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- 1. 上肢の関節保護プログラムjoint protection program for the upper limb [show details]
… adaptive devices, and modalities. Guiding patients to perform tasks in a manner that reduces stress on joints is generally preferred to prohibiting the task. Principles of joint protection… Have you driven a long way with elbow on armrest of car door?; Have you been pushing up from bed with your elbow?; Have you been doing computer or desk work?; Hand and wrist; Are you… clenching your grip unnecessarily firmly?; We advise patients to follow a series of both general guidelines for joint protection as well as region-specific guidelines…
- 2. 重度の関節リウマチに対する全関節置換術total joint replacement for severe rheumatoid arthritis [show details]
… The wrist joint is the key to stability of the hand that leads to normal function. Recurrence of ulnar deviation at the metacarpophalangeal joint almost always occurs unless wrist stabilization… in grip and pinch strength . A 2000 systematic review concluded that silicone implant arthroplasty was beneficial . Patients with excellent PIP joints tend to gain less flexion of their MCP joints with… motion devices in the postoperative management of TKA results in enough clinical benefit to justify the inconvenience and expense of the procedure. Prosthetic replacement of the glenohumeral joint was…
- 3. 亜急性または慢性の手首の疼痛を有する成人の評価evaluation of the adult with subacute or chronic wrist pain [show details]
… fluid aspirated from the wrist joint. Septic bacterial arthritis is rare. The structures involved in common causes of volar sided wrist pain include those found… these wrist problems stem from one of the following causes: a strong grip (left hand positioned clockwise on the golf club handle), over-gripping (ie, too tight a grip), golf club grips in poor…
- 4. 小児や青年の手首に生じる疼痛および損傷の評価evaluation of wrist pain and injury in children and adolescents [show details]
… radiocarpal joint The radiocarpal joint and the midcarpal joint, which is between the proximal and distal rows of carpal bones, are responsible for the majority of wrist flexion and… child with complaints of wrist pain or injury include : Inspection; Neurovascular examination; Palpation; Measurement or estimation of grip strength; Assessment of range…
- 5. 急性の手首の疼痛を有する成人患者の評価evaluation of the adult with acute wrist pain [show details]
… aspirate the wrist joint to evaluate for infection and inflammatory disease. If the wrist is aspirated, it is critical that all necessary tests be performed on the synovial fluid obtained. If the joint fluid… extended wrist or some other wrist hyperextension injury. Patients may not recall a specific traumatic incident, but typically present with wrist pain aggravated by wrist motion or gripping something…
Japanese Journal
- 唐 培,笠井 史人,水間 正澄,森 義明,長島 潤,大音 清香,高崎 幸雄,水口 文,田島 里佳,依田 光正,神宮 俊哉,真野 英寿
- 昭和医学会雑誌 57(4), 396-401, 1997
- … 障害及び能力障害を改善するために, 装具や自助具を作製している.慢性関節リウマチの手の尺側偏位に尺側偏位矯正装具, swan-neck変形, ボタン穴変形に指三点固定装具, C<SUB>6</SUB>頸髄損傷に手関節駆動式把持装具, 母指の機能の維持のために長, 短対立装具, 良肢位を保持するために安静用夜間装具などを使用している.慢性関節リウマチなどのADL障害に対して点眼自助具, リーチャーなども作製している.手の装 …
- NAID 130001824428
Related Links
- 把持装具(手関節駆動式) この装具の目的は手関節を背屈させることで手指を母指と接触させることです。対立装具 母指の対立が困難で、手関節のコントロールが不十分な場合に処方されます。 車椅子 悪路でなければ外を走ることも ...
- 手関節駆動式把持装具の適応は,一般的に手関節背屈筋 群のMMTが3以上の頚髄損傷C6機能レベルとされている が,C5機能レベルに把持装具を使用した例も報告されて いる1, 2)。前腕中間位で手関節を背屈できるMMT2を有し
- 把持装具:把持動作(つかむ)が不可能な時、手関節の伸展、屈曲動作を利用して、つまみ動作を行う装具です。 エンゲン型:母指を対立位に固定し、示指と中指および母指とで3点つまみを行う装置です。MP関節と手関節部分に継平があり、手関節の背屈運動によりつまみ動作ができます。
Related Pictures

- 英
- tenodesis splint
- 同
- 手関節駆動式把持装具
- 英
- orthosis (SOR), prosthesis, brace, prosthetic appliance
- 英
- joint joints, synovial joints
- ラ
- juncturasynovialis, articulationes synoviales
- 同
- 滑膜性の連結 synovial joint junctura synovialis
- 英
- wrist joint (K)
- 関
- 手関節の運動に関与する筋