- 同
- AA, 大動脈弁閉鎖
- an abnormal condition in which a normal opening or tube in the body (as the urethra) is closed or absent
- アルコール中毒患者更生会
- (映画で)14歳以下の児童観賞禁止の表示 / 14歳以下観賞禁止の
- Automobile Association(英国の)自動車協会
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English Journal
- Localized micro- and nano-scale remodelling in the diabetic aorta.
- Akhtar R1, Cruickshank JK2, Zhao X3, Walton LA4, Gardiner NJ5, Barrett SD6, Graham HK7, Derby B3, Sherratt MJ7.
- Acta biomaterialia.Acta Biomater.2014 Nov;10(11):4843-51. doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2014.07.001. Epub 2014 Jul 9.
- Diabetes is strongly associated with cardiovascular disease, but the mechanisms, structural and biomechanical consequences of aberrant blood vessel remodelling remain poorly defined. Using an experimental (streptozotocin, STZ) rat model of diabetes, we hypothesized that diabetes enhances extracellul
- PMID 25014552
- Bicuspid aortic valve hemodynamics induces abnormal medial remodeling in the convexity of porcine ascending aortas.
- Atkins SK1, Cao K, Rajamannan NM, Sucosky P.
- Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology.Biomech Model Mechanobiol.2014 Nov;13(6):1209-25. doi: 10.1007/s10237-014-0567-7. Epub 2014 Mar 6.
- The type-I bicuspid aortic valve (BAV), which differs from the normal tricuspid aortic valve (TAV) most commonly by left-right coronary cusp fusion, is frequently associated with secondary aortopathies. While BAV aortic dilation has been linked to a genetic predisposition, hemodynamics has emerged a
- PMID 24599392
- 3D morphometric analysis of the arterial switch operation using in vivo MRI data.
- Ntsinjana HN1, Capelli C, Biglino G, Cook AC, Tann O, Derrick G, Taylor AM, Schievano S.
- Clinical anatomy (New York, N.Y.).Clin Anat.2014 Nov;27(8):1212-22. doi: 10.1002/ca.22458. Epub 2014 Aug 26.
- The arterial switch operation (ASO) is widely used nowadays as the surgical strategy of choice to repair transposition of the great arteries (TGA). Residual morphological and geometrical abnormalities of the aorta, pulmonary arteries and coronary arteries, however, have not been fully studied in a t
- PMID 25156444
Japanese Journal
- 乳児期早期より心筋虚血症状をきたした右室依存性冠循環を伴う純型肺動脈閉鎖の2例
- 山内 早苗,川田 博昭,盤井 成光,荒木 幹太,小森 元貴,岸本 英文
- 日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌 43(6), 326-330, 2014
- 乳児期早期より心筋虚血症状をきたした右室依存性冠循環を伴う純型肺動脈閉鎖(PA/IVS)の2例の外科的治療を検討した.症例1は胎児期にPA/IVSと診断され,在胎40週,3,078 gで出生,右冠動脈(RCA)は#1で途絶し末梢は右室から灌流されていた.左冠動脈(LCA)に途絶はなかったが,右室-前下行枝瘻を認めた.生後1カ月頃から哺乳,啼泣時のST低下を認めたが経過とともに改善し,生後3カ月時に …
- NAID 130004706643
- An Aberrant Subclavian Artery Exhibiting the Partial Steal Phenomenon in a Patient with VACTERL Association
- Budincevic Hrvoje,Starcevic Katarina,Bielen Ivan,Demarin Vida
- Internal Medicine 53(16), 1859-1861, 2014
- … We herein report the case of a 22-year-old Caucasian man with known vertebral defects, anal atresia, tracheoesophageal fistula with esophageal atresia, cardiac defects, renal and limb anomalies (VACTERL) association who presented with a headache and vertigo following the sudden and temporary loss of consciousness while attending a concert four days before admission to the hospital. …
- NAID 130004678415
- 胎児心臓超音波スクリーニング検査で発見された心疾患症例と見逃された症例の検討
- 山下 美智子,日高 庸博,林 周作,入江 明美,宮城 晶子,河津 由紀子,稲村 昇,萱谷 太,石井 桂介,光田 信明
- Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery 30(2), 166-172, 2014
- 目的:胎児心臓超音波スクリーニングで発見された心疾患症例と見逃された症例を検討し,検査の効果と問題点を検証すること.方法:2008年4月~2012年3月に,当院で胎児超音波スクリーニングを受け分娩に至ったローリスク単胎妊婦を対象とした.検査陽性症例および偽陰性症例の内訳を診療録より後方視的に検討した.検査は妊娠18週前後,28週前後,36週前後の3回行った.結果:対象期間の検査のべ回数は9,983 …
- NAID 130003398252
Related Links
- atresia [ah-tre´zhah] congenital absence or closure of a normal body opening or tubular structure; see also obstruction. adj., adj atret´ic. anal atresia (atresia a´ni) imperforate anus. aortic atresia 1. congenital absence of the aortic orifice
- a·tre·sia (ə-trē′zhə, -zhē-ə) n. 1. The absence or closure of a normal body orifice or tubular passage such as the anus, intestine, or external ear canal. ... The listing of aortic atresia as cyanotic is arguable, according to my pediatric ...
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- 英
- aortic valve atresia,aortic atresia AA
- 同
- 大動脈弁閉鎖
- (ギリシャ語 trēsis(perforation))
- 関
- aorta、aortae、aortal