- 英
- perianal Paget disease
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- 1. 肛門癌の分類および疫学classification and epidemiology of anal cancer [show details]
…boundary of the internal sphincter muscle Externally, the anal canal is surrounded by the internal and external anal sphincter muscles . The anal canal is divided by the dentate (pectinate) line, a macroscopically …
- 2. 肛門癌の臨床的特徴および病期分類clinical features and staging of anal cancer [show details]
… cover the clinical features and staging of anal cancers. The classification, histology, and epidemiology of anal cancer, the principles of treatment for anal and rectal SCCs as well as adenocarcinomas …
- 3. 肛門癌の治療treatment of anal cancer [show details]
… The term "anal cancer" usually refers to a squamous cell cancer (SCC) of the anal canal, which represents the majority of cancers arising in the anal region. However, SCCs can also arise in the perianal …
- 4. 外陰病変:白色病変の鑑別診断vulvar lesions differential diagnosis of white lesions [show details]
…Extramammary Paget disease is a rare condition that can be both premalignant or malignant . It arises primarily from apocrine cells (cell origin is controversial) or secondarily from an underlying anal, rectal …
- 5. 外陰癌:疫学、診断、病理組織学、治療vulvar cancer epidemiology diagnosis histopathology and treatment [show details]
…Pruritus is the most common symptom, present in 70 percent of patients. Vulvar Paget disease is similar in appearance to Paget disease of the breast . The lesion has an eczematoid appearance; it is well …
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- 英
- anus (Z)
- クローン病、潰瘍性大腸炎、放射線照射性直腸炎、薬剤性大腸炎、アメーバ赤痢、直腸粘膜脱症候群、急性出血性直腸潰瘍
- 直腸癌
- 肛門癌
- 組織型別(悪性黒色腫、カルチノイド、基底細胞癌、類基底細胞癌、Paget病、Bowen病)
- 内痔核:3時、7時、11時
- 痔瘻:6時 肛門中心線より後方に外瘻孔のある場合、6時の位置の肛門陰窩が原発口となる
Henry Gray (1825-1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
- 英
- Paget disease, Paget's disease
- 関
- 乳房外パジェット病
- 英
- disease、sickness
- 関
- 疾病、不調、病害、病気、疾患
- 英
- anal area, anal portion, anal region
- ラ
- regio analis
- 英
- hilus、hilar region、hilar
- 関
- 肺門