- 関
- atlanto-axial subluxation
- partial displacement of a joint or organ
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English Journal
- Evolution from microscopic transoral to endoscopic endonasal odontoidectomy.
- Ponce-Gómez JA1, Ortega-Porcayo LA, Soriano-Barón HE, Sotomayor-González A, Arriada-Mendicoa N, Gómez-Amador JL, Palma-Díaz M, Barges-Coll J.
- Neurosurgical focus.Neurosurg Focus.2014 Oct;37(4):E15. doi: 10.3171/2014.7.FOCUS14301.
- Object The goal of this study was to compare the indications, benefits, and complications between the endoscopic endonasal approach (EEA) and the microscopic transoral approach to perform an odontoidectomy. Transoral approaches have been standard for odontoidectomy procedures; however, the potential
- PMID 25270134
- Static and dynamic CT imaging of the cervical spine in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
- Söderman T1, Olerud C, Shalabi A, Alavi K, Sundin A.
- Skeletal radiology.Skeletal Radiol.2014 Sep 18. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVE: To compare CR with CT (static and dynamic) to evaluate upper spine instability and to determine if CT in flexion adds value compared to MR imaging in neutral position to assess compression of the subarachnoid space and of the spinal cord.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-one consecutive patie
- PMID 25227660
- A case with rheumatod arthritis and atraumatic odontoid fracture: disappearence of bonny landmarks.
- Findikoglu G1, Ardic F, Akkaya N, Sahin F, Sabir N, Cirak B.
- International journal of rheumatic diseases.Int J Rheum Dis.2014 Sep 8. doi: 10.1111/1756-185X.12455. [Epub ahead of print]
- We aim to draw attention to occult, atraumatic fractures of the odontoid process in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and to underline difficulties encountered during clinical and radiological diagnosis. A forty-seven years old man with RA for 4 years had occipital pain for 1 year without an
- PMID 25195628
Japanese Journal
- 経験 関節リウマチによる環軸椎亜脱臼に対するOlerud cervical systemを用いた環軸椎後方固定術の手術成績
- 経験と考察 歯突起骨折に伴う環椎後方脱臼の手術成績
Related Links
- - See: - C1 / C2 - AtlantoAxial Rotatory Subluxation in Down's Syndrome: - Atlantooccipital Disassociation: - Atlantoaxial Rotatory Fixation: - Atlantoaxial Subluxation in R.A.: - Cross Table Lateral: - Occipital-Atlanto-Axial Anomalies
- What Is Atlantoaxial Subluxation?. Atlantoaxial subluxation (or atlantoaxial instability) is a condition in which the vertebrae of the cervical spine are misaligned, usually as a result of trauma. The condition can range from fairly mild to ...
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- 英
- atlantoaxial subluxation
- 同
- 環軸亜脱臼
- 関
- 関節リウマチ、ダウン症。環軸椎不安定症、環軸椎脱臼
- 英
- atlantoaxial subluxation AAS、atlanto-axial subluxation
- 関
- 関節リウマチ
- 英
- atlantoaxial subluxation AAS
- 関
- 環軸椎亜脱臼
- 関
- atlantoaxial subluxation
- 関
- atlanto-axial