- 関
- accumulate、accumulation、bank、deposition、reservoir
- put into a bank account; "She deposits her paycheck every month" (同)bank
- money deposited in a bank or some similar institution (同)bank deposit
- the phenomenon of sediment or gravel accumulating (同)sedimentation, alluviation
- money given as security for an article acquired for temporary use; "his deposit was refunded when he returned the car"
- the act of putting something somewhere (同)deposition
- a payment given as a guarantee that an obligation will be met
- a large or extra supply of something; "a reservoir of talent"
- lake used to store water for community use (同)artificial lake, man-made lake
- tank used for collecting and storing a liquid (as water or oil)
- anything (a person or animal or plant or substance) in which an infectious agent normally lives and multiplies; "an infectious agent depends on a reservoir for its survival" (同)source
- a supply or stock held in reserve for future use (especially in emergencies)
- the funds held by a gambling house or the dealer in some gambling games; "he tried to break the bank at Monte Carlo"
- tip laterally; "the pilot had to bank the aircraft"
- a building in which the business of banking transacted; "the bank is on the corner of Nassau and Witherspoon" (同)bank building
- a flight maneuver; aircraft tips laterally about its longitudinal axis (especially in turning); "the plane went into a steep bank"
- a slope in the turn of a road or track; the outside is higher than the inside in order to reduce the effects of centrifugal force (同)cant, camber
- a long ridge or pile; "a huge bank of earth"
- an arrangement of similar objects in a row or in tiers; "he operated a bank of switches"
- sloping land (especially the slope beside a body of water); "they pulled the canoe up on the bank"; "he sat on the bank of the river and watched the currents"
- act as the banker in a game or in gambling
- be in the banking business
- cover with ashes so to control the rate of burning; "bank a fire"
- do business with a bank or keep an account at a bank; "Where do you bank in this town?"
- enclose with a bank; "bank roads"
- be a lodger; stay temporarily; "Where are you lodging in Paris?"
- a small (rustic) house used as a temporary shelter (同)hunting lodge
- any of various Native American dwellings (同)indian lodge
- small house at the entrance to the grounds of a country mansion; usually occupied by a gatekeeper or gardener
- provide housing for; "We are lodging three foreign students this semester" (同)accommodate
- put, fix, force, or implant; "lodge a bullet in the table"; "stick your thumb in the crack" (同)wedge, stick, deposit
- the natural process of laying down a deposit of something (同)deposit
- the act of deposing someone; removing a powerful person from a position or office (同)dethronement
- (law) a pretrial interrogation of a witness; usually conducted in a lawyers office
- the act of accumulating (同)accrual, accruement
- (finance) profits that are not paid out as dividends but are added to the capital base of the corporation
- collect or gather; "Journals are accumulating in my office"; "The work keeps piling up" (同)cumulate, conglomerate, pile_up, gather, amass
- deposit once again; "redeposit a cheque"
- deposit anew; "The water had redeposited minerals on the rocks"
- the responsibility of a bank to act in the best interests of the depositors
- 〈貴重品など〉‘を'『預ける』,〈金〉‘を'預金する / (注意深く,確実に)…‘を'置く,おろす / (自然の作用によって)〈泥・土など〉‘を'沈殿させる / (銀行への)『預金』,預け入れ / 『担保』,手付け金 / (自然の作用による)『堆積物』,沈殿物 / (特に石油・鉱石の)鉱床,埋蔵物
- (天然または人工の)『貯水池』,貯水そう / (液体・ガス用の)容器,つぼ / (知識・富などの)貯蔵,蓄積(store)
- 『土手』,堤 / 川岸;《複数形で》(川の)両岸 / (土手のように)長く盛り上がったもの / 州(す),浅瀬 / (丘などの,通例けわしい)傾斜面,坂 / (飛行機が施回するときの)傾斜 / |'を'土手で囲う(守る) / …‘に'土手を築く / …'を'土手のように積み上げる《+『up』+『名,』+『名』+『up』》 / (長くもたせるために)〈火〉‘に'灰をかぶせる《+『up』+『名,』+『名』+『up』》 / 〈機体・車体〉'を'横に傾ける / 積み重なる,層を成す《+『up』》 / 〈車・飛行機が〉横に傾く
- 『銀行』 / 貯金箱 / 貯蔵,蓄え / 《複合語に用いて》「…の貯蔵所」の意を表す / 〈金〉'を'銀行に預金する / 銀行業を営む / (…に)預金している《+『with(at)』+『名』》
- (…の)列,段《+『of』+『名』》 / (ピアノ・タイプライターなどの)キーの列 / (ボートの)オールの列 / …'を'列に並べる
- (特に狩猟・登山などで用いる)『小屋』,『ロッジ』 / (公園・大きな建物などの入口にある守衛所),門衛所 / (共済組合・秘密結社などの)支部,支部集会所 / アメリカインディアンの小屋 / (動物,特にビーバーの住む)穴 / (一時的に,臨時に)〈人〉‘を'『泊める』 / 〈人〉‘を'『下宿させる』 / (当局などに)〈苦情など〉‘を'正式に申し出る《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / (…に)〈弾丸など〉‘を'打ち込む《+『名』+『in』+『名』》 / (一時的に,臨時に)『泊まる』 / (…に)『下宿する』,間借りする《+『at』+『名』〈場所〉/『with』+『名』〈人〉》 / (…に)〈弾丸などが〉入ってとどまる,〈矢などが〉突きささる《+『in』+『名』》
- 〈U〉廃位;(高官などの)免職 / 〈C〉宣誓供述書 / 〈U〉堆積作用;〈C〉堆積物
- 〈U〉蓄積すること,ためること / 〈C〉蓄積した物
- …'を'『蓄積する』,ためる / 『たまる』,ふえる
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Look up deposit in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Deposit may refer to:
- Deposit (finance)
- Deposit (town), New York
- Deposit (village), New York
- Deposit account, a bank account that allows money to be deposited and withdrawn by the account holder
- Demand deposit, the funds held in demand deposit accounts in commercial banks
- Damage deposit, a sum of money paid in relation to a rented item or property to ensure it is returned in good condition
- Container deposit, a deposit on a beverage container paid when purchased and refunded when returned
- Deposit (politics), a sum that a candidate must pay in return for the right to stand in an election
- Deposit (geology), material added to a landform
See also
- Deposit formation or fouling, the accumulation of unwanted material on solid surfaces
- Deposit model, a method of identifying the character and degree of survival of buried archaeological remains
- Deposit of faith or Fidei depositum, the Apostolic constitution by which Pope John Paul II ordered the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
- Deposition (disambiguation)
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- 1. デンスデポジット病(膜性糸球体腎炎Ⅱ型) dense deposit disease membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis type ii
- 2. 膜性増殖性糸球体腎炎の評価および治療 evaluation and treatment of membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
- 3. 膜性糸球体腎炎:移植後の再発 membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis recurrence after transplantation
- 4. 膜性増殖性糸球体腎炎の臨床像、分類、および原因 clinical presentation classification and causes of membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
- 5. 補体系の後天性疾患 acquired disorders of the complement system
English Journal
- Deposition of non-spherical particles in bifurcating airways.
