- the 2nd letter of the Roman alphabet (同)b
- the blood group whose red cells carry the B antigen (同)type_B, group B
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/09/05 10:05:15」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- サン・バルテルミー島のISO 3166-1国名コード
- 無整流子電動機 (brushless motor)
- ラウターブルンネン・ミューレン鉄道 (Bergbahn Lauterbrunnen–Mürren)
- ブルーム症候群 (Bloom syndrome)
- 土地管理局 (Bureau of Land Management)
- Monmouth Executive Airport のIATA空港コード
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[Wiki en表示]
BLM may stand for:
- BLM, Bureau of Land Management, United States
- Saint Barthélemy using ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code
- Bergbahn Lauterbrunnen-Mürren, a railway in Switzerland, part funicular, part adhesion
- Bilayer lipid membrane
- Bloom syndrome, or the Bloom syndrome gene
- Block Land Mods, a mod for the beta version of the game Blockland
- Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum, a history museum.
- Brushless Motor, a brushless DC or AC motor
- BLM, ball-limiting metallurgy in semiconductor packaging
- Monmouth Executive Airport, IATA code
- Black Mage, a job in Final Fantasy XI
- Bleed Like Me, 4th studio album by Garbage
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- The effect of octreotide, an analog of somatostatin, on bleomycin-induced interstitial pulmonary fibrosis in rats.
- Tug T, Kara H, Karaoglu A, Karatas F, Turgut NH, Ayan E, Boran C, Tug E.SourceDepartment of Chest Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, Abant Izzet Baysal University , Bolu , Turkey.
- Drug and chemical toxicology.Drug Chem Toxicol.2013 Apr;39(2):181-6. doi: 10.3109/01480545.2012.710618. Epub 2012 Sep 5.
- In this study, octreotide (OCT), a synthetic somatostatin analog, was tested for its beneficial effects in the prevention of interstitial pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) induced by bleomycin (BLM) in rats by histological examination and by evaluating tissue OH-proline levels. Thirty male Wistar rats were d
- PMID 22946449
- A general binomial regression model to estimate standardized risk differences from binary response data.
- Kovalchik SA, Varadhan R, Fetterman B, Poitras NE, Wacholder S, Katki HA.SourceDivision of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, Rockville, MD, U.S.A.
- Statistics in medicine.Stat Med.2013 Feb 28;32(5):808-21. doi: 10.1002/sim.5553. Epub 2012 Aug 2.
- Estimates of absolute risks and risk differences are necessary for evaluating the clinical and population impact of biomedical research findings. We have developed a linear-expit regression model (LEXPIT) to incorporate linear and nonlinear risk effects to estimate absolute risk from studies of a bi
- PMID 22865328
Japanese Journal
- O43-6 抗IL-6受容体抗体はブレオマイシン(BLM)誘導性強皮症モデルマウスの症状を改善する(O43 生物学的製剤,口演,第61回日本アレルギー学会秋季学術大会)
- 金属の生態毒性予測モデル--Biotic Ligand Modelの発展史と展望 (特集 重金属の生態影響に関して)
Related Links
- 家電&カメラ の優れたセレクションでオンラインショッピング。 ... 検索結果 129件中 1-24件 家電&カメラ: "blm" "blm" キャンセル ブランド ノンブランド (4) オリンパス (5)
- ... the BLM's recreation program offers something for everyone across more than 245 million acres of public land. View the video by clicking this link. State Offices Last updated: 06-05-2014 USA.GOV | No Fear Act | DOI ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- bleomycin, BLM
- ラ
- bleomycinum
- 化
- 塩酸ブレオマイシン bleomycin hydrochloride、硫酸ブレオマイシン bleomycin sulfate
- 商
- Blenoxane、ブレオ Bleo
- 関
- 抗腫瘍性抗生物質製剤
- first aid step1 2006 p.207,307,308,309
- induces formation of free radicals, which cause breaks in DNA strands
- Fe2+を結合し、O2に電子を与えてhydrogen radicalを作り、1本鎖DNA、2本鎖DNAを切断
- G2期特異的。細胞周期非特異的?
- 扁平上皮癌に強い作用
- ブレオマイシンはhydrolaseにより分解されるが、この酵素は皮膚と肺で少ない → 作用スペクトルや副作用に関係
- 骨髄抑制がほとんど無い!
- 肝、骨髄などで速やかに不活性化される → 造血器官、肝、腎障害:少 急性毒性:極低
- 関
- evidence-based laboratory medicine
- Mg2+存在下でC3, B, Dが反応してC3bBbとなり、これがC3転換酵素(C3bBb)あるいはC5転換酵素(C3bBb3b)を形成する。これらはP(properdin)と結合して活性化し、それぞれC3、C5を活性化する