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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2019/06/17 12:37:00」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 巣状糸球体硬化症(Focal glomerulosclerosis)
- 上智大学総合グローバル学部の略称
- 全ゲノム配列(Full-Genome Sequencing)
- ファイバーガストロスコープ(Fiber Gastro-scope) - 胃の観察を行うために使われる医療用ファイバースコープ内視鏡
- FGS - ドイツ及び旧西ドイツの海軍の艦艇に用いられるNATO指定の艦船接頭辞(Federal German Ship)
- フラップガールズスクール(FLAP GIRLS' SCHOOL) - 日本の女性アイドルグループ
- 台湾最大の宗教組織で大乗仏教系の佛光山(中国語)がロゴなどに用いる英文略称(Fo Guang Shan)
- 総合グローバル学部(Faculty of Global Studies) - 上智大学が設置している学部の一つ。
- 公益財団法人成長科学協会(Foundation for Growth Science) - 成長科学振興事業、成長ホルモン剤適正使用指導事業およびヨード欠乏症対策事業を柱とした事業を行う。
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[Wiki en表示]
FGS may refer to:
- Faculty of Graduate Studies
- Faisalabad Grammar School, in Pakistan
- Falconhouse Grammar School, in Pakistan
- Federal German Ship, NATO designation for German Navy ships
- Federal Government of Somalia
- Federation of Genealogical Societies
- Fellow of the Geological Society (F.G.S.)
- FG syndrome
- Fine guidance sensor
- Fine Guidance Sensor (HST), FGS for the Hubble Space Telescope
- Fluorescence guided surgery
- Fo Guang Shan, a Buddhist monastic order
- Full genome sequencing
- Geranylfarnesyl diphosphate synthase
See also
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- 1. 巣状分節性糸球体硬化症:遺伝要因focal segmental glomerulosclerosis genetic causes [show details]
… Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is a histologic lesion, rather than a specific disease entity, that is commonly found to underlie the nephrotic syndrome in adults and children . FSGS is characterized …
- 2. 巣状分節性糸球体硬化症:疫学、分類、臨床的特徴、診断focal segmental glomerulosclerosis epidemiology classification clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
… Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is a histologic lesion, rather than a specific disease entity, that is commonly found to underlie the nephrotic syndrome in adults and children . FSGS is characterized …
- 3. 巣状分節性糸球体硬化症:原発性巣状分節性糸球体硬化症の治療focal segmental glomerulosclerosis treatment of primary focal segmental glomerulosclerosis [show details]
… Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS; often incorrectly abbreviated as focal sclerosis) is a morphologic pattern of glomerular injury primarily directed at the glomerular visceral epithelial cell …
- 4. 巣状分節性糸球体硬化症:発症機序focal segmental glomerulosclerosis pathogenesis [show details]
… Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is a histologic lesion, rather than a specific disease entity, that is commonly found to underlie the nephrotic syndrome in adults and children . FSGS is characterized …
- 5. 移植腎における巣状分節性糸球体硬化症focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in the transplanted kidney [show details]
… allograft. An overview of FSGS in the renal allograft is presented in this topic review. The pathogenesis and treatment of FSGS in the native kidney are discussed elsewhere. FSGS in the allograft may be …
English Journal
- A Facile Synthesis of Alkaline Electrolyte Based Graphene Sheets, Their Functionalization and Attachment of Some Drugs.
- Tripathi P, Talat M, Vishwakarma AK, Shaz MA, Kumar P, Gupta BK, Srivastava ON.
- Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology. 2019 Sep;19(9)5633-5643.
- High-quality graphene is highly enviable material due to its seminal role amongst several areas in modern technology including its role as nanocarrier for site selective drug grafting and delivery applications. Here, we report a facile, cost-effective and single-step method to produce high-quality g
- PMID 30961718
- Panitumumab-IRDye800CW for Fluorescence-Guided Surgical Resection of Colorectal Cancer.
- Marston JC, Kennedy GD, Lapi SE, Hartman YE, Richardson MT, Modi HM, Warram JM.
- The Journal of surgical research. 2019 Jul;239()44-51.
- Fluorescence-guided surgery (FGS) is a rapidly advancing field that may improve outcomes in several cancer types. Although screening has decreased colorectal cancer (CRC) mortality, it remains a common and often fatal malignancy. In this study, we sought to identify an optical imaging agent for the
- PMID 30798171
- Ugandan cattle farmers' perceived needs of disease prevention and strategies to improve biosecurity.