- Bunchatheeravate P1, Curtis JS.
- Pharmaceutical development and technology.Pharm Dev Technol.2014 Dec;19(8):942-51. doi: 10.3109/10837450.2013.840848.
- Particle morphology plays an important role in pulmonary drug delivery. Not only does particle shape affect how particles flow and deposit, the shape also influences the drug release rate from the particles. In this work, a semi-theoretical relationship is developed to describe deposition efficiency
- PMID 24320756
- Standard addition strip for quantitative electrostatic spray ionization mass spectrometry analysis: Determination of caffeine in drinks.
- Tobolkina E1, Qiao L1, Roussel C2, Girault HH3.
- Talanta.Talanta.2014 Dec;130:377-81. doi: 10.1016/j.talanta.2014.07.024. Epub 2014 Jul 17.
- Standard addition strips were prepared for the quantitative determination of caffeine in different beverages by electrostatic spray ionization mass spectrometry (ESTASI-MS). The gist of this approach is to dry spots of caffeine solutions with different concentrations on a polymer strip, then to depo
- PMID 25159424
- Exposure-dose-response of Tellina deltoidalis to contaminated estuarine sediments 3. Selenium spiked sediments.
- Taylor AM1, Maher WA2.
- Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Toxicology & pharmacology : CBP.Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol.2014 Nov;166:34-43. doi: 10.1016/j.cbpc.2014.06.007. Epub 2014 Jul 5.
- The metalloid selenium is an essential element which at slightly elevated concentrations is toxic and mutagenic. In Australia the burning of coal for power generation releases selenium into estuarine environments where it accumulates in sediments. The relationship between selenium exposure, dose and
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- New insights into disease-specific absence of complement factor H related protein C in mouse models of spontaneous autoimmune diseases.
- Mehta G1, Ferreira VP2, Skerka C3, Zipfel PF4, Banda NK5.
- Molecular immunology.Mol Immunol.2014 Nov;62(1):235-48. doi: 10.1016/j.molimm.2014.06.028. Epub 2014 Jul 15.
- Complement factor H (CFH) protein is an inhibitor of the alternative pathway of complement (AP) both in the fluid phase and on the surface of host cells. Mouse and human complement factor H-related (CFHR) proteins also belong to the fH family of plasma glycoproteins. The main goal of the current stu
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Japanese Journal
- 姶良カルデラ,高野ベースサージ堆積物と新島火砕流堆積物の化学的特徴 (総特集 九州の火山地質学(3))
- スウェーデンにおける「ネットワーク系電子出版物」の収集 : 「電子資料の納本に関する法律」の全面施行
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- DepositFiles provides you with a legitimate technical solution, which enables you to upload, store, access and download text, software, scripts, images, sounds, videos, animations and any other materials in form of one or several electronic ...
- 留学用語集 デポジット(Deposit)の用語解説 - デポジット(Deposit)とは、前払い金や 保証金のこと。授業料や寮、アパートなどの錐桙フ時に支払う。欧米ではその他、様々な サービスを利用する場面でデポジットが必要な場合がある。海外旅行においても、 ...
- cash deposit:預託金...英語からも日本語からも検索できて、解説、文例、コロケーション まで掲載した実用的な内容です。
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- 宿る、泊まる、投宿する。下宿する
- (弾丸などが)打ち込まれる。(魚の骨・凧などが)(~に)つっかえる、ひっかかる、(矢などが)付き立つ、刺さる(in)
- (作物が)倒伏する、寝る
- ~に宿を提供する、泊める
- (well,illなどの副詞を伴って)(宿・下宿など)設備がよい/悪い
- (銃弾などを)打ち込む。(矢を)立てる、(魚の骨などを)つかえさせる。(泥などを)流し込む。寄せかける、立てかける(against)
- 預ける(deposit)
- (訴状・申告書などを)提出する、差し出す。(反対・苦情などを)申し立てる。
- (風・雨などが作物などを)倒伏させる
- 英
- accumulation、reservoir、deposit、accumulate
- 関
- 析出、堆積、貯蔵所、貯留、沈着、沈着物、集積、預ける、累積
- 関
- accumulation、cumulative、deposit、pooling、reservoir、retention
- 関
- deposit
- 関
- accumulate、cumulative、deposit、pooling、reservoir、retention
- 関
- amyloid deposition
- 関
- redeposition