- 関
- acute B-cell leukemia、B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia、B-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia、Burkitt lymphoma、Burkitt tumor、Burkitt's leukemia、Burkitt's lymphoma、Burkitt's tumor
- quantifier; used with either mass or count nouns to indicate the whole number or amount of or every one of a class; "we sat up all night"; "ate all the food"; "all men are mortal"; "all parties are welcome"
- completely given to or absorbed by; "became all attention"
- the 2nd letter of the Roman alphabet (同)b
- the blood group whose red cells carry the B antigen (同)type_B, group B
- the 1st letter of the Roman alphabet (同)a
- the blood group whose red cells carry the A antigen (同)type_A, group A
- 《単数形,または数えられない名詞につけて》(ある一つのものについて,その)『全体の』,全…,…じゅう,…全体 / 《複数形につけて》(個々を一つにまとめて)『全部の』,すべての / 《複数形,または数えられない名詞につけて》(ある全体の中の)いずれの,およそどの,あらゆる / 《数えられない名詞につけて》できる限りの,最大の / 《単数扱い》(物事について)『全部』,全体,すべて / 《複数扱い》『全員』,みんな / いっさいの所有物,いっさいがっさい / 『すっかり』,『全く』,もっぱら / 《all the+比較級の形で》かえって,いっそう / どちらも,双方とも
- answer / ampere
- Alabama
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English Journal
- Nucleolar proteins with altered expression in leukemic cell lines.
- Teittinen KJ, Kärkkäinen P, Salonen J, Rönnholm G, Korkeamäki H, Vihinen M, Kalkkinen N, Lohi O.SourcePaediatric Research Centre, University of Tampere Medical School and Tampere University Hospital, Tampere, Finland.
- Leukemia research.Leuk Res.2012 Feb;36(2):232-6. Epub 2011 Jul 23.
- The function of the nucleolus is intimately connected to cell proliferation, division and growth. Many cancer cells have enlarged nucleoli, and several nucleolar proteins have been linked to tumorigenesis. In order to find proteins whose expression is altered in the nucleoli of leukemic cells, we ca
- PMID 21783252
- TFAP2E-DKK4 and Chemoresistance in Colorectal Cancer.
- Ebert MP, Tänzer M, Balluff B, Burgermeister E, Kretzschmar AK, Hughes DJ, Tetzner R, Lofton-Day C, Rosenberg R, Reinacher-Schick AC, Schulmann K, Tannapfel A, Hofheinz R, Röcken C, Keller G, Langer R, Specht K, Porschen R, Stöhlmacher-Williams J, Schuster T, Ströbel P, Schmid RM.SourceFrom the Department of Medicine II (M.P.A.E., E.B.), Department of Medicine III (R.H.), and Institute of Pathology (P.S.), Universitätsmedizin Mannheim, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Mannheim; the Department of Medicine II (M.T., B.B., A.K.K., R.M.S.), Chirurgische Klinik und Poliklinik (R.R.), Institute of Pathology (G.K., R.L., K. Specht), and Institute of Medical Statistics and Epidemiology (T.S.), Klinikum Rechts der Isar, Technische Universität; and the Institute of Pathology, Technische Universität München, and Institute of Pathology, Helmholtz Zentrum München, German Research Center for Environmental Health (B.B.) - all in Munich; the Department of Medicine, Knappschaftskrankenhaus (A.C.R.-S., K. Schulmann), and the Department of Pathology (A.T.), Ruhr Universität, Bochum; the Institute of Pathology, Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel (C.R.); the Department of Medicine, Bremen-Ost Hospital, Bremen (R.P.); and the Department of Medicine I, University Hospital, Technische Universität, Dresden (J.S.-W.) - all in Germany; the Department of Physiology and Medical Physics, Centre for Systems Medicine, Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland, Dublin (D.J.H.); and Epigenomics, Berlin (R.T.) and Seattle (C.L.-D.).
- The New England journal of medicine.N Engl J Med.2012 Jan 5;366(1):44-53.
