トランスフェリン受容体、トランスフェリンレセプター、transferrin receptor
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English Journal
- Distinct effects of Disabled-2 on transferrin uptake in different cell types and culture conditions.
- Chu HC1, Tseng WL, Lee HY, Cheng JC, Chang SS, Yung BY, Tseng CP.
- Cell biology international.Cell Biol Int.2014 Nov;38(11):1252-9. doi: 10.1002/cbin.10316. Epub 2014 Jun 6.
- Iron uptake by the transferrin (Tf)-transferrin receptor (TfR) complex is critical for erythroid differentiation. The mechanisms of TfR trafficking have been examined, but the adaptor proteins involved in this process are not fully elucidated. We have investigated the role of the adaptor protein, Di
- PMID 24889971
- Fertility transition and adverse child sex ratio in districts of India.
- Mohanty SK, Rajbhar M.
- Journal of biosocial science.J Biosoc Sci.2014 Nov;46(6):753-71. doi: 10.1017/S0021932013000588. Epub 2013 Oct 22.
- Summary Demographic research in India over the last two decades has focused extensively on fertility change and gender bias at the micro-level, and less has been done at the district level. Using data from the Census of India 1991-2011 and other sources, this paper shows the broad pattern of fertili
- PMID 24148917
- Structural differences of prebiotic oligosaccharides influence their capability to enhance iron absorption in deficient rats.
- Laparra JM1, Díez-Municio M, Herrero M, Moreno FJ.
- Food & function.Food Funct.2014 Oct 24;5(10):2430-7. doi: 10.1039/c4fo00504j. Epub 2014 Aug 11.
- This study evaluates the influence of novel galacto-oligosaccharides derived from lactulose (GOS-Lu), kojibiose or 4'-galactosyl-kojibiose in hematological parameters of Fe homeostasis using Fe-deficient animals. Liver TfR-2, IL-6, NFκB and PPAR-γ expression (mRNA) were also determined by RT-qPCR
- PMID 25109275
Japanese Journal
- Gender differences of suicide in Japan, 1947-2010
- Liu Y.,Zhang Y.,Cho Y. T.,Obayashi Y.,Arai A.,Tamashiro H.
- Journal of affective disorders 151(1), 325-330, 2013-10
- … 0.01), while the total fertility rate (TFR) (p < …
- NAID 120005343767
- 19年の経過で繰り返し肝生検を行ったTFR2ヘモクロマトーシスの1例
- 川中 美和,中村 純,岡 好仁 [他],中村 智成,後藤 大輔,大和 隆明,西野 謙,末廣 満彦,河本 博文,山田 剛太郎,服部 亜衣,林 久男
- 肝臓 52(11), 745-752, 2011-11-25
- … 症例は68歳男性.病歴,血液検査,画像検査,肝組織像,遺伝子解析などから,TFR2ヘモクロマトーシス(1861_1872del 12)と診断した.診断時,すでに肝硬変であったが,瀉血による治療を継続し,診断後20年経過しているが,糖尿病や心不全の発症なく,良好な経過をえている.19年目に施行した肝生検でも,初回肝生検に比べ,肝内の鉄沈着は消失し,明らかに線維は細くなり,膠原線維のみならず,弾力線維,好銀線 …
- NAID 10030240598
Related Links
- デジタル大辞泉 TFRの用語解説 - 《 total fertility rate 》⇒合計特殊出生率 ... (C) Sanseido Co.,Ltd. 編者:松村明 編 発行者:株式会社 三省堂 ※ 書籍版『大辞林第三版』の図表・付録は収録させておりません。
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- 英
- transferrin receptor, TfR
- 同
- トランスフェリンレセプター
- 関
- トランスフェリン、鉄
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合計特殊出生率、total fertility rate
トランスフェリン transferrin