- 関
- evidence-based laboratory medicine
English Journal
- ¹⁸F-FDG PET for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease dementia and other dementias in people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI).
- Smailagic N1, Vacante M, Hyde C, Martin S, Ukoumunne O, Sachpekidis C.
- The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.Cochrane Database Syst Rev.2015 Jan 28;1:CD010632. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD010632.pub2.
- BACKGROUND: ¹⁸F-FDFG uptake by brain tissue as measured by positron emission tomography (PET) is a well-established method for assessment of brain function in people with dementia. Certain findings on brain PET scans can potentially predict the decline of mild cognitive Impairment (MCI) to Alzhei
- PMID 25629415
- [Evaluation of the quality of clinical practice guidelines published in the Annales de biologie clinique with the help of the EFLM checklist].
- Wils J1, Fonfrède M2, Augereau C3, Watine J4.
- Annales de biologie clinique.Ann Biol Clin (Paris).2014 Jul-Aug;72(4):435-42. doi: 10.1684/abc.2014.0969.
- Several tools are available to help evaluate the quality of clinical practice guidelines (CPG). The AGREE instrument (Appraisal of guidelines for research & evaluation) is the most consensual tool but it has been designed to assess CPG methodology only. The European federation of laboratory medi
- PMID 25119801
- Ask the right question: a critical step for practicing evidence-based laboratory medicine.
- Price CP1, Christenson RH.
- Annals of clinical biochemistry.Ann Clin Biochem.2013 Jul;50(Pt 4):306-14. doi: 10.1177/0004563213476486. Epub 2013 Jun 13.
- The purpose of laboratory medicine is to facilitate better decision making in clinical practice and healthcare delivery. Decision making implies an unresolved issue, problem or unmet need. The most important criterion for any investigation to be of value in clinical practice is that it addresses an
- PMID 23766347
Japanese Journal
- EBLMシンポジウム 多施設間の検査データ活用における現状と今後の課題 (第60回学術集会)
- 診断検査に関する診療ガイドラインの作成 : GRADEシステムの活用 (今月の特集 実践EBLM : 検査値を活かす)
- 検査情報の効果的活用法の実際 (今月の特集 実践EBLM : 検査値を活かす)
Related Links
- EBLM委員会とは | EBLM研修会 | 共同研究のご紹介 | 委員名簿 | ご連絡先 EBLM研修会 (Last updated, 2011.08.26) EBLM委員会では、2011年11月20日(日)に岡山コンベンションセンターにおいて、実技を中心とした「臨床検査に必要 ...
- 渡邊本日は,「EBLMプロジェクト」について,河合忠国際臨床病理センター(ICPC:International Clinical Pathology Center)所長のお話を伺いたいと思います。 ご存知のように,最近,医学・医療界においてEBM(Evidence-Based Medicine)が注目されて ...
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