- of or belonging to neither the right nor the left politically or intellectually
- a building dedicated to a particular activity; "they were raising money to build a new center for research" (同)centre
- (American football) the position of the player on the line of scrimmage who puts the ball in play; "it is a centers responsibility to get the football to the quarterback"
- a position on a basketball team of the player who participates in the jump that starts the game
- the position on a hockey team of the player who participates in the face off at the beginning of the game
- a place where some particular activity is concentrated; "they received messages from several centers" (同)centre
- the sweet central portion of a piece of candy that is enclosed in chocolate or some other covering (同)centre
- the object upon which interest and attention focuses; "his stories made him the center of the party" (同)centre, center of attention, centre of attention
- an area that is approximately central within some larger region; "it is in the center of town"; "they ran forward into the heart of the struggle"; "they were in the eye of the storm" (同)centre, middle, heart, eye
- a point equidistant from the ends of a line or the extremities of a figure (同)centre, midpoint
- a cluster of nerve cells governing a specific bodily process; "in most people the speech center is in the left hemisphere" (同)centre, nerve_center, nerve centre
- (football) the person who plays center on the line of scrimmage and snaps the ball to the quarterback; "the center fumbled the handoff" (同)snapper
- (basketball) the person who plays center on a basketball team
- (ice hockey) the person who plays center on a hockey team
- politically moderate persons; centrists
- the middle of a military or naval formation; "they had to reinforce the center"
- move into the center; "That vase in the picture is not centered" (同)centre
- equally distant from the extremes (同)halfway, middle, midway
- (language) communication by word of mouth; "his speech was garbled"; "he uttered harsh language"; "he recorded the spoken language of the streets" (同)speech communication, spoken communication, spoken_language, language, voice communication, oral communication
- something spoken; "he could hear them uttering merry speeches"
- the exchange of spoken words; "they were perfectly comfortable together without speech"
- involving or derived from the senses; "sensory experience"; "sensory channels" (同)sensorial
- 〈U〉『話す力』,話す能力・〈U〉話すこと,言隆・〈C〉『演説』,話,スピーチ・〈U〉(人の)『話し方』・〈C〉〈U〉(特定の)言語,方言,なまり・〈C〉(役者の)のせりふ・〈U〉話法
- 感覚の
- (光・温度・放射能などの)感知器
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English Journal
- Audiomotor Perceptual Training Enhances Speech Intelligibility in Background Noise.
- Whitton JP1, Hancock KE2, Shannon JM3, Polley DB2.
- Current biology : CB.Curr Biol.2017 Nov 6;27(21):3237-3247.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2017.09.014. Epub 2017 Oct 19.
- PMID 29056453
- Presynaptic Neuronal Nicotinic Receptors Differentially Shape Select Inputs to Auditory Thalamus and are Negatively Impacted by Aging.
- Sottile SY1, Hackett TA2, Cai R1, Ling L1, Llano DA3,4, Caspary DM5,6.
- The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.J Neurosci.2017 Oct 23. pii: 1795-17. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1795-17.2017. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 29061702
- The right temporoparietal junction supports speech tracking during selective listening: Evidence from concurrent EEG-fMRI.
- Puschmann S1,2,3, Steinkamp S2,4, Gillich I2, Mirkovic B2,3, Debener S2,3, Thiel CM2,3.
- The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.J Neurosci.2017 Oct 23. pii: 1007-17. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1007-17.2017. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 29061698
Japanese Journal
- 吃音のある成人へのビデオセルフモデリングによる介入の試み:─主観的評価で見た有用性─
- 左半側口腔内に特異的な症状を呈した脳梗塞の1 症例 ~口腔内左半側空間無視の可能性~
- 先天性大脳白質形成不全症における ABR,頭部 MRI 所見および臨床経過の検討
Related Links
- Sensory speech center definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now! Added to Favorites Dictionary Thesaurus Word Dynamo Quotes Reference Translator n. . ...
- sensory speech center n. See Wernicke's center. Wer·nic·ke cen·ter (vern'ik-ĕ), the region of the cerebral cortex thought to be essential for understanding and formulating coherent, propositional speech; it encompasses a large region ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- sensory speech center (KH)
- 同
- ウェルニッケ中枢、Wernicke中枢 Wernicke center、ウェルニッケ野 Wernicke area Wernicke's area、Wernicke領野
- 関
- 運動性言語中枢、ブロードマン野、大脳
- BMWs Broca area = Moter speech center; Wernicke area = Sensory speech center
- 一次聴覚野(41野)で聞く言語音を言語として理解する皮質領域
- 話し言葉の理解が出来なくなる
- 関
- central、centre、centro、centrum、hub、medial、middle
- 発話能力、言語能力。話、発話。会話、対話。演説、スピーチ。話し方、話しぶり。口語、話し言葉。スピーチ学
- 関
- sensation、sense、sensing