- 関
- transverse
- in a transverse manner; "they were cut transversely" (同)transversally
- 横の,横断の;(線など)交わる / (幾何で)横軸の / 横断するもの(特に道路など) / (幾何で)横軸
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English Journal
- A quantitative interpretation of the response of articular cartilage to atomic force microscopy-based dynamic nanoindentation tests.
- Taffetani M, Raiteri R, Gottardi R, Gastaldi D, Vena P.
- Journal of biomechanical engineering.J Biomech Eng.2015 Jul 1;137(7). doi: 10.1115/1.4030175. Epub 2015 Jun 2.
- In this paper, a quantitative interpretation for atomic force microscopy-based dynamic nanoindentation (AFM-DN) tests on the superficial layers of bovine articular cartilage (AC) is provided. The relevant constitutive parameters of the tissue are estimated by fitting experimental results with a fini
- PMID 25807472
- Fixation stability dictates the differentiation pathway of periosteal progenitor cells in fracture repair.
- Hagiwara Y1, Dyment NA2, Jiang X2, Jiang Ping H2, Ackert-Bicknell C3, Adams DJ4, Rowe DW2.
- Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society.J Orthop Res.2015 Jul;33(7):948-56. doi: 10.1002/jor.22816. Epub 2015 May 13.
- This study compared fracture repair stabilized by intramedullary pin (IMP) or external fixation (EF) in GFP reporter mice. A modified IMP was used as control while EF utilized six needles inserted transversely through the tibia and into a segment of a syringe barrel. X-rays taken at days 0, 14, and
- PMID 25639792
- A multi-scale finite element model for investigation of chondrocyte mechanics in normal and medial meniscectomy human knee joint during walking.
- Tanska P1, Mononen ME2, Korhonen RK3.
- Journal of biomechanics.J Biomech.2015 Jun 1;48(8):1397-406. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2015.02.043. Epub 2015 Mar 6.
- Mechanical signals experienced by chondrocytes (articular cartilage cells) modulate cell synthesis and cartilage health. Multi-scale modeling can be used to study how forces are transferred from joint surfaces through tissues to chondrocytes. Therefore, estimation of chondrocyte behavior during cert
- PMID 25795269
Japanese Journal
- 脳静脈の機能解剖(手術合併症を防ぐために,II 手術訓練としての外科解剖実習-第23回微小脳神経外科解剖セミナーより-,微小脳神経外科解剖)
- 小宮山 雅樹
- 脳神経外科ジャーナル 20(Supplement_2), 140-148, 2011-10-20
- 脳静脈は,脳動脈とは異なる発生過程を経る.神経管の両側に形成されるprimary head veinを基本に,脳の発達とともに形を変えながら,脳硬膜静脈洞(dural sinus)や脳静脈(pial vein)が形成される.神経管の閉鎖により脈絡叢からの導出は1本のmedial vein of prosencephalonが担うようになり,これは一対の内大脳静脈の形成により,こちらに移行され,さら …
- NAID 110008790790
- 4.膵頭神経叢の解剖と郭清の意義(<特集>膵癌診療の現況と課題)
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- trans·verse (tr ns-vûrs , tr nz-, tr ns vûrs , tr nz -). adj. Situated or lying across; crosswise. n. Something, such as a part or beam, that is transverse. [Latin tr nsversus, from past participle of tr nsvertere, to turn across : tr ns, trans- + vertere, to turn; ...
- trans·verse (tr ns-vûrs , tr nz-, tr ns vûrs , tr nz -). adj. Situated or lying across; crosswise. n. Something, such as a part or beam, that is transverse. [Latin tr nsversus, from past participle of tr nsvertere, to turn across : tr ns, trans- + vertere, to turn; ...
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- 英
- transverse、transversely
- 関
- 横径、横行、横断、横方向
- 英
- transversely
- 関
- 横行性
- 関
- cross、crossing、transect、transversal、transverse diameter、transversely