- Wolff C, Abigaba S, Sternberg Lewerin S.
- BMC veterinary research. 2019 Jun;15(1)208.
- Infectious diseases are an important role obstacle to high productivity in Ugandan cattle production. General disease prevention is particularly important in low-income countries, where veterinary services and adequate treatment regimens for many infectious diseases are insufficient. Improved biosec
- PMID 31226988
Japanese Journal
- Quantum Annealing Machines Based on Semiconductor Nanostructures
- Tanamoto Tetsufumi,Nishi Yoshifumi,Deguchi Jun
- Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 88(6), 2019-03-01
- NAID 160000039242
- 裁判員裁判を想定したフォーカスグループの効果の検証
- 荒川 歩,菅原 郁夫
- 社会心理学研究, 133-141, 2019
- … <p>Focus groups (FGs) led by trial consultants are popular in the USA but not in Japan. … This study examined the effect of FGs on the <i>Saiban-in</i> … First, eleven undergraduates participated in FGs, discussing the perception of certain words (<i>e.g.</i>, self-defense) and a theme (<i>e.g.</i>, how to evaluate a wrongful act when losing self-control because of fear) that were points of dispute in a simulated case. …
- NAID 130007628899
- Exact Learning of Primitive Formal Systems Defining Labeled Ordered Tree Languages via Queries
- UCHIDA Tomoyuki,MATSUMOTO Satoshi,SHOUDAI Takayoshi,SUZUKI Yusuke,MIYAHARA Tetsuhiro
- IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems E102.D(3), 470-482, 2019
- … <p>A formal graph system (FGS) is a logic programming system that directly manipulates graphs by dealing with graph patterns instead of terms of first-order predicate logic. … In this paper, based on an FGS, we introduce a primitive formal ordered tree system (pFOTS) as a formal system defining labeled ordered tree languages. …
- NAID 130007606539
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Related Pictures

- 英
- focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, FSGS, focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis
- 同
- 巣状硬化性糸球体腎炎 focal sclerosing glomerulonephritis
- 関
- 巣状糸球体硬化症 focal glomerulosclerosis, FGS
- 本症は糸球体が巣状かつ分節状に硬化した疾患。
- ネフローゼの20-30%を占める
- 1. HIV感染、ヘロイン
- 2. 他の糸球体腎炎に続発
- 3. ネフロン喪失に続発するmaladaptation
- 4. 足細胞に発現する細胞骨格に関連する蛋白質(ネフリン)
- メサンギウム基質、毛細管腔の閉塞、ヒアリン・脂質滴の沈着
- 蛍光抗体法…IgMと補体成分(特にC3)の沈着が認められる
- 電子顕微鏡…上皮細胞に足突起の融合が見られ、ところどころで上皮細胞そのものが脱落し、基底膜が丸出しになっている所見も認められる
- 予後不良
- ステロイドが効かない
- 腎移植後の再発が多い
- 英
- glomerular selectivity index
- 同
- 選択指数 selectivity index
- 関
- 蛋白尿
- 尿蛋白質選択性 selectivity of urine protein
- 非選択性蛋白尿 nonselective proteinuria
- 選択指数(S.I.) = CIgG()/Ctransferrin
- SI(selectivity index)=(尿中IgG/血清IgG)/(尿中Tf/血清Tf)。
- M.W.: IgG=150kDa, トランスフェリン=80kDa
- Cはクリアランスで、大きいほどよく尿中から排泄されていることを示す。
- SI < 0.1 → 高選択性
- SI > 0.5 → 低選択性
- 血清中Ig濃度、血清中トランスフェリン濃度
- 尿中Ig濃度、尿中トランスフェリン濃度
- 英
- focal glomerulosclerosis, FGS
- 関
- 巣状分節性糸球体硬化症、巣状分節状糸球体硬化症
- 糸球体病変に対する病理診断名
- (1)IgM・C3が糸球体ループに沈着、(2)巣状、分節状の硬化性病変を形成。 → と言う意味で学術的には「巣状分節性糸球体硬化症」だが国試的には「巣状糸球体硬化症」・・・
- 治療に抵抗性のネフローゼ症候群を来す疾患。
- 何らかの液性因子により糸球体基底膜の透過性が増加することが原因
フェニルアラニン phenylalanine