- 英
- hypnotic and sedative poisoning
- 同
- 鎮静薬中毒
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- 1. ベンゾジアゼピン依存症:疫学、発症機序、臨床症状、経過、診断benzodiazepine use disorder epidemiology pathogenesis clinical manifestations course and diagnosis [show details]
… Because of their potential for misuse, addiction, and illicit diversion and sale, opioid analgesics, stimulants, and benzodiazepines and other sedatives/hypnotics are regulated, restricting whether and …
- 2. 処方剤の誤用:疫学、予防、同定、およびマネージメントprescription drug misuse epidemiology prevention identification and management [show details]
…Because of their potential for misuse, addiction, and illicit diversion and sale, opioid analgesics, stimulants, and benzodiazepines and other sedatives/hypnotics are regulated, restricting whether and …
- 3. 全身麻酔:維持general anesthesia maintenance [show details]
…decreased by concurrent administration of N2O or intravenous (IV) anesthetic agent(s) such as sedative-hypnotics or opioids . Speed of onset of anesthetic effect, changes in anesthetic depth, and recovery …
- 4. 成人の覚醒遅延および覚醒時せん妄delayed emergence and emergence delirium in adults [show details]
…rapid after discontinuation of IV sedative-hypnotic agents, their effects are synergistic with opioids and other anesthetic agents. Recovery from an IV sedative-hypnotic infusion depends on the agent context-sensitive …
- 5. 成人の慢性不眠症への行動療法と薬物療法behavioral and pharmacologic therapies for chronic insomnia in adults [show details]
… effects as well as physical and psychological addiction with long-term use. These risks may be increased in certain clinical settings: Pregnancy – Sedative-hypnotics may increase the risk of fetal malformations …
Japanese Journal
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- 英
- poisoning, intoxication
- 関
- SUB.403
- 英
- sedative, sedatives, sedative drug
- ラ
- sedativa
- 同
- 鎮静剤
- 関
- 中枢神経抑制薬。鎮静
[show details]
鎮静剤 : 約 605,000 件
鎮静薬 : 約 301,000 件
- 英
- hypnoticand sedative, hypnotic?
- 同
- 鎮静睡眠薬
- 関
- 催眠、催眠薬、睡眠薬、催眠剤、睡眠剤
- 英
- toxin、poison、poison
- 関
- 毒素、毒物、毒を入れる、トキシン
- 英
- sedation