- 同
- R/O 除外
- 関
- except、exception、exclude、exclusion
- lack or fail to include; "The cost for the trip excludes food and beverages"
- prevent from being included or considered or accepted; "The bad results were excluded from the report"; "Leave off the top piece" (同)except, leave out, leave_off, omit, take_out
- prevent from entering; shut out; "The trees were shutting out all sunlight"; "This policy excludes people who have a criminal record from entering the country" (同)keep_out, shut out, shut
- a deliberate act of omission; "with the exception of the children, everyone was told the news" (同)exclusion, elision
- an instance that does not conform to a rule or generalization; "all her children were brilliant; the only exception was her last child"; "an exception tests the rule"
- grounds for adverse criticism; "his authority is beyond exception"
- the state of being excluded
- mark or draw with a ruler; "rule the margins"
- keep in check; "rule ones temper" (同)harness, rein
- the duration of a monarchs or governments power; "during the rule of Elizabeth"
- measuring stick consisting of a strip of wood or metal or plastic with a straight edge that is used for drawing straight lines and measuring lengths (同)ruler
- (mathematics) a standard procedure for solving a class of mathematical problems; "he determined the upper bound with Descartes rule of signs"; "he gave us a general formula for attacking polynomials" (同)formula
- (linguistics) a rule describing (or prescribing) a linguistic practice (同)linguistic rule
- prescribed guide for conduct or action (同)prescript
- a principle or condition that customarily governs behavior; "it was his rule to take a walk before breakfast"; "short haircuts were the regulation" (同)regulation
- any one of a systematic body of regulations defining the way of life of members of a religious order; "the rule of St. Dominic"
- directions that define the way a game or sport is to be conducted; "he knew the rules of chess"
- decide with authority; "The King decreed that all firstborn males should be killed" (同)decree
- decide on and make a declaration about; "find someone guilty" (同)find
- have an affinity with; of signs of the zodiac
- reveal (something) about somebodys identity or lifestyle; "The gay actor was outed last week"; "Someone outed a CIA agent"
- (baseball) a failure by a batter or runner to reach a base safely in baseball; "you only get 3 outs per inning"
- be made known; be disclosed or revealed; "The truth will out" (同)come_out
- away from home; "they went out last night"
- directed outward or serving to direct something outward; "the out doorway"; "the out basket"
- moving or appearing to move away from a place, especially one that is enclosed or hidden; "the cat came out from under the bed";
- no longer fashionable; "that style is out these days"
- not allowed to continue to bat or run; "he was tagged out at second on a close play"; "he fanned out"
- not worth considering as a possibility; "a picnic is out because of the weather"
- out of power; especially having been unsuccessful in an election; "now the Democrats are out"
- outer or outlying; "the out islands"
- outside or external; "the out surface of a ships hull"
- subject to a ruling authority; "the ruled mass"
- (…から)…‘を'『除外する』,除く《+『名』+『from』+『名』》 / 〈見込み・可能性・疑いの余地など〉‘を'全く許さない
- 〈U〉(…を)『除外すること』(…の)除外《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(…に対する)『例外』《+『to』+『名』》
- (…を…から)除外すること《+『of』+『名』+『from』+『名』》
- …『を除いて』,のほかは / (…から)…‘を'『除く』,除外する《+『名』+『from』+『名』》
- 〈C〉『規則』,規定;法則 / 〈C〉『慣例』,慣習;通例,通則 / 〈U〉『支配』,統治;統治期間;統治権 / 〈C〉ものさし,定規(ruler) / 〈国・人など〉‘を'『支配する』,統治する,統御する / 《しばしば受動態で》〈感情などが〉〈人,人の行動など〉‘を'左右する,動かす / 〈裁判所・裁判官などが〉…‘と'裁決する,決定する / 〈紙〉‘に'線を引く / (…を)『支配する』,統治する《+『over』+『名』》 / (…について)裁決する,判定する《+『on』+『名』》;(…に反対の)裁決をする《+『against』+『名』(do『ing』)》・〈米俗〉抜群である、最高である
- (ある位置・状態から)『外へ』(『で』),外出して;戸外に;外国に / (隠れた所から表面に)『現れ出て』;世に出て;発表されて;(花・葉などが)出て来て,咲いて / 『無くなって』,消えて;終わって;流行遅れの,すたれた / 『最後まで』,すっかり / 大声で,はっきりと,隠さずに / (政権・現職から)離れて,去って / 仕事を休んで;ストライキをやって / