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- 1. ファブリー病:臨床的特徴および診断fabry disease clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
… examination is usually necessary to appreciate these corneal opacities. In addition, anterior and posterior subcapsular cataracts (the "Fabry cataract") can be seen in approximately 30 percent of affected … urine microscopy may reveal oval fat bodies (degenerating tubular epithelial cells with lipid inclusions) with a lamellar structure and a Maltese… Corneal opacities (cornea verticillata) are a characteristic feature seen relatively early…
- 2. リウマチ性疾患の治療における抗マラリア剤antimalarial drugs in the treatment of rheumatic disease [show details]
… antimalarial agents favorably affect serum lipid concentrations as well as blood glucose. As an example, when fasting lipid profiles were assessed in 123 patients… important actions deals with its actions related to toll-like receptors (TLRs).… effect is more common with chloroquine, although the incidence per daily dose is not known . Corneal deposits are rare with HCQ at a dose of 400 mg/day. The deposits do not affect vision but can create…
- 3. タモキシフェンおよびアロマターゼ阻害剤の副作用管理managing the side effects of tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors [show details]
… where tamoxifen has an estrogen-like effect while raloxifene acts as an estrogen antagonist.… first 15 years) . Thus, there was little net effect of tamoxifen on overall vascular mortality. A lipid-lowering effect has been observed with tamoxifen , and several trials have noted beneficial effects…
- 4. アミオダロンによる肺毒性amiodarone pulmonary toxicity [show details]
… and lipid-laden alveolar macrophages . The presence of numerous lipid-laden,… amiodarone include photosensitivity, blue-gray discoloration of the skin, thyroid dysfunction, corneal deposits, abnormal liver function tests, and bone marrow suppression . The types, pathogenesis, risk … often with "intraalveolar buds" (organizing pneumonia-like reaction) CD8 T-cell lymphocytosis ; Positive IgG immunofluorescence…
- 5. 慢性特発性蕁麻疹:難治性症状の治療chronic spontaneous urticaria treatment of refractory symptoms [show details]
… and fasting lipids should be monitored initially and yearly for patients who remain on therapy.… does not cause the hirsutism and gingival hyperplasia that can be seen with cyclosporine. However, like cyclosporine, it should be avoided in patients with chronic kidney disease or poorly controlled hypertension … including corneal deposits (reversible) and retinopathy (potentially vision threatening),…
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- 英
- cornea
- 関
- 眼、眼球
発生 (L.378)
- 発生第5週末に眼の原基は間葉に取り囲まれる
- 水晶体の前方に空胞が形成され前眼房を形成する。これにより、前方は角膜、後方は虹彩瞳孔膜が位置することになる
- 前方では表層外胚葉が陥入、くびきとられて角膜の上皮を形成する。
- 1. 上皮細胞層:体表外胚葉由来
- 2. 角膜固有層:強膜と連続。おそらく中胚葉由来
- 3. 上皮層 :前眼房と接する。おそらく中胚葉由来
- 英
- deposition、deposit、deposit
- 関
- 成膜、析出、堆積、蓄積、沈着物、預ける
- 英
- deposit
- 関
- 析出、堆積、蓄積、沈着、預ける
- 英
- lard, adeps
- 日
- とんし
- 関
- ラード。ブタ、豚