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- 1. 成人における喘息以外の喘鳴をきたす疾患の評価evaluation of wheezing illnesses other than asthma in adults [show details]
…symptoms. When evaluating wheezing, it may be helpful to recall the adage, "All that wheezes is not asthma [or COPD]; all that wheezes is obstruction." An overview of wheezing illnesses in adults, other than …
- 2. 乳児や小児の喘鳴の評価evaluation of wheezing in infants and children [show details]
… with recurrent wheezing is asthma, regardless of the age of onset, evidence of atopic disease, precipitating causes, or frequency of wheezing . However, other diseases can present with wheezing in infancy …
- 3. ウイルスが誘発する喘鳴および喘息:概要role of viruses in wheezing and asthma an overview [show details]
…with RV. Wheezing in the setting of RV infection may influence the development of asthma . Studies have shown that infants who wheeze with RV infection have increased risk of recurrent wheeze and asthma …
- 4. 幼児に再発するウイルス誘発性喘鳴の治療treatment of recurrent virus induced wheezing in young children [show details]
…the most common triggers of wheezing in childhood. In some children, respiratory viral infection will induce transient and episodic wheezing episodes, while, in others, wheezing with respiratory viruses will …
- 5. 幼児の喘鳴の表現型と喘息発症予測wheezing phenotypes and prediction of asthma in young children [show details]
… early wheezing, 4 percent had persistent wheezing, and 6 percent had late-onset wheezing. Subsequent prospective studies of the Tucson cohort led to revised definitions of the three groups of wheezers : Transient …
Japanese Journal
- P-61 笛様音を契機に発見された気管支憩室の一例(症例 5)
- 大泉 聡史,小倉 滋明,川上 義和,小栗 満,小島 哲弥,岡本 佳裕,上村 明,尾島 裕和,石田 卓,蒲池 匡文,花田 太郎
- 気管支学 19(4), 362, 1997
- NAID 110002820280
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※国試ナビ4※ [097G077]←[国試_097]→[097G079]
- 英
- wheeze wheezes, whistle
- 同
- 笛様音、笛声音 whistling rale、水笛音 water-pipe sound、ふえおと
- 関
- 聴診、呼吸音、連続音、ギーギー音、ラ音
- ラ音 pulmonaru adventitous sounds
- 高音性、ヒューヒュー
- 呼気終末に聴取される。
- 細い気管支に狭窄がある ← 要するに末梢の気管支
- 原因は気管支喘息、炎症、腫瘍などにより気道内に分泌物が貯留することによる
- 英
- tone、sound
- 関
- 緊張、緊張度、トーン、響く、健全