レニン-アンギオテンシン-アルドステロン系 renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
- Regular Army正規軍
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/06/07 03:54:22」(JST)
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- レニン-アンジオテンシン-アルドステロン系 (renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system)
- 南アトランティコ自治地域 (Región Autónoma del Atlántico Sur)
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Raas may refer to:
- Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, a hormone system that helps regulate long-term blood pressure and blood volume in the body
- Runway Awareness and Advisory System, an airplane avionics system to improve flight crew situational awareness when operating at airports
- Dandiya Raas, a folk dance from the Indian state of Gujarat, often associated with Garba
- Rasa lila, a traditional Indian dance
- Región Autónoma del Atlántico Sur, a department in Nicaragua
- Raas (It. Rasa), a village in the municipality of Natz-Schabs (South Tyrol, Italy)
- Raas, a district of East Java
- Royal Alexandra and Albert School, a school in England
- Replication as a Service, enabling computer systems to replicate via a service provider
- Research as a Service, providing market or other research services as an automated platform service
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English Journal
- Characterization and source apportionment of ambient air particulate matter (PM(2.5)) in Karachi.
- Mansha M, Ghauri B, Rahman S, Amman A.AbstractConcentrations and source apportionment of PM(2.5) monitored at an urban residential site in Karachi Metropolitan, Pakistan have been reported in this paper. PM(2.5) aerosol samples were collected on alternative days (three times per week) for 24-hrs duration on Zefluor(TM) filter papers using Thermo-Electron Corporation Reference Ambient Air Sampler (RAAS). A total of 402 samples were collected from January 2006 to January 2008. According to results high PM(2.5) loads were observed in post monsoon months that is about 2 times than those observed in the summer and monsoon seasons in the yearlong measurements. The collected samples were analyzed using ICP-MS for trace metal concentration. Source apportionment was performed on PM samples using Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) model. The results derived from PMF model indicated five (05) major contributors to PM(2.5) in Karachi which were: soil/road dust, industrial emissions, vehicular emissions, sea salt originated from Arabian Sea and secondary aerosols.
- The Science of the total environment.Sci Total Environ.2012 May 15;425:176-83. Epub 2011 Dec 7.
- Concentrations and source apportionment of PM(2.5) monitored at an urban residential site in Karachi Metropolitan, Pakistan have been reported in this paper. PM(2.5) aerosol samples were collected on alternative days (three times per week) for 24-hrs duration on Zefluor(TM) filter papers using Therm
- PMID 22154210
- Effective blockade of RAAS by combination of aliskiren and olmesartan improves glucose homeostasis, glomerular filtration rate along with renal variables in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats.
- Gandhi S, Srinivasan BP, Akarte AS.SourceDelhi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Pushp Vihar, Sector-3, MB Road, New Delhi 110 017, India. Sonia.gandhi@rediffmail.com
- European journal of pharmaceutical sciences : official journal of the European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences.Eur J Pharm Sci.2012 May 12;46(1-2):32-42. Epub 2012 Feb 13.
- The present study aims to investigate the combined and individual treatment of aliskiren and olmesartan for 8 weeks in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats provide an effective blockade of RAAS by improving glucose homeostasis, glomerular filtration rate along with renal variables thereby delaying t
- PMID 22349361
Japanese Journal
- 心血管内分泌学 RAASの二重遮断はアウトカムに対しても二重の影響を及ぼす
- Lambers Heerspink Hiddo J.,de Zeeuw Dick
- Nature reviews. Endocrinology 6(2), 84-86, 2013-10
- NAID 40019845279
- 心不全治療におけるループ利尿薬の使い分け (特集 治療抵抗性心不全における体液コントロール)
- 安藤 友孝,廣谷 信一,辻野 健 [他]
- Fluid management renaissance 3(2), 130-136, 2013-04
- NAID 40019709652
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レニン-アンギオテンシン-アルドステロン系 RAAS