ディジョージ症候群 DiGeorge syndrome
- the 4th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)d
- deuteriumの化学記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/11/26 09:08:31」(JST)
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- アニメ『キング・オブ・ザ・ヒル』に登場する架空の病気、Diminished Gluteal Syndrome.
- 預金保険 (Deposit-guarantee scheme)
- 神谷浩史・小野大輔のDearGirl〜Stories〜
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DGS may refer to:
- DiGeorge syndrome, a syndrome caused by the deletion of a small piece of chromosome 22
- D. G. S. Dhinakaran, Indian Christian evangelist
- German Sign Language (German: Deutsche Gebärdensprache)
- Diocesan Girls' School in Hong Kong
- Downers Grove South, a USA high school
- Dragon Go Server, an Internet Go server for correspondence Go
- Deutscher Gehörlosen-Sportverband, German Deaf Sports Association
- German Society for Sociology (German: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie)
- Dartford Grammar School, an English secondary school
- Department of General Services (disambiguation), various US local agencies
- Deposit-guarantee scheme, a scheme for deposit-insurance, see Deposit insurance
- Degree of General science
- Direcção Geral de Segurança, the pre-1974 Portuguese Secret Police, previously known as the PIDE (prior to 1969)
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English Journal
- Neil2-null Mice Accumulate Oxidized DNA Bases in the Transcriptionally Active Sequences of the Genome and are Susceptible to Innate Inflammation.
- Chakraborty A1, Wakamiya M1, Venkova-Canova T1, Pandita RK2, Aguilera-Aguirre L1, Sarker AH3, Singh DK2, Hosoki K1, Wood TG1, Sharma G1, Cardenas V1, Sarkar PS1, Sur S1, Pandita TK2, Boldogh I1, Hazra TK4.
- The Journal of biological chemistry.J Biol Chem.2015 Aug 5. pii: jbc.M115.658146. [Epub ahead of print]
- Why mammalian cells possess multiple DNA glycosylases (DGs) with overlapping substrate ranges for repairing oxidatively damaged bases via the base excision repair (BER) pathway is a long-standing question. To determine the biological role of these DGs, null animal models have been generated. Here we
- PMID 26245904
- Prevalence of recurrent pathogenic microdeletions and microduplications in over 9500 pregnancies.
- Grati FR1, Molina Gomes D2, Ferreira JC3, Dupont C4, Alesi V5, Gouas L6, Horelli-Kuitunen N7, Choy KW8, García-Herrero S9, de la Vega AG10, Piotrowski K11, Genesio R12, Queipo G13, Malvestiti B1, Hervé B2,14, Benzacken B4, Novelli A5, Vago P6, Piippo K7, Leung TY8, Maggi F1, Quibel T2, Tabet AC4, Simoni G1, Vialard F2,14.
- Prenatal diagnosis.Prenat Diagn.2015 Aug;35(8):801-9. doi: 10.1002/pd.4613. Epub 2015 Jun 24.
- OBJECTIVES: The implementation of chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) in prenatal testing for all patients has not achieved a consensus. Technical alternatives such as Prenatal BACs-on-Beads(TM) (PNBoBs(TM) ) have thus been applied. The aim of this study was to provide the frequencies of the submi
- PMID 25962607
- Evaluation of Bone Marrow Infiltration in Non-Neuropathic Gaucher Disease Patients with Use of Whole-Body MRI - A Retrospective Data Analysis.
- Laudemann K1, Moos L1, Mengel KE2, Lollert A1, Reinke J2, Brixius-Huth M2, Wagner D1, Düber C3, Staatz G1.
- RoFo : Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen und der Nuklearmedizin.Rofo.2015 Jul 22. [Epub ahead of print]
- Purpose: To evaluate whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (WB-MRI) for the assessment of bone marrow infiltration in patients with confirmed Gaucher disease type 1 under long-term enzyme replacement therapy (ERT). Materials and Methods: This retrospective data analysis included 38 patients in two s
- PMID 26200566
Japanese Journal
- DgSトップインタビュー 多業種との連携による新たなリージョナルDgS目指す : "サツドラブランド"育成で新顧客開拓へ
- DGS ドラッグストア 23社中16社が増収増益も、マツモトキヨシHDとサンドラッグの上位2社は減収減益に (特集 上場小売業343社の最新データを一挙掲載! 決算2015ランキング) -- (業態別ランキング分析)
- 上場小売業全体動向2015 消費税増税後の消費マインドは緩やかに回復へ SM、CVS、DgSが増収増益 (特集 上場小売業343社の最新データを一挙掲載! 決算2015ランキング)
Related Links
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Related Pictures

![DGS響 [3757543] | 完全無料画像](https://1mg.info/0/g/u/0157.jpg)

- 英
- DiGeorge syndrome, DiGeorge's syndrome, DGS
- 同
- DiGeorge症候群、第三・四鰓嚢症候群 third and fourth-pouch/arch syndrome、第三・第四鰓弓症候群 third and fourth branchial arch syndrome、咽頭嚢症候群 pharyngeal pouch syndrome、副甲状腺胸腺無形成症 parathyroid-thymicaplasia
- 関
- 免疫不全症候群
- 先天性免疫不全症
- 胸腺無形成、副甲状腺機能低下による低カルシウム血症とテタニー、心臓奇形、顔貌異常(耳介低位、小額症)
- http://omim.org/entry/188400
- . [charged] DiGeorge syndrome: Pathogenesis, epidemiology, and clinical manifestations - uptodate [1]
ディジョージ症候群 DGS
- 関
- carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome
- 同
- carbohydrate-deficienct glycoprotein syndrome