- the action of forming a chelate or other stable compound with an ion or atom or molecule so that it is no longer available for reactions
- seizing property that belongs to someone else and holding it until profits pay the demand for which it was seized (同)requisition
- a writ that authorizes the seizure of property
- 隔離,追放 / 隠退,隠遁(いんとん) / (財産の)仮差し押さえ,没収
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- 1. 気管支肺分画症bronchopulmonary sequestration [show details]
…BPS . Intralobar sequestration (ILS) is overall the most common form, comprising approximately 75 to 90 percent of sequestrations, while 10 to 25 percent are extralobar sequestration (ELS) . The difference …
- 2. 鎌状赤血球症の臨床症状の概要overview of the clinical manifestations of sickle cell disease [show details]
…may be a risk factor for splenic sequestration, although parvovirus infection is more commonly associated with aplastic crisis . Patients with splenic sequestration crisis present with a rapidly enlarging …
- 3. 先天性肺気道奇形congenital pulmonary airway malformation [show details]
…pulmonary sequestrations may have a similar appearance, but unlike type 2 CPAM, these have a systemic blood supply. Hybrid forms, with features of both type 2 CPAM and extralobar pulmonary sequestrations, have …
- 4. 鎌状赤血球症における肝臓の症状hepatic manifestations of sickle cell disease [show details]
…Hepatic sequestration is well-recognized complication of SCD associated with inability of red blood cells in the liver to circulate, hence the term sequestration . Patients with hepatic sequestration usually …
- 5. 鎌状赤血球症のマネージメントおよび予後の概要overview of the management and prognosis of sickle cell disease [show details]
…separately. Splenic sequestration is a potentially life-threatening complication of SCD that requires admission to the hospital for maintenance of hemodynamic stability . Splenic sequestration in SCD is characterized …
Japanese Journal
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- 関
- 肺分画症 pulmonary sequestration]
- thrombocytopenia( due to platelet sequestration, portal hypertension, or hypersplenism)
- 血小板のとらえ込み、貯留
- neutrophil sequestration and migration into alveolus
- 関
- inaccessible、isolation、seclude、segregate、segregation、sequester
- 英
- 関
- 型、形、形式、形態、構造、組成、品種、編成、フォーム、成立、形づくる
- 英
- sequestrum
- 同
- 壊死片
- 英
- ossification
- 同
- 骨化、骨発生 osteogenesis
- 関
- 異所性骨化