- 英
- Radiotherapy Research Institute method
- 同
- 放医研方式
- 関
- 全骨盤照射法
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- 1. 画像検査に伴う医療被ばくのリスクradiation related risks of imaging [show details]
… The United States National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NRCP) and the United States National Academy of Sciences Biological Effects of Ionizing… The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) estimates a 4 to 5 percent increased… 1900-8100) Head CT: 4000 (95% CI 1100-8700) Chest CT angiography: 2700 (95% CI 1300-5000) In 2011, the Institute of Medicine identified CT as one of the two major environmental causes of breast cancer (the other …
- 2. 全身化学療法に対する輸注反応infusion reactions to systemic chemotherapy [show details]
…and severity or the reaction. Mild to moderate standard infusion reactions (SIRs; ie, National Cancer Institute [NCI] grades 1 and 2 and infusion reactions that do not involve symptoms of anaphylaxis …
- 3. 学会が公開する診療ガイドラインのリンク:小児にとっての健康的な食事療法society guideline links healthy diet in children [show details]
…fruits and vegetables (2011) Institute of Medicine (IOM): Consensus study report – Dietary reference intakes for calcium and vitamin D (2011) National Academy of Sciences: Dietary reference intakes tables …
- 4. 学会が公開する診療ガイドラインのリンク:成人にとっての健康的な食事療法society guideline links healthy diet in adults [show details]
… and 19+ years (2016) National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE): Quality standard on maternal and child nutrition (2015) National Health and Medical Research… Heart Association (AHA): Science advisory on dietary cholesterol and cardiovascular risk (2020) National Academies of Sciences,…
- 5. 学会が公開する診療ガイドラインのリンク:肝切除とラジオ波焼灼術society guideline links liver resection and ablation [show details]
…Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe (CIRSE): Quality improvement guidelines for radiofrequency ablation of liver tumours (2010) National Institute for Health and Care Excellence…
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- 英
- medical research
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- 臨床研究、生物医学研究、研究
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- 英
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- 調べる、治験、調査、働く、検討、仕事、研究開発、作業、リサーチ、実験研究、研究技術、研究活動、研究優先順位、概要報告
- 英
- radiation, radioactive ray
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- 輻射線
- 関
- 電磁波
- 1999年のICRP勧告「胎児が100mGy被爆した場合、子供が奇形を持たない確率はほぼ97%、癌にならない確率は99.1%」
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- 関
- 照射、照射性、排出、ビーム、放散、放射状、放射線、放射線照射
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- medicine、medical science、iatrology、medical、med
- 関
- 医科、医学上、医学的、医薬、医用、メディカル、医療用、医科学