epub 2017 Sep 18.
- PMID 28722801
- No evidence of increased growth or mortality in fish exposed to oxazepam in semi-natural ecosystems.
- Lagesson A1, Brodin T2, Fahlman J2, Fick J3, Jonsson M2, Persson J2, Byström P2, Klaminder J2.
- The Science of the total environment.Sci Total Environ.2018 Feb 15;615:608-614. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.09.070. Epub 2017 Oct 6.
- PMID 28988097
- Carnitine alkyl ester bromides as novel biosourced ionic liquids, cationic hydrotropes and surfactants.
- Häckl K1, Mühlbauer A2, Ontiveros JF2, Marinkovic S3, Estrine B3, Kunz W4, Nardello-Rataj V5.
- Journal of colloid and interface science.J Colloid Interface Sci.2018 Feb 1;511:165-173. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2017.09.096. Epub 2017 Sep 28.
- PMID 29017102
- Risk assessment to groundwater of pit latrine rural sanitation policy in developing country settings.
- Back JO1, Rivett MO2, Hinz LB3, Mackay N4, Wanangwa GJ5, Phiri OL5, Songola CE6, Thomas MAS7, Kumwenda S8, Nhlema M9, Miller AVM4, Kalin RM4.
- The Science of the total environment.Sci Total Environ.2018 Feb 1;613-614:592-610. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.09.071. Epub 2017 Sep 26.
- PMID 28926813
Japanese Journal
- Prevention of New Cork Spot-like Physiological Disorder in 'Kurenainoyume' Apples by Pre-harvest Fruit Bagging
- ESDの実際(50)大腸側方発育型腫瘍(LST)に対するESD
- CCN における確率的 Interest パケット集約手法の提案と評価 (インターネットアーキテクチャ)
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 117(239), 1-6, 2017-10-13
- NAID 40021373861
Related Links
- pit 【1他動】 ~に穴を作る、穴を掘る、穴を開ける、~をへこませる ~にあばた... - アルクがお届けする進化するオンライン英和・和英辞書データベース。一般的な単語や連語から、イディオム、専門用語、スラングまで幅広く収録。
- 東京・豊洲のライブエンタテインメント専用シアター「チームスマイル/豊洲PIT(ピット)」。ライブスケジュールや最新情報をお届けします。 ... 「平成28年熊本地震」によって被災された皆様方に、 心よりお見舞いを申し上げます。
- 『仙台 PIT』は、エンタテイメントを通して、「こころの復興」を目指す、チームスマイルの新たな活動拠点。主に社会貢献を目的としたコミュニティ・プログラムを行う市民参加型のシアターです。
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- 英
- nasal pit
- 同
- 原鼻孔、olfactory pit
[show details]
原鼻孔 : 6 件
鼻窩 : 約 399 件
原鼻孔 pit : 5 件
鼻窩 pit : 36 件
- 関
- pit、socket
- 英
- pit、socket、trough
- 関
- 壁孔、トラフ値、ソケット、ピット、トラフ
- 英
- pit、caveola、caveolae、lacunar、foveolar
- 関
- 陰窩、カベオラ、ラクナ
- 関
- bursa、bursae、cysterna、pit、sac
- 10の-12乗
- 関
- pico