- Background Chemotherapy for advanced colorectal cancer leads to improved survival; however, predictors of response to systemic treatment are not available. Genomic and epigenetic alterations of the gene encoding transcription factor AP-2 epsilon (TFAP2E) are common in human cancers. The gene encod
- PMID 22216841
Japanese Journal
- 玉井 勇人,猪口 孝一
- 臨床血液 56(3), 253-260, 2015
- … 急性リンパ性白血病(ALL)は成人がんも含め,過去30年間にもっとも予後が改善した悪性腫瘍のひとつである。 … ALLにおいてはこれまで形態学を中心とした病態解析の研究が進んできたが,近年のゲノム解析技術の進歩により,詳細な分子病態の解析や分類がなされるようになってきた。 …
- NAID 130005065343
- The Role of the Wnt Signaling Pathway in the Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Adipose-derived Stem Cells under Mechanical Stimulation
- Du Hong-ming,Wang Li-ya,Zheng Xiao-hui,Tang Wei,Liu Lei,Jing Wei,Lin Yun-feng,Tian Wei-dong,Long Jie
- Journal of Hard Tissue Biology 24(2), 169-180, 2015
- … Group B, Wnt5a RNAi-treated hASCs; … Five days after treatment, the genes associated with the Wnt/β-catenin and Wnt/Ca2+ pathways were analyzed in all groups by real-time RT-PCR; … the Wnt10b, Wnt5a, RUNX2 and SPP1 proteins were analyzed by western blot analysis. … Compared with the expression in Groups A and B, all the genes and proteins in Groups C and D had higher expression, except for Wnt5ain Group D. …
- NAID 130005065053
- Markedly improved outcomes and acceptable toxicity in adolescents and young adults with acute lymphoblastic leukemia following treatment with a pediatric protocol: a phase II study by the Japan Adult Leukemia Study Group
- Hayakawa Fumihiko,Sakura T,Yujiri Toshiaki,Kondo Eisei,Fujimaki K,Sasaki O,Miyatake Junichi,Handa Hiroshi,Ueda Yasunori,Aoyama Y,Takada Satoru,Tanaka Y,Usui N,Miyawaki S,Suenobu Soichi,Horibe Keizo,Kiyoi Hitoshi,Ohnishi Kazunori,Miyazaki Yasushi,Ohtake S,Kobayashi Yukio,Matsuo Keitaro,Naoe Tomoki
- Blood Cancer Journal 4(10), e252, 2014-10-17
- … The superiority of the pediatric protocol for adolescents with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) has already been demonstrated, however, its efficacy in young adults remains unclear. … The ALL202-U protocol was conducted to examine the efficacy and feasibility of a pediatric protocol in adolescents and young adults (AYAs) with BCR'ABL-negative ALL. … Patients aged 15'24 years (n = 139) were treated with the same protocol used for pediatric B-ALL. …
- NAID 120005606102
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- 関
- acute B-cell leukemia、B-ALL、B-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia、Burkitt lymphoma、Burkitt tumor、Burkitt's leukemia、Burkitt's lymphoma、Burkitt's tumor
- 英
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- 急性B細胞白血病、B細胞急性リンパ球性白血病、バーキットリンパ腫、バーキット腫瘍、バーキット白血病
- 関
- acute B-cell leukemia、B-ALL、B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia、B-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia、Burkitt lymphoma、Burkitt tumor、Burkitt's lymphoma、Burkitt's tumor
- 関
- acute B-cell leukemia、B-ALL、B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia、Burkitt lymphoma、Burkitt tumor、Burkitt's leukemia、Burkitt's lymphoma、Burkitt's tumor
- 関
- B-ALL、B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia、B-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia、Burkitt lymphoma、Burkitt tumor、Burkitt's leukemia、Burkitt's lymphoma、Burkitt's tumor
- Mg2+存在下でC3, B, Dが反応してC3bBbとなり、これがC3転換酵素(C3bBb)あるいはC5転換酵素(C3bBb3b)を形成する。これらはP(properdin)と結合して活性化し、それぞれC3、C5を活性化する