- the 1st letter of the Roman alphabet (同)a
- the blood group whose red cells carry the A antigen (同)type_A, group A
- アルコール中毒患者更生会
- (映画で)14歳以下の児童観賞禁止の表示 / 14歳以下観賞禁止の
- Automobile Association(英国の)自動車協会
- answer / ampere
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/12/26 23:25:40」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (原子吸光分析法) の略
- Anabolic Androgenic Steroid (蛋白同化ステロイド) の略
- アメリカ天文学会 (American Astronomical Society)
- アクリルニトリル・アクリルゴム・スチレン共重合樹脂
- Taylor 郡空港のIATA空港コード(アメリカ合衆国ケンタッキー州キャンベルスビル)
- 小惑星。No.3654のこと。
- Associate of Applied Science(サウスウェスタン・オレゴン・コミュニティ・カレッジが提供する学位)
- エース(単位) 単位のひとつ。1エースは0.05gに相当する
- 2-aminoadipate semialdehyde(2-アミノアジピン酸 6-セミアルデヒド)の略。
- Acta Apostolicae Sedis (使徒座公報) の略
- Association for Asian Studies (アジア研究協会 (アメリカ))の略
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up aas or AAS in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Aas or AAS may refer to:
- 1 Businesses
- 2 Organizations
- 3 In business
- 4 In education
- 5 In science, mathematics, and technology
- 6 Other uses
- Aas (surname)
- Aas, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, a village in France
- Ateliers Aéronautiques de Suresnes, a defunct French aircraft manufacturing company
- Alcatel Alenia Space, an aerospace company; now Thales Alenia Space
- Austrian Air Services, a defunct airline from Austria (ICAO designator)
- Air Ambulance Service, a UK charity
- American Antiquarian Society, an American society and national research library
- American Arachnological Society, a society of amateur and professional arachnologists
- American Astronautical Society, an independent scientific and technical group in the United States
- American Astronomical Society, a United States society of professional astronomers
- Arnold Air Society, a professional honorary service organization for Air Force officer candidates
- Australian Academy of Science, an independent, government-endorsed society with the aim of promoting science
- Australian Anthropological Society
- American Anti-Slavery Society
- All-America Selections, an organization that promotes development of new garden seed varieties
- Association for Academic Surgery
- Association for Asian Studies
- Assyrian Aid Society
- Assyrian Academic Society
- Jamaat Ansar al-Sunna, or Ansar al-Sunna, a militant group operating in Iraq
In business
- Audit and Assurance Standards issued by ICAI, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
In education
- Army Apprentices College, or Army Apprentices School
- Architectural Association School of Architecture, a school of architecture in the United Kingdom
- Asian American Studies, an academic discipline which studies the experience of people of Asian ancestry in America
- Associate in Applied Science(s), an academic degree
- Anglo-American School of Moscow
- Advanced Academic Strategies
In science, mathematics, and technology
- Asymptotically almost surely
- Angle-Angle-Side, see congruence (geometry)
- Atomic absorption spectroscopy, a methodology of analytical chemistry
- Advanced SubStation Alpha, a subtitle file format
- ASCII Adjust after Subtraction, an Intel 80x86 processor instruction; see Intel BCD opcode
In medicine
- Adult-onset Ankylosing Spondylitis, a form of disease occurring in older males
- Anabolic–androgenic steroid, or simply anabolic steroid
Other uses
- A.a.s (art group), a British-based art collective
- Abandon All Ships, a Canadian band
- Acta Apostolicae Sedis, the official commentary of the Holy See/Vatican City State
- All About Steve, a 2009 comedy film starring Sandra Bullock and Bradley Cooper
- Apalapsili Airport in Apalapsili, Indonesia (IATA airport code AAS)
- Armed Aerial Scout a U.S. Army replacement program for the OH-58 Kiowa
- Asa language, an extinct language of Tanzania
- Taylor County Airport (Kentucky) in Campbellsville, Kentucky, United States (IATA airport code AAS)
- Sony Auto-lock Accessory Shoe, a flash hotshoe based on the Minolta iISO shoe used by Sony between 2006 and 2012
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English Journal
- Low-cost field test kits for arsenic detection in water.
- Das J, Sarkar P, Panda J, Pal P.Sourcea Biosensor Laboratory, Department of Polymer Science and Technology , University of Calcutta , Kolkata , India.
- Journal of environmental science and health. Part A, Toxic/hazardous substances & environmental engineering.J Environ Sci Health A Tox Hazard Subst Environ Eng.2014;49(1):108-115.
- Arsenic, a common contaminant of groundwater, affects human health adversely. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the maximum recommended contamination level of arsenic in drinking water is 10 μg/L. The purpose of this research was to develop user-friendly kits for detection of arsen
- PMID 24117090
- Selected arsenic species: As(III), As(V) and dimethylarsenic acid (DMAA) in Xerocomus badius fruiting bodies.
- Niedzielski P, Mleczek M, Magdziak Z, Siwulski M, Kozak L.SourceAdam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Faculty of Chemistry, Poznań, Poland.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2013 Dec 15;141(4):3571-7. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.06.103. Epub 2013 Jul 2.
- The aim of the study was to determine the content of As(III), As(V) and DMAA (dimethylarsinic acid) in Xerocomus badius fruiting bodies collected from selected Polish forests from areas subjected to very low or high anthropopressure and some commercially available samples obtained from the Polish Sa
- PMID 23993523
- Effect of citric acid deamidation on in vitro digestibility and antioxidant properties of wheat gluten.
