- much greater than the normal; "abnormal profits"; "abnormal ambition"
- not normal; not typical or usual or regular or conforming to a norm; "abnormal powers of concentration"; "abnormal amounts of rain"; "abnormal circumstances"; "an abnormal interest in food" (同)unnatural
- departing from the normal in e.g. intelligence and development; "they were heartbroken when they learned their child was abnormal"; "an abnormal personality"
- the act of tolerating something
- the power or capacity of an organism to tolerate unfavorable environmental conditions
- willingness to recognize and respect the beliefs or practices of others
- a monosaccharide sugar that has several forms; an important source of physiological energy
- 『異常な』,普通でない,規準をはずれた
- (自分と異なる他人の意見・行動などを許す)寛大,寛容・我慢(がまん),忍耐力 / (薬品・毒物などに対する)耐性,抗毒性 / 公差,許容誤差
- ブドウ糖
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English Journal
- Reduced beta-cell reserve and pancreatic volume in survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia treated with bone marrow transplantation and total body irradiation.
- Wei C1, Thyagiarajan M, Hunt L, Cox R, Bradley K, Elson R, Hamilton-Shield J, Stevens M, Crowne E.
- Clinical endocrinology.Clin Endocrinol (Oxf).2015 Jan;82(1):59-67. doi: 10.1111/cen.12575. Epub 2014 Sep 1.
- BACKGROUND: Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and diabetes mellitus (DM) occur more frequently after bone marrow transplantation and total body irradiation (BMT/TBI), but the mechanism is unclear. This study investigates insulin sensitivity, β-cell reserve and pancreatic volume in adult survivors of
- PMID 25132503
- Glycaemic regulation and insulin secretion are abnormal in cystic fibrosis pigs despite sparing of islet cell mass.
- Uc A1, Olivier AK2, Griffin MA1, Meyerholz DK2, Yao J1, Abu-El-Haija M3, Buchanan KM1, Vanegas Calderón OG1, Abu-El-Haija M4, Pezzulo AA5, Reznikov LR5, Hoegger MJ5, Rector MV5, Ostedgaard LS5, Taft PJ5, Gansemer ND5, Ludwig PS5, Hornick EE5, Stoltz DA5, Ode KL1, Welsh MJ, Engelhardt JF6, Norris AW.
- Clinical science (London, England : 1979).Clin Sci (Lond).2015 Jan;128(2):131-42. doi: 10.1042/CS20140059.
- Diabetes is a common and significant co-morbidity in cystic fibrosis (CF). The pathogenesis of cystic fibrosis related diabetes (CFRD) is incompletely understood. Because exocrine pancreatic disease is similar between humans and pigs with CF, the CF pig model has the potential to contribute signific
- PMID 25142104
- Sustained prognostic implications of newly detected glucose abnormalities in patients with acute myocardial infarction: Long-term follow-up of the Glucose Tolerance in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction cohort.
- Ritsinger V1, Tanoglidi E2, Malmberg K3, Näsman P4, Rydén L3, Tenerz A2, Norhammar A3.
- Diabetes & vascular disease research : official journal of the International Society of Diabetes and Vascular Disease.Diab Vasc Dis Res.2015 Jan;12(1):23-32. doi: 10.1177/1479164114551746. Epub 2014 Oct 13.
- OBJECTIVE: To investigate long-term prognostic importance of newly discovered glucose disturbances in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI).METHODS: During 1998-2001, consecutive patients with AMI (n = 167) and healthy controls (n = 184) with no previously known diabetes were inves
- PMID 25311248
Japanese Journal
- 人間ドックにおける緑内障疑い例と循環障害因子との関連
- 妊娠中のアディポサイトカインとインスリン抵抗性 : 耐糖能異常,妊娠高血圧症候群の病態への関与と新たな治療標的の検討(シンポジウム2:周産期「妊娠とインスリン抵抗性」,第64回日本産科婦人科学会・学術講演会)
- 増山 寿
- 日本産科婦人科學會雜誌 64(11), 2279-2289, 2012-11-01
- … Abnormal vascular growth and impaired endothelial function in the placenta are associated with abnormal pregnancy conditions such as PE, resulting from inadequate trophoblast invasion of maternal spiral arteries during early gestation. … We applied glucose and insulin tolerance tests and measured the expressions of gluconeogenic and lipogenic genes in the livers of oophorectomized mice treated with E2 and P with or without CAR ligands. …
- NAID 110009554124
Related Links
- Abstract OBJECTIVE—To study the prevalence of and risk factors for abnormal glucose tolerance in transfusion-dependent β-thalassemic patients. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS—A total of 89 transfusion ...
- What most visitors search for before coming to this page What is AGT? One of the definitions of AGT is "abnormal glucose tolerance". How to abbreviate abnormal glucose tolerance? What is the abbreviation for abnormal glucose ...
- 英
- abnormal glucose tolerance
- 関
- aberrant、aberrantly、aberration、abnormality、abnormally、anomalous、anomalously、anomaly、defect、deviant、deviation、extraordinarily、extraordinary、unusual、unusually
- 関
- self-tolerance