出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/01/23 12:06:06」(JST)
Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) is a disease of the eye where the flow of blood through the central retinal artery is blocked (occluded). There are several different causes of this occlusion, the most common is carotid artery atherosclerosis.
Central retinal artery occlusions cause sudden, acute, and painless loss of vision in one eye. Fundoscopic exam will show a red lesion, called a "cherry red spot," with surrounding pale retina (the pale color is caused by ischemia of the retina).[1][2]
The ophthalmic artery branches off into the central retinal artery which travels with the optic nerve until it enters the eye. This central retinal artery provides nutrients to the retina of the eye, more specifically the inner retina and the surface of the optic nerve.[2]
Risk factors for CRAO include the following: being between 60 and 65 years of age, being over the age of 40, male gender, hypertension, caucasian, smoking and diabetes mellitus.[2] Additional risk factors include endocarditis, atrial myxoma, inflammatory diseases of the blood vessels, and predisposition to forming blood clots.[citation needed]
The most common cause for CRAO is carotid artery atherosclerosis. In patients of 70 years of age and older, giant cell arteritis is more likely to be the cause than in younger patients. Other causes can include dissecting aneurysms and arterial spasms.[2]
The Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society lists Central Retinal Artery Occlusion (CRAO) as an approved indication for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.[3] This a treatment for CRAO that is covered by medical insurance in North America. Other treatments include ocular massage, anterior chamber paracentesis, and inhalation therapy of a mixture of 5% carbon dioxide and 95% oxygen.[1]
The artery can re-canalize over time and the edema can clear. However, optic atrophy leads to permanent loss of vision. Irreversible damage to neural tissue occurs after only 90 minutes. Two thirds of patients experience 20/400 vision while only one in six will experience 20/40 vision or better.[1]
リンク元 | 「網膜静脈閉塞症」「網膜動脈閉塞症」「central retinal artery occlusion」 |
関連記事 | 「CR」 |
網膜静脈分枝閉塞症 | 網膜中心静脈閉塞症 | 網膜中心動脈閉塞症 | |
概念 | 網膜動静脈交差部で静脈が閉鎖 | 網膜中心静脈の閉塞 | 網膜中心動脈の閉塞 |
疫学 | CRVOより遙かに頻度が高い | 50歳以上の中高年で高血圧症のある人に好発 | (1)血栓塞栓子、(2)乳頭内での粥状硬化、あるいは動脈炎による血管攣縮による動脈の閉塞、(3)緑内障や外力による高眼圧 |
病型 | 静脈うっ滞網膜症 venous stasis retinopathy:静脈拡張、出血など静脈閉塞のみを主症状とする。 出血性網膜症 hemorrhagic retinopathy:高度の血管床閉塞など動脈の循環障害を併発 |
症状 | 黄斑部を支配する静脈が閉塞すれば視力低下を痔核。 | 無痛性の片眼性の急激な視力低下 | 無痛性の高度視力障害 |
眼底 | 閉塞した静脈域で静脈の拡張し、透過性亢進による出血、浮腫、綿花白斑を生じる。数ヶ月の経過で出血は吸収され、静脈は白線化し、硬性白斑が残る。 | 視神経乳頭から放射状の火炎状出血、(重症例)暗赤色の出血斑。乳頭の充血、浮腫、網膜静脈の拡張蛇行、綿花様白斑、黄斑浮腫から嚢胞様黄斑浮腫 | 網膜は混濁、白濁。cherry-red spot |
合併症 | 新生血管形成と硝子体出血。再発性硝子体出血と牽引性網膜剥離症(閉塞した静脈域の毛細血管の閉塞によりその領域周辺の網膜や視神経乳頭での血管新生をきたす)。 | 新生血管緑内障:予後不良。発症から3ヶ月が好発時期。前房隅角や虹彩に新生血管が生じ眼圧上昇をきたす。 | |
治療 | 光凝固術:黄斑浮腫、新生血管に対して。 硝子体手術:硝子体手術、牽引性網膜剥離 |
原疾患の治療 新生血管緑内障予防:汎光凝固術 |
眼球圧迫マッサージ 亜硝酸アミル (高眼圧の場合)前房穿刺 |
予後 | 1時間以内に血行が改善しないと網膜機能の回復は期待できない。 |