- 英
- medicolegal autopsy
- 関
- 監察医制度、解剖
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- 1. 小児における硬膜下血腫:疫学、解剖学、および病態生理intracranial subdural hematoma in children epidemiology anatomy and pathophysiology [show details]
…is less likely to prevent morbidity and mortality. This review will discuss the epidemiology, anatomy, and pathophysiology of subdural hematoma in children. The clinical features, evaluation, and management … This ability to time chronic SDH is often used as forensic evidence that establishes child abuse in cases of…
- 2. 不整脈原性右室心筋症:解剖学、組織学、臨床症状arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy anatomy histology and clinical manifestations [show details]
…virtually never diagnosed in infants or toddlers and is rarely identified before the age of 10. The anatomy, histology, and clinical manifestations of ARVC will be reviewed here. The pathogenesis, genetics … In a review from France of forensic autopsies on 1930 cases of unexplained SCD (mean age 34 years,…
- 3. 成人や青年の性的暴行被害者の評価とマネージメントevaluation and management of adult and adolescent sexual assault victims [show details]
…assessment and prevention; Evaluation, treatment, and prevention of sexually transmitted infection; Forensic evaluation; When possible, acute evaluation should be done by providers specifically trained to …
- 4. 小児や青年への性的虐待の評価evaluation of sexual abuse in children and adolescents [show details]
… findings of potential forensic value; The evaluation for possible sexual abuse includes a history and physical examination and may include forensic evidence collection… The anatomy of the female genitalia is depicted in the figure In all girls,…
- 5. 重度の精神障害者への包括型地域生活支援プログラムassertive community treatment for patients with severe mental illness [show details]
…forms of ACT (forensic, recovery-oriented, or flexible models) or ACT programs supplemented with specific psychosocial interventions: Forensic ACT – A randomized clinical trial of forensic ACT model compared …
Japanese Journal
- 法医学から大学教育へ (特集 救急医って無限だ! 多様なキャリアビルディング) -- (華麗なる転身)
- 黒木 尚長
- 救急医学 = The Japanese journal of acute medicine 44(6), 680-685, 2020-06
- NAID 40022280663
- 科学的な裁判のための法医学ガイダンス(4)法医解剖から事件を読み解くには
- 高相 真鈴,中川 里沙子,一杉 正仁
- 日本職業・災害医学会会誌 = Japanese journal of occupational medicine and traumatology 67(4), 355-359, 2019-07
- NAID 40021970273
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- 関
- 行政解剖、法医解剖、監察医制度、死体解剖保存法、解剖
- 英
- dissection、anatomy
- 関
- 解体、解剖学、解離、精査、切開、分析、解剖学的形態、郭清、ダイセクション
- SUB12.33改変