- 同
- posterior pericallosal vein
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- 1. 神経管欠損および脳室拡大を除く中枢神経系異常の出生前診断prenatal diagnosis of cns anomalies other than neural tube defects and ventriculomegaly [show details]
…(hypogenesis) of the corpus callosum . Thin corpus callosum (hypoplastic) – Sonographic diagnosis of a thin corpus callosum (hypoplastic) is made when the anterior-posterior length of the corpus callosum is normal …
- 2. Overview of neonatal brain malformations of the cortexoverview of neonatal brain malformations of the cortex [show details]
… splenium. Agenesis – Complete agenesis of corpus callosum (ACC) means that no CC is present, while partial ACC indicates that the CC is shorter in its anterior-posterior length as a result of missing segment(s) …
- 3. 急性痙攣発作に関連するMRIの変化magnetic resonance imaging changes related to acute seizure activity [show details]
… white-matter edema in the posterior cerebral hemispheres in large part defines the posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES, also known as reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy… Transient lesions of the splenium of the corpus callosum have been described in patients with epilepsy .…
- 4. 消失性白質疾患(Vanishing white matter disease)vanishing white matter disease [show details]
…cortical U fibers, cerebellar white matter, middle cerebellar peduncles, pyramidal tracts, corpus callosum, and posterior limb of the internal capsule), predominantly in younger patients with a shorter disease …
- 5. ペリツェウス・メルツバッハー病pelizaeus merzbacher disease [show details]
…the age of three months, normal infants show myelination in the posterior limb of the internal capsule, splenium of the corpus callosum, and optic radiations . Absence of these MRI findings suggests the …
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- 同
- 後脳梁周囲静脈
- 英
- corpus callosum (KH)
- 同
- 脳梁幹、胼胝体
- 関
- 大脳の交連、内包
- 脳梁放線、脳梁吻、脳梁膝、脳梁体、脳梁膨大
- 左右の大脳皮質を結ぶ横走線維→脳梁放線をなす
- 脳梁の表面には痕跡的な灰白質が存在する (KA.106)
Henry Gray (1825-1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
Henry Gray (1825-1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
- (pref.)met, meta 後続、後位
- 英
- metencephalon, hind brain
- 関
- 一次脳胞, 脳
- 英
- surrounding、circumferential、ambient、peri、around, circumference
- 関
- 環境、外周、約、外界
- 英
- vein (Z)
- ラ
- vena
- 毛細血管から発生した静脈血を心臓に送るために使われる血管。