- 関
- central fossa、fovea centralis、foveal
- set into opposition or rivalry; "let them match their best athletes against ours"; "pit a chess player against the Russian champion"; "He plays his two children off against each other" (同)oppose, match, play off
- a concavity in a surface (especially an anatomical depression) (同)fossa
- remove the pits from; "pit plums and cherries" (同)stone
- a trap in the form of a concealed hole (同)pitfall
- a surface excavation for extracting stone or slate; "a British term for `quarry is `stone pit" (同)quarry, stone pit
- (auto racing) an area at the side of a racetrack where the race cars are serviced and refueled
- (commodity exchange) the part of the floor of a commodity exchange where trading in a particular commodity is carried on
- an enclosure in which animals are made to fight
- a sizeable hole (usually in the ground); "they dug a pit to bury the body" (同)cavity
- in or near a center or constituting a center; the inner area; "a central position"
- a workplace that serves as a telecommunications facility where lines from telephones can be connected together to permit communication (同)telephone exchange, exchange
- the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle; approximately equal to 3.14159265358979323846...
- the 16th letter of the Greek alphabet
- (自然の,または掘った)『地面の穴』,『くぼみ』 / 《しばしば単数形で》《the pit》立て坑,採掘場 / 落とし穴 / 《単数形で》《the pit》《英》(劇場の)平土間(1階正面後部の安い料金の席全体を指す);平土間の観客;《米》(舞台手前の1段低くなった)オーケストラ席 / (身体や物の表面の自然にできた)くぼみ / 《しばしば複数形で》(傷・天然痘などでできた皮膚の)小さなくぼんだ跡,あばた / (動物を入れておく)囲い;闘鶏場(cockpit),闘犬場 / 《the ~》地獄(hell) / ピット / 自動車修理店などで,車体の下で作業するために床に設けたくぼみ / 《the pits》自動車レースで給油・タイヤ交換などの場所 / …‘に'点々と穴をあける;…‘を'あばたにする / (…と)…‘を'取り組ませる,対坑させる《+『名』+『against』+『名』》
- (サクランボ・モモなどの)核,種(stone) / 〈果物〉‘から'種を取り除く
- 『中心の』,中央の,中心からの / 『主要な』,中心的な(main) / (音声が)中舌音の / 電話交換局(《英》[telephone]exchange)
- 〈C〉パイ(ギリシア語アルファベットの第16字Π,π;英語のP,pに相当) / 〈U〉円周率(記号はπ)
- ごちゃまぜの活字 / ごちゃまぜ,混乱
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English Journal
- Seasonal variations in the sources of natural and anthropogenic lead deposited at the East Rongbuk Glacier in the high-altitude Himalayas.
- Burn-Nunes L1, Vallelonga P2, Lee K3, Hong S4, Burton G5, Hou S6, Moy A7, Edwards R5, Loss R5, Rosman K5.
- The Science of the total environment.Sci Total Environ.2014 Jul 15;487:407-19. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.03.120. Epub 2014 May 4.
- Lead (Pb) isotopic compositions and concentrations, and barium (Ba) and indium (In) concentrations have been analysed at sub-annual resolution in three sections from a <110 m ice core dated to the 18th and 20th centuries, as well as snow pit samples dated to 2004/2005, recovered from the East Ron
- PMID 24797737
- Cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating embryonic neurogenesis in the rodent olfactory epithelium.
- Kam JW1, Raja R1, Cloutier JF2.
- International journal of developmental neuroscience : the official journal of the International Society for Developmental Neuroscience.Int J Dev Neurosci.2014 Jul 5. pii: S0736-5748(14)00099-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ijdevneu.2014.06.017. [Epub ahead of print]
- Mechanisms that regulate cellular differentiation in developing embryos are maintained across multiple physiological systems, including the nervous system where neurons and glia are generated. The olfactory epithelium, which arises from the olfactory pit, is a stratified tissue in which the stepwise
- PMID 25003986
- Organotopic organization of the primary infrared sensitive nucleus (LTTD) in the western diamondback-rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox).
- Kohl T1, Bothe MS, Luksch H, Straka H, Westhoff G.
- The Journal of comparative neurology.J Comp Neurol.2014 Jul 3. doi: 10.1002/cne.23644. [Epub ahead of print]
- Pit vipers (Crotalinae) have a specific sensory system that detects infrared radiation with bilateral pit organs in the upper jaw. Each pit organ consists of a thin membrane, innervated by three trigeminal nerve branches that project to a specific nucleus in the dorsal hindbrain. The known topograph
- PMID 24989331
Japanese Journal
- Characterization of halotolerant and oligotrophic bacterial communities in Asian desert dust (KOSA) bioaerosol accumulated in layers of snow on Mount Tateyama, Central Japan
- Maki Teruya,Aoki Kazuma,Kobayashi Fumihisa,Kakikawa Makiko,Tobo Yutaka,Matsuki Atsushi,Hasegawa Hiroshi,Iwasaka Yasunobu
- Aerobiologia 27(4), 277-290, 2011-12
- … After the stratigraphy of the snow layer formed on the walls of a snow pit on Mt. Tateyama, samples were collected from 2 layers, which included KOSA particles and one which did not. …
- NAID 120002851397
- 吉田城址三の丸地区の土坑SK24から出土したウマの頭蓋骨とその祭祀的意義について
Related Links
- One of the men circled that central pit, came beside Rawson and helped him to his feet, steadying him as they crossed the room.
- Define central pit: a depression in the center of the macula retinae containing only cones and lacking blood vessels. Synonym : fovea centralis maculae luteae , central pit n.... central pit - definition of central pit by Medical ? ...
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- 関
- central fossa、central pit、fovea centralis
- 関
- central pit、fovea centralis、foveal
- 中心の、中心的な、中心性の、中枢的な、中枢性の、中枢の、中枢神経性の
- 関
- center、centrally、centrally acting、centre、centro、centrum、hub、medial、pivotal、pivotally
- 10の-12乗
- 関
- pico