高血糖高浸透圧昏睡, hyperglycemic hyperosmolar non-ketotic coma
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English Journal
- [In-hospital cardiac arrest due to unobserved steroid-induced hyperglycaemic hyperosmolar syndrome].
- Jensen K, Steinthorsdottir KJ, Brandt B.SourceThoraxkirurgisk Afdeling RT 2152, Rigshospitalet, Blegdamsvej 9, 2100 København Ø, Denmark. katrine.jensen@rh.regionh.dk
- Ugeskrift for laeger.Ugeskr Laeger.2013 Apr 8;175(15):1044-5.
- The merging of hospital wards into highly specialized units facilitates targeted diagnostics and treatment. Often the result is favourable for the patient, but in some cases the basic conditions are overlooked. We describe a patient with inoperable oesophageal cancer who had unexplained mental confu
- PMID 23582128
- Managing hyperglycaemic emergencies: an illustrative case and review of recent British guidelines.
- Gouveia CF, Chowdhury TA.SourceDepartment of Diabetes and Metabolism, The Royal London Hospital, London, UK.
- Clinical medicine (London, England).Clin Med.2013 Apr;13(2):160-2. doi: 10.7861/clinmedicine.13-2-160.
- Diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic syndrome are important hyperglycaemic emergencies seen in patients with diabetes. Occasionally, differentiation between the two conditions can be difficult. We present the case of a patient whose hyperglycaemic emergency was managed in a way that
- PMID 23681864
- Etiological profile of epilepsia partialis continua among adults in a tertiary care hospital.
- Shrivastava V, Burji NP, Basumatary LJ, Das M, Goswami M, Kayal AK.SourceDepartment of Neurology, GMCH, Guwahati, Assam, India.
- Neurology India.Neurol India.2013 Mar-Apr;61(2):156-60. doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.111122.
- BACKGROUND: Epilepsia partialis continua (EPC), is a subtype of status epilepticus, have a varied spectrum of etiology and the out-come depends on the etiology.AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The present study is aimed to analyze the clinical characteristics and outcome.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a prospec
- PMID 23644315
Japanese Journal
- インスリン導入が遅れ高血糖高浸透圧昏睡を来たした高齢者糖尿病の1例
- インスリン導入が遅れ高血糖高浸透圧昏睡を来たした高齢者糖尿病の1例
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- 英
- nonketotic hyperosmolar coma (HIM) non-ketotic hyperosmolar coma, hyperosmolar non-ketotic coma(DMR) HONK hyperosmolar nonketotic coma
- 同
- 高血糖高浸透圧昏睡、糖尿病性高血糖性高浸透圧性昏睡 hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic coma hyperglycemic hyperosmolar non-ketotic coma(DMR) HHNC、高浸透圧性非ケトン性糖尿病昏睡 hyperosmolar non-ketotic diabetic coma hyperosmolar nonketotic diabetic coma HONK、非ケトン性高血糖性昏睡 nonketotic hyperglycemic coma、非ケトン性高浸透圧性昏睡
- hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state? HHS? (HIM)
- 関
- 糖尿病
[show details]
- 2型糖尿病が基礎にある。
- 50歳以上に好発し、インスリン非依存性糖尿病患者が腎不全や中枢神経障害、悪性腫瘍、消化器疾患、呼吸器感染などを合併するときに多くみられ、ステロイドや利尿薬の投与、輸液や高カロリー補給、人工透析などの際に医原性に起きやすい。
- 呼吸(Kussmaul呼吸があるわけではない。代謝性アシドーシスの呼吸性代償が必要ないことが多い?)
- 尿中ケトン体、動脈血HCO3-
糖尿病性高血糖性高浸透圧性昏睡, HHNC