- Qiu C, Sun W, Cui C, Zhao M.SourceCollege of Light Industry and Food Sciences, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2013 Dec 1;141(3):2772-8. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.05.072. Epub 2013 May 24.
- The effects of citric acid deamidation on the physiochemical properties of wheat gluten were investigated. In vitro digestion was carried out to determine changes of molecular weight distribution, amino acids composition and antioxidant efficacy of wheat gluten hydrolysates. Results indicated that c
- PMID 23871023
Japanese Journal
- Preparation of LaB6 Powders via Calciothermic Reduction using Mechanochemistry and Acid Leaching
- Ağaoğulları Duygu,Balcı Özge,Öveçoğlu M. Lütfi,Duman İsmail
- KONA Powder and Particle Journal advpub(0), 2016
- … Characterization investigations were carried out by X-ray diffractometer (XRD), differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), particle size analyzer (PSA), stereomicroscope (SM), scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope/energy dispersive spectrometer (TEM/EDS) and atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS). …
- NAID 130005064513
- 清涼飲料水中の鉛,総ヒ素,カドミウムの一斉定量を目的としたICP-OES法,ICP-MS法,電気加熱式原子吸光法の開発
- 片岡 洋平,渡邉 敬浩,林 智子,手島 玲子,松田 りえ子
- 食品衛生学雑誌 56(3), 88-95, 2015
- … .ICP-OES,ICP-MS,電気加熱式の黒鉛炉を備えたフレームレス原子吸光光度計(GF-AAS)のいずれによっても測定可能な測定溶液調製のために共通する試料分解法を検討した.開発した分析法は,共通する試料分解法と各測定機器による測定との組合せとなる.ICP-OES法とICP-MS法では,分解溶液に内部標準を添加し測定した.GF-AAS法では,共通する分解溶液の追加精製を検討し,3金属を有機溶媒に抽出後, …
- NAID 130005087131
- ビスマス共沈分離–原子吸光光度法によるグルコン酸銅中の鉛の微量分析
- 伊藤 道男,石黒 聡,高橋 文人,野村 孝一,杉本 敏明,西村 勉
- 食品衛生学雑誌 56(3), 114-117, 2015
- … 料を灰化後,鉛をビスマスにより共沈分離し,原子吸光光度法(AAS)で分析する方法を開発した.試料2.0 gは乾式灰化後,硝酸(1→100)に溶解し,ビスマス75 μgを添加し,アンモニア水でpHを9.510.5に調整して鉛を共沈させた.沈殿は熟成のため15分間以上室温に放置し遠心分離し,アンモニア水(3→100)で洗浄した後,硝酸(1→100)に溶解してAASによる分析に供した.本法による定量下限は目標とした0.5 …
- NAID 130005087128
Related Links
- AASの中小企業診断士取得支援の専門機関。中小企業診断士試験に関する講座や合宿、セミナー、教材の通信販売など。スーパーフレームワークのAASは、正しい答えではなく「論理の妥当性」で勝負する!学習スタイルです。
- 株式会社エイエイエス(AAS)はソフトウェア開発、各種システムの構築・運用を行う会社です。当社は社会への貢献を通じて会社の発展を目指しています。 ... 全部門でISO取得維持 安全で高品質なシステムの開発 保守 運用を行う完全 ...
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- 英
- atlantoaxial subluxation AAS、atlanto-axial subluxation
- 関
- 関節リウマチ
- 英
- Aspergillus sinusitis
- 関
- allergic Aspergillus sinusitis AAS
- 英
- anabolic-androgenic steroids, AAS
- 関
- anabolic steroid use
- 英
- atlantoaxial subluxation AAS
- 関
- 環軸椎亜脱臼
- 英
- aortic arch syndrome, AAS
- 関
- Takayasu's arteritis
Observer's Assessment of Alertness/Sedative Scales
- 鎮静レベル sedation level の評価に用いる主観的な6段階(0-5)のスケール
- 麻酔の論文で使われる?
- OAAS score 5?awake and responds readily to name spoken in normal tone.
- OAAS score 4?lethargic responses to name in normal tone.
- OAAS score 3?responds only after name is called loudly and/or repeatedly.
- 名前を大声and/or繰り返して読んだ後でのみ応答がある。
- OAAS score 2?responds only after name called loudly and mild shaking.
- 名前を大声で呼んで体を揺り動かした場合のみ返答がある。
- OAAS score 1?does not respond when name is called loudly and mild shaking or prodding.
- 名前を大声で呼んで揺り動かしたり突っついても返答がない。
- OAAS score 0?does not respond to noxious stimulation.
- modified Observer Assessment of Alertness/Sedation Scales (OAAS) score, with 0: fully awake to 5: unconscious,
- 原著論文:Chernik DA, Gillings D, Laine H, et al. Validity and reliability of the observer's assessment of alertness/sedation scale: study with intravenous midazolam. J Clin Psychopharmacol 1994;10:244-51
- Suleyman Ganidagli, MD et al., The Effect of Music on Preoperative Sedation and the Bispectral Index, Anesthesia and analgesia 2005;101:103?6
- PMID 15976214
レニン-アンギオテンシン-アルドステロン系 renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system