- 関
- adjacent
- near or close to but not necessarily touching; "lands adjacent to the mountains"; "New York and adjacent cities"
- having a common boundary or edge; abutting; touching; "Rhode Island has two bordering states; Massachusetts and Conncecticut"; "the side of Germany conterminous with France"; "Utah and the contiguous state of Idaho"; "neighboring cities" (同)conterminous, contiguous, neighboring
- nearest in space or position; immediately adjoining without intervening space; "had adjacent rooms"; "in the next room"; "the person sitting next to me"; "our rooms were side by side" (同)next, side_by_side
- 《文》近接の,隣接している;(…に)すぐ近くの《+『to』+『名』》
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English Journal
- Variation in Progesterone Receptors and GnRH Expression in the Hypothalamus of the Pregnant South American Plains Vizcacha, Lagostomus maximus (Mammalia, Rodentia).
- Dorfman VB, Saucedo L, Di Giorgio NP, Inserra PI, Fraunhoffer N, Leopardo NP, Halperín J, Lux-Lantos V, Vitullo AD.AbstractIn mammals, elevated levels of progesterone (P4) throughout gestation maintain a negative feedback over the hypothalamic-hypophyseal-gonadal (H-H-G) axis avoiding pre-ovulatory follicular growth and preventing ovulation. Recent studies showed that in the South American plains vizcacha (Lagostomus maximus) folliculogenesis progresses to pre-ovulatory stages during gestation, and an ovulatory process seems to occur at mid-gestation. The aim of this work was to analyze hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and P4 receptors (PR) expression and luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion, and correlate these with the functional state of the ovary in non-ovulating and ovulating females, and gestating females with special emphasis in the supposedly ovulating females at mid-gestation. We investigated P4 and LH serum levels as well as the distribution, localization and expression of PR and GnRH in the hypothalamus of L. maximus at different time-points during gestation and in non-gestating, ovulating and non-ovulating, females. A significant increment in GnRH, P4 and LH was detected in mid-pregnant vizcachas with respect to early-pregnant and to ovulating females. PR was also significantly increased in mid-pregnant animals. PR was detected in neurons of the Preoptic and Hypothalamic areas. Co-existence of both PR and GnRH in neurons of medial preoptic area and supraoptic nucleus was detected. Mid-pregnant animals showed increased number of PR immunoreactive cells at median eminence, localized adjacently to GnRH immunoreactive fibers. High expression of hypothalamic GnRH and PR, despite an increased level of P4, was correlated with the presence of antral, pre-ovulatory follicles and luteinized unruptured follicles at mid-gestation that suggest a possible role of the H-H-G axis in the modulation of ovulation during gestation in L. maximus.
- Biology of reproduction.Biol Reprod.2013 Oct 2. [Epub ahead of print]
- In mammals, elevated levels of progesterone (P4) throughout gestation maintain a negative feedback over the hypothalamic-hypophyseal-gonadal (H-H-G) axis avoiding pre-ovulatory follicular growth and preventing ovulation. Recent studies showed that in the South American plains vizcacha (Lagostomus ma
- PMID 24089203
- A common pathway for O-linked protein-glycosylation and synthesis of capsule in Acinetobacter baumannii.
- Lees-Miller RG, Iwashkiw JA, Scott NE, Seper A, Vinogradov E, Schild S, Feldman MF.SourceAlberta Glycomics Centre, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, CW405 Biological Sciences Building, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T6G 2E9.
- Molecular microbiology.Mol Microbiol.2013 Sep;89(5):816-30. doi: 10.1111/mmi.12300. Epub 2013 Jul 12.
- Multi-drug resistant strains of Acinetobacter baumannii are increasingly being isolated in hospitals worldwide. Among the virulence factors identified in this bacterium there is a general O-glycosylation system that appears to be important for biofilm formation and virulence, and the capsular polysa
- PMID 23782391
- Redox imaging of human breast cancer core biopsies: a preliminary investigation.
- Xu HN, Tchou J, Li LZ.SourceMolecular Imaging Laboratory, Department of Radiology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA.
- Academic radiology.Acad Radiol.2013 Jun;20(6):764-8. doi: 10.1016/j.acra.2013.02.006.
- RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: The clinical gold standard for breast cancer diagnosis relies on invasive biopsies followed by tissue fixation for subsequent histopathological examination. This process renders the specimens to be much less suitable for biochemical or metabolic analysis. Our previous metab
- PMID 23664401
Japanese Journal
- 2分割したA3紙のスキャン画像からの画像復元技術の一検討
- 藤井 勇作,堀田 悦伸
- 情報処理学会研究報告. CVIM, [コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア] 2012-CVIM-184(10), 1-7, 2012-11-26
- 自動紙送り機能付きドキュメントスキャナの普及とともに,ペーパーレス社会が浸透しつつある.紙文書を電子化すると,保管スペース削減や,テキスト検索など多くの利点が生まれる.ところが,普及している A4 用小型スキャナでは, A3 サイズの原稿を簡単に電子化できず,不便を強いられる.そこで,複数枚の A3 原稿を手早く簡単に A4 用スキャナで電子化する新しいスキャン方式を提案する.提案方式では A3 …
- NAID 110009487446
- 2分割したA3紙のスキャン画像からの画像復元技術の一検討
- 藤井 勇作,堀田 悦伸
- 情報処理学会研究報告. グラフィクスとCAD研究会報告 2012-CG-149(10), 1-7, 2012-11-26
- 自動紙送り機能付きドキュメントスキャナの普及とともに,ペーパーレス社会が浸透しつつある.紙文書を電子化すると,保管スペース削減や,テキスト検索など多くの利点が生まれる.ところが,普及している A4 用小型スキャナでは, A3 サイズの原稿を簡単に電子化できず,不便を強いられる.そこで,複数枚の A3 原稿を手早く簡単に A4 用スキャナで電子化する新しいスキャン方式を提案する.提案方式では A3 …
- NAID 110009487426
- 中西 崇弥,伊藤 大輔,上田 哲史,川上 博,井村 順一,合原 一幸
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. NLP, 非線形問題 111(339), 19-24, 2011-12-08
- 馬蹄形写像を利用したカオス内部に内在する不安定周期解の新たな検索手法を提案する.ダフィング方程式から,馬蹄形写像が観測できる時,サドル点付近には無限に不安定周期解が存在する.馬蹄形写像に埋め込まれた不安定周期解の検索を行った後,そのデータを用いてカオス制御を行う.
- NAID 110009466587
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- adjacent、adjacently
- 関
- 近接、近く、隣接、隣接性
- 関
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