- 英
- thallium 201
- 同
- タリウム201
- 関
- 201Tl chloride、タリウム、201Tl-塩化タリウム
- 半減期:72.9 hr ≒ 3d
- 壊変様式:電子捕獲 EC
- 線種:γ線
- 20181Tl → 20180Hg + νe
- 放射線のエネルギー:Hg-X (71 keV), 167 keV
English Journal
- Clinical significance of thallium-201 SPECT after postoperative radiotherapy in patients with glioblastoma multiforme.
- Iida G, Ogawa K, Ishiuchi S, Chiba I, Watanabe T, Katsuyama N, Yoshii Y, Murayama S.SourceDepartment of Radiology, University of the Ryukyus, School of Medicine, 207 Uehara, 903-0215, Nishihara-cho, Okinawa, Japan.
- Journal of neuro-oncology.J Neurooncol.2011 Jun;103(2):297-305. Epub 2010 Sep 2.
- To assess the clinical significance of 201Tl-SPECT after postoperative radiotherapy in patients with glioblastoma multiforme (GM). Eighteen patients with macroscopically residual GM who underwent 201Tl-SPECT just after postoperative radiotherapy were analyzed. Fifteen patients (83%) received radioth
- PMID 20811927
- Dose coefficients for intakes of radionuclides via contaminated wounds.
- Toohey RE, Bertelli L, Sugarman SL, Wiley AL, Christensen DM.SourceRadiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, Oak Ridge, TN 37031-0117, USA. dick.toohey@orau.org
- Health physics.Health Phys.2011 May;100(5):508-14.
- The NCRP Wound Model, which describes the retention of selected radionuclides at the site of a contaminated wound and their uptake into the transfer compartment, has been combined with the ICRP element-specific systemic models for those radionuclides to derive dose coefficients for intakes via conta
- PMID 21451321
Japanese Journal
- 14-Cmethionine uptake as a potential marker of inflammatory processes after myocardial ischemia and reperfusion
- Taki Junichi,Wakabayashi Hiroshi,Inaki Anri,Imanaka-Yoshida Kyoko,Hiroe Michiaki,Ogawa Kazuma,Morooka Miyako,Kubota Kazuo,Shiba Kazuhiro,Yoshida Toshimichi,Kinuya Seigo
- Journal of Nuclear Medicine 54(3), 431-436, 2013-03-01
- … At the time of the study, 14-Cmethionine (0.74 MBq) and 201Tl (14.8 MBq) were injected intravenously at 20 and 10 min before sacrifice, respectively. … Results: Both 14Cmethionine (uptake ratio, 0.71 ± 0.13) and 201Tl uptake were reduced in the area at risk at 1 d after reperfusion. … However, 3 d after reperfusion, an increased 14-Cmethionine uptake (1.79 ± 0.23) was observed corresponding to the area of still-reduced 201Tl uptake, and the 14-Cmethionine uptake gradually declined until 28 d. …
- NAID 120005253902
- Assessment of Olfactory Nerve by SPECT-MRI Image with Nasal Thallium-201 Administration in Patients with Olfactory Impairments in Comparison to Healthy Volunteers
- Shiga Hideaki,Taki Junichi,Washiyama Kohshin,Yamamoto Junpei,Kinase Sakae,Okuda Koichi,Kinuya Seigo,Watanabe Naoto,Tonami Hisao,Koshida Kichiro,Amano Ryohei,Furukawa Mitsuru,Miwa Takaki
- PLoS ONE 8(2), e57671, 2013-02-02
- … Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess whether migration of thallium-201 (201Tl) to the olfactory bulb were reduced in patients with olfactory impairments in comparison to healthy volunteers after nasal administration of 201Tl. … 201Tl olfactory migration was also correlated with the volume of the olfactory bulb determined from MRI images, as well as with odor recognition thresholds measured by using T&T olfactometry. …
- NAID 120005253903
Related Links
- 今回は循内の回診で初めてみた201Tl心筋シンチグラフィについて、 もらったプリントを中心にまとめてみました。 201Tl(タリウム)心筋シンチグラフィ 心臓核医学の歴史は201Tl心筋シンチグラフィとともにきたと言っても過言では ...
- 201Tl 半減期:73時間 放射線:γ線、水銀X線 エネルギー ・水銀X線:69~83keV (71Kev) ・γ線:0.135MeV 0.167MeV 壊変形式:EC 32P 半減期:14.2日 放射線:β線 エネルギー:1.70MeV 容器:扁平容器 192Ir
Related Pictures
![CLORETO DE TÁLIO [201Tl], Solução Injectável, Cis bio International - Informação](https://1mg.info/0/m/p/2629.jpg)

- 75歳の女性。階段を昇ったときに自覚する前胸部の違和感を主訴に来院した。症状は約1年前からあり、頻度や強さに変化はないという。身体診察所見に異常を認めない。胸部エックス線写真と安静時の12誘導心電図とに異常を認めない。アデノシン負荷201Tl心筋血流SPECTの左室短軸像(別冊No. 14A、 B)を別に示す。
- 原因として考えられるのはどれか。
※国試ナビ4※ [106A036]←[国試_106]→[106A038]
- 英
- myocardial perfusion scintigraphy
- 同
- 心筋血流シンチグラフィ、(方法)心筋シンチグラフィ、(図)心筋シンチグラム
- 関
- シンチ、99mTc-心筋血流製剤
- 心筋血流を表す放射性医薬品を用いて心筋を描画する核医学画像診断法。
- 早期像(静注後10分後)、後期像?(3-4時間後) ← 虚血心筋におけるタリウムの再分布を見るため。半減期73hr。放出エネルギー低。解像度が悪い
- 肝臓に集積しやすいため投与後30-60分後に撮影。再分布がないので安静時と負荷時の撮影が必要
- 英
- thallium chloride(201Tl), thallium(201Tl) chloride, 201Tl-Cl, 201Tl chloride
- 商
- 塩化タリウム(201Tl)
- 関
- Tl、201Tl、タリウムシンチ
- 1) 心筋シンチグラフィによる心臓疾患の診断
- 2) 腫瘍シンチグラフィによる脳腫瘍、甲状腺腫瘍、肺腫瘍、骨・軟部腫瘍及び縦隔腫瘍の診断
- 3) 副甲状腺シンチグラフィによる副甲状腺疾患の診断
- K+とほぼ同様の挙動を示し、Na/K ATPaseを介して心筋細胞に取り込まれる。一回の灌流で真菌愛に取り込まれその取り込みは冠血流に依存するために、心筋血流分布を反映するといわれている。(LAB.1602)
- タリウム負荷テスト? thallium stress test
- thallium stress tests may be performed instead of cardiac catheterization to determine the vessels involved and the extent of occlusion.
- 関
- 201Tlシンチグラフィー、タリウム
- 同
- 201TlCl
- 関
- タリウム