- 関
- hilar region、hilus
- of or relating to or located near a hilum
- (anatomy) a depression or fissure where vessels or nerves or ducts enter a bodily organ; "the hilus of the kidney" (同)hilum
- great merriment (同)mirth, mirthfulness, glee, gleefulness
- おもしろさ,おかしさ;陽気な騒ぎ
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/04/14 16:30:22」(JST)
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A hilum () (adjective form hilar; plural hila), formerly called a hilus (), can refer to:
- Hilum (anatomy), part of an organ where structures such as blood vessels and nerves enter to body
- Hilum of kidney
- Splenic hilum
- Hepatic hilum
- Hilum of lung
- Hilum of lymph node
- Hilum (biology), a scar on a seed or spore created by detachment
See also
- Hila (disambiguation)
- Fovea, another term associated with pits or depressions in anatomy and botany
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English Journal
- Epileptiform Activity and Cognitive Deficits in SNAP-25+/- Mice are Normalized by Antiepileptic Drugs.
- Corradini I, Donzelli A, Antonucci F, Welzl H, Loos M, Martucci R, De Astis S, Pattini L, Inverardi F, Wolfer D, Caleo M, Bozzi Y, Verderio C, Frassoni C, Braida D, Clerici M, Lipp HP, Sala M, Matteoli M.Author information Dipartimento di Biotecnologie Mediche e Medicina Traslazionale, Università degli Studi di Milano, 20129 Milan, Italy.AbstractSynaptosomal-associated protein of 25 kDa (SNAP-25) is a protein that participates in the regulation of synaptic vesicle exocytosis through the formation of the soluble NSF attachment protein receptor complex and modulates voltage-gated calcium channels activity. The Snap25 gene has been associated with schizophrenia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and bipolar disorder, and lower levels of SNAP-25 have been described in patients with schizophrenia. We used SNAP-25 heterozygous (SNAP-25(+/-)) mice to investigate at which extent the reduction of the protein levels affects neuronal network function and mouse behavior. As interactions of genotype with the specific laboratory conditions may impact behavioral results, the study was performed through a multilaboratory study in which behavioral tests were replicated in at least 2 of 3 distinct European laboratories. Reductions of SNAP-25 levels were associated with a moderate hyperactivity, which disappeared in the adult animals, and with impaired associative learning and memory. Electroencephalographic recordings revealed the occurrence of frequent spikes, suggesting a diffuse network hyperexcitability. Consistently, SNAP-25(+/-) mice displayed higher susceptibility to kainate-induced seizures, paralleled by degeneration of hilar neurons. Notably, both EEG profile and cognitive defects were improved by antiepileptic drugs. These results indicate that reduction of SNAP-25 expression is associated to generation of epileptiform discharges and cognitive dysfunctions, which can be effectively treated by antiepileptic drugs.
- Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991).Cereb Cortex.2014 Feb;24(2):364-76. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhs316. Epub 2012 Oct 12.
- Synaptosomal-associated protein of 25 kDa (SNAP-25) is a protein that participates in the regulation of synaptic vesicle exocytosis through the formation of the soluble NSF attachment protein receptor complex and modulates voltage-gated calcium channels activity. The Snap25 gene has been associated
- PMID 23064108
- Pulmonary Brucellosis on FDG PET/CT.
- Zhang T, Wang C, Niu R, Wang X.Author information From the Department of Nuclear Medicine, the Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical University, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China.AbstractA 67-year-old man known with pulmonary nodule underwent FDG PET/CT scan for further evaluation. The images showed increased FDG activity in the pulmonary lesions and in the mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes without extrathoracic abnormality. Pulmonary brucellosis was subsequently diagnosed. The patient received anti-Brucella therapy and recovered promptly.
- Clinical nuclear medicine.Clin Nucl Med.2014 Feb;39(2):222-3. doi: 10.1097/RLU.0000000000000327.
- A 67-year-old man known with pulmonary nodule underwent FDG PET/CT scan for further evaluation. The images showed increased FDG activity in the pulmonary lesions and in the mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes without extrathoracic abnormality. Pulmonary brucellosis was subsequently diagnosed. The pati
- PMID 24368538
- Serial Changes of FDG Uptake and Diagnosis of Suspected Lung Malignancy: A Lesion-Based Analysis.
- Cheng G, Alavi A, Werner TJ, Del Bello CV, Akers SR.Author information From the *Department of Radiology, Philadelphia VA Medical Center; and †Department of Radiology, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.AbstractOBJECTIVE: This study prospectively evaluates the serial change of FDG uptake and its diagnostic value in malignant versus benign lung lesions in patients with suspected lung cancer.
- Clinical nuclear medicine.Clin Nucl Med.2014 Feb;39(2):147-55. doi: 10.1097/RLU.0000000000000313.
- OBJECTIVE: This study prospectively evaluates the serial change of FDG uptake and its diagnostic value in malignant versus benign lung lesions in patients with suspected lung cancer.PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients with suspected lung malignancy underwent whole-body FDG PET/CT at 1, 2, and 3 hours aft
- PMID 24368534
Japanese Journal
- 肝門部胆管癌に対する術前減黄戦略 (特集 肝胆膵領域における術前ストラテジー)
- Three-dimensional imaging identified the accessory bile duct in a patient with cholangiocarcinoma
- Miyamoto Ryoichi,Oshiro Yukio,Hashimoto Shinji,Kohno Keisuke,Fukunaga Kiyoshi,Oda Tatsuya,Ohkohchi Nobuhiro
- World journal of gastroenterology 20(32), 11451-11455, 2014-08
- … In this report, we suggest that this imaging technique can be considered a novel and useful modality for understanding the anatomy of the portal hepatis, including the hilar bile duct. …
- NAID 120005477928
- 光線力学的治療が有効であった中枢性気道狭窄を伴う進行肺癌の1例
- 鶴岡 健二郎,出雲 雄大,土田 敬明,笹田 真滋
- 気管支学 : 日本気管支研究会雑誌 36(4), 392-397, 2014-07-25
- 背景.中枢性気道狭窄に対する気管支鏡を用いた姑息的治療は症状改善に有用であるが,標準とされる治療法はなく種々の治療法を組み合わせて行われている.症例.65歳男性.肺扁平上皮癌(cTxN3M0,Stage IIIB)に対して化学放射線療法後,胸腔鏡補助下右上葉切除術が施行された.右肺門リンパ節転移にて再発.化学療法が行われたが腫瘍は増大し,結節性病変による右主気管支の閉塞を認めた.ステント留置を希望 …
- NAID 110009833221
Related Links
- abreviation of hilarious, only used by the coolest of people,
- Definition of hilar from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games.
Related Pictures

- 英
- hilus、hilar region、hilar
- 関
- 肺門
- 関
- hilar、hilus
両側肺門リンパ節腫脹, BHL