- 英
- polyarthritis、polyarticular
- 関
- 関節炎、多発性関節炎
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- 1. 関節リウマチの診断および鑑別診断diagnosis and differential diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis [show details]
…been present for at least six weeks: morning stiffness, arthritis of three or more joint areas, arthritis of the hands, and symmetric arthritis. Rheumatoid factor (RF) was included as a criterion, but …
- 2. 成人における未分化の早期炎症性関節炎undifferentiated early inflammatory arthritis in adults [show details]
… septic arthritis and gout; and the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of RA, axial and peripheral spondyloarthritis (SpA) (including psoriatic arthritis [PsA]), and other specific forms of arthritis are …
- 3. 若年性関節炎の分類classification of juvenile arthritis [show details]
… the terminology of juvenile arthritis have been proposed. The older terms juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA, used commonly in the United States) and juvenile chronic arthritis (JCA, preferred in Europe) …
- 4. 変形性関節症の臨床症状と診断clinical manifestations and diagnosis of osteoarthritis [show details]
… associated disease. Psoriatic arthritis – Psoriatic arthritis targets the DIP joints of the hands, which can be observed in hand OA. However, unlike hand OA, psoriatic arthritis may target just one finger …
- 5. 成人における単関節炎の概要 overview of monoarthritis in adults [show details]
…monoarthritis: Seronegative spondyloarthritis (eg, reactive arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease-associated arthritis) can present as a monoarthritis, typically involving the lower-extremity …
Japanese Journal
- 臨床カンファレンス(CASE 1)発熱持続と多発関節炎のため転入院となった77歳男性
- 肩単関節炎で発症し病理結果が感染と診断された多発関節炎の一例
- 山川 晃,田崎 篤,森田 亘,黒田 栄史,星川 吉光
- 肩関節 36(3), 1057-1061, 2012
- The initial symptoms of connective tissue disease sometimes present as arthritis of the shoulder. We experienced a case of seronegative spondyloarthropathy(SpA) starting from the shoulder. It was diff …
- NAID 130002103512
- PREMIUM EDITION 症例に学ぶ 医師が処方を決めるまで 不眠症
- 田中 千足
- 日経ドラッグインフォメーションpremium (163), PE9-12, 2011-05
- … 関節リウマチは、自己免疫疾患の一つで、多発関節炎を主徴とする疾患である。 …
- NAID 40018833901
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- polyarthritis
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- 多発関節炎、多関節炎?
- 関
- 関節炎
- 英
- joint joints, synovial joints
- ラ
- juncturasynovialis, articulationes synoviales
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- 滑膜性の連結 synovial joint junctura synovialis
- 関
- 炎光、炎症
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- multiple
- 関
- 多発性、複数、多重、マルチプル
- 英
- arthritis
- 関
- 関節