- 同
- the 3rd letter of the Roman alphabet (同)c
- (music) the keynote of the scale of C major
- a general-purpose programing language closely associated with the UNIX operating system
- the 9th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)i
- carbonの化学記号
- 『私は』私が
- iodineの化学記号
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English Journal
- Metabolomic profile related to cardiovascular disease in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A pilot study.
- García-Fontana B1, Morales-Santana S2, Díaz Navarro C3, Rozas-Moreno P4, Genilloud O5, Vicente Pérez F6, Pérez Del Palacio J7, Muñoz-Torres M8.
- Talanta.Talanta.2016 Feb 1;148:135-43. doi: 10.1016/j.talanta.2015.10.070. Epub 2015 Oct 27.
- Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) that represents one of the main causes of mortality in this population. The knowledge of the underlie factors involved in the development of CVD and the discovery of new biomarkers of the disease could he
- PMID 26653434
- Impact of family history on relations between insulin resistance, LDL cholesterol and carotid IMT in healthy adults.
- Anderwald C, Stadler M, Golay A, Krebs M, Petrie J, Luger A; RISC Investigators.
- Heart (British Cardiac Society).Heart.2010 Aug;96(15):1191-200. doi: 10.1136/hrt.2009.177436.
- BACKGROUND: Insulin resistance (IR) is implicated as an independent risk factor for vascular disease. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of family history (FH) of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and/or cardiovascular disease (CVD) on the associations between IR, low-density-lipoprotein cholestero
- PMID 20639236
- Structural differences within the loop E motif imply alternative mechanisms of viroid processing.
- Owens RA1, Baumstark T.
- RNA (New York, N.Y.).RNA.2007 Jun;13(6):824-34. Epub 2007 Apr 16.
- Viroids replicate via a rolling circle mechanism, and cleavage/ligation requires extensive rearrangement of the highly base-paired native structure. For Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd), the switch from cleavage to ligation is driven by the change from a multibranched tetraloop structure to a loo
- PMID 17438124
Japanese Journal
- カンキツエクソコーティスウイロイド以外のウイロイドによるカンキツの樹勢低下とカラタチ台木の剥皮症状
- 村本 和之
- 山口県農業試験場研究報告 (52), 61-67, 2001-03
- … 1)試験場内及び現地圃場に栽植されている「不知火」で、ホップ倭化ウイロイド、カンキツウイロイド(CVd)-III、CVd-IV、CVd-I-LSS、CVd-OSの重複保毒が確認された。 …
- NAID 40005480138
- 30a-P7-6 金属製反応槽を用いたマイクロ波プラズマCVDによるリンドープダイヤモンド薄膜の作製III
- 寺地 徳之,小泉 聡,三田 清二,澤辺 厚仁,神田 久生
- 応用物理学関係連合講演会講演予稿集 46(2), 622, 1999-03-28
- NAID 20001457853
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- stunting-associated RNA with the Citrus viroid III (CVd-III) group, but its nucleotide sequence was never determined. ... cloning experiments with two sets of primers designed in different regions of CVd-III, were car- ried out. The viroid source ...
- expression cassette that releases a precisely full length, potentially infectious CVd-III RNA of known sequence from an ... tive “pathogenicity domain” of CVd-III were associated with a marked reduction in symptom expression in Etrog citron.
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