- 英
- echomatism, echo symptom, echophenomenon
- 関
- 反響言語
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- 1. 感染性心内膜炎における心エコーの役割role of echocardiography in infective endocarditis [show details]
… immunologic phenomena, a TTE is an important initial diagnostic step. In general, echocardiography may not be appropriate for suspected endocarditis if fever is the only indication. A TTE is also recommended …
- 2. 人工心臓弁を有する患者のマネージメントの概要overview of the management of patients with prosthetic heart valves [show details]
…clinical evaluation with transthoracic echocardiography (TTE; and transesophageal echocardiography [TEE] as needed) should be performed any time there is a change in clinical symptoms or signs suggestive of …
- 3. 全身性硬化症(強皮症)における肺合併症の概要overview of pulmonary complications of systemic sclerosis scleroderma [show details]
…hypertension . Two-dimensional and Doppler echocardiography – We perform two-dimensional and Doppler echocardiography on the initial visit in patients who have symptoms or are at substantially increased risk …
- 4. 脳卒中評価の概要overview of the evaluation of stroke [show details]
… The symptoms of brain ischemia may be transient, lasting seconds to minutes, or may persist for longer periods of time. Symptoms and signs remain indefinitely if the… embolic stroke should have an echocardiogram. The choice between transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) and transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) as the initial imaging…
- 5. 負荷心エコーの概要overview of stress echocardiography [show details]
… predictor of outcomes . The practice guidelines from the American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) recommend symptom-limited exercise according to standard protocols using either a treadmill or bicycle …
Japanese Journal
- 日本の北方のアイヌ民族にみられるイム現象 : その過去と現在
- 大宮司 信
- 北翔大学北方圏学術情報センター年報 4, 1-4, 2012
- … その特徴的な症状は,ア イヌ語で蛇を意味する「トッコニ」などの言語的な刺激によって惹起される,エコラリアやコプロラリアといった爆 発的な言語表現,および自動運動や退行した性的行動などを含む乱暴で突発的な制御できない反響症状である。 …
- NAID 110009454256
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Related Pictures

- 英
- echolalia
- 関
- 反響症状
- PSY.52,294 BET.251
- 英
- command automatism, automatic obedience
- 関
- 反響症状
- 英
- echopraxia
- 関
- 反響症状
- 英
- symptom, presentation、manifestation、pathology
- 関
- 出現、症候、所見、徴候、提示、発現、病態、病態学、病徴、病理、病理学、現れること、発表、顕在化、プレゼンテーション、顕性化
- 英
- echo、reverberation、echo、reverberate
- 関
- エコー、エコー法