- rightly so called; "true courage"; "a spirit which true men have always admired"; "a true friend"
- proper alignment; the property possessed by something that is in correct or proper alignment; "out of true"
- as acknowledged; "true, she is the smartest in her class" (同)admittedly, avowedly, confessedly
- accurately placed or thrown; "his aim was true"; "he was dead on target" (同)dead on target
- having a legally established claim; "the legitimate heir"; "the true and lawful king" (同)lawful, rightful
- accurately fitted; level; "the window frame isnt quite true" (同)straight
- make level, square, balanced, or concentric; "true up the cylinder of an engine" (同)true up
- conforming to definitive criteria; "the horseshoe crab is not a true crab"; "Pythagoras was the first true mathematician"
- consistent with fact or reality; not false; "the story is true"; "it is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatever for supposing it true"- B. Russell; "the true meaning of the statement"
- determined with reference to the earths axis rather than the magnetic poles; "true north is geographic north"
- devoted (sometimes fanatically) to a cause or concept or truth; "true believers bonded together against all who disagreed with them"
- undergo conjugation
- unite chemically so that the product is easily broken down into the original compounds
- formed by the union of two compounds; "a conjugated protein" (同)conjugated
- of an organic compound; containing two or more double bonds each separated from the other by a single bond (同)conjugated
- joined together especially in a pair or pairs (同)conjugated, coupled
- (of a pinnate leaflet) having only one pair of leaflets
- add inflections showing person, number, gender, tense, aspect, etc.; "conjugate the verb"
- 『ほんとうの』,真実の / 『本物の』,正真正銘の(real) / 『誠実な』,忠実な,忠誠な(faithful) / 心からの,うそ偽りのない / 寸分違わない,正確に一致する,適合する / 正当な,適正な,正しい(proper) / 間違いない,確実な / 〈機械・器具などが〉正確にできた,正しい位置にある;〈声などが〉正しい調子の / うそをつかないで,正直に / 寸分違わないように,確実に / 先祖の型どおりに / …‘を'正しく調整する《+up+名,+名+up》
- 〈動詞〉'を'活用(変化)させる / 〈動詞が〉活用(変化)する / 〈単細胞生物が〉接合する / (特に対になって)結合した,接合の
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English Journal
- A longitudinal study of nutritional and inflammatory status in patients on dialysis.
- Markaki A1, Gkouskou K, Ganotakis E, Margioris A, Daphnis E.Author information 1Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Technological Education Institute of Crete, Sitia, Greece; Department of Nephrology, University Hospital of Heraklion, Crete, Greece.AbstractOBJECTIVE: Several anthropometric, laboratory and bioelectrical impedance parameters of nutritional status and inflammation are often used as prognostic indices in patients on dialysis. Their longitudinal assessment is necessary for the estimation of their true prognostic value. We aim to estimate this prognostic value in better-nourished dialysis patients, which are commonly under-represented in pertinent studies.
- Journal of renal care.J Ren Care.2014 Mar;40(1):14-22. doi: 10.1111/jorc.12048. Epub 2014 Jan 28.
- OBJECTIVE: Several anthropometric, laboratory and bioelectrical impedance parameters of nutritional status and inflammation are often used as prognostic indices in patients on dialysis. Their longitudinal assessment is necessary for the estimation of their true prognostic value. We aim to estimate t
- PMID 24467473
- Enzymatically amplified mass tags for tissue mass spectrometry imaging.
- Hong R1, True J, Bieniarz C.Author information 1Ventana Medical Systems, Inc. , Technology and Applied Research, 1910 E. Innovation Park Drive, Oro Valley, Arizona 85755, United States.AbstractTissue mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) is a rapidly developing technology which promises to provide biomarker molecular information within tissue context, which is an unmet medical need in the era of personalized medicine. However, challenges associated with tissue specimens as well as the MSI technical limitations have hindered the practical applications of this technology. We report here a mass tag based MSI method that combines the strength of signal amplification by immuno-enzymatic reactions with the superior detection characteristics of mass spectrometry to enable matrix-free MSI of protein biomarkers in formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissues. The method involves binding of the target protein with a primary antibody with high affinity and specificity, followed by binding with a secondary antibody-enzyme conjugate. Enzyme substrates suitable for mass spectrometry detection are locally deposited at the site of the target through enzymatically catalyzed transformation. The precipitates thus serve as mass tags to be detected in mass spectrometry to represent the target biomolecule in tissue. Two enzymes and various substrates have been identified and successfully used to demonstrate the feasibility of this novel MSI method to image protein targets in FFPE tissue samples.
- Analytical chemistry.Anal Chem.2014 Feb 4;86(3):1459-67. doi: 10.1021/ac402718f. Epub 2014 Jan 23.
- Tissue mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) is a rapidly developing technology which promises to provide biomarker molecular information within tissue context, which is an unmet medical need in the era of personalized medicine. However, challenges associated with tissue specimens as well as the MSI techn
- PMID 24410597
Japanese Journal
- Associate and conjugate minimal immersions in $\boldsymbol{M} \times \boldsymbol{R}$
- Hauswirth Laurent,Sa Earp Ricardo,Toubiana Eric
- 東北數學雜誌. Second series 60(2), 267-286, 2008-06
- … We establish the definition of associate and conjugate conformal minimal isometric immersions into the product spaces, where the first factor is a Riemannian surface and the other is the set of real numbers. … We show that this is not true in general. …
- NAID 110006691411
- World Health Organization definition of "radiologically-confirmed pneumonia" may under-estimate the true public health value of conjugate pneumococcal vaccine
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- 英
- ()
- 英
- conjugate of pelvic inlet
- 英
- true conjugate
- (言語)(動詞)を活用/変化させる。
- (化学)~を共役させる。
- (生物)接合する。(言語)動詞が活用/変化する。
- 抱合する、接合する、結合する、共役する
- 関
- associate、bind、binding、bond、bonding、combine、complex、conjoin、conjugated、conjugation、conjunction、connect、connection、couple、coupling、dock、engage、engagement、join、juncture、ligate、linkage、mating、symphysial、union、zygote、zygotic
- 関
- apply、bona fide、fit、genuine、real、really、truly、truth
- 関
- conjugate、conjugation、couple、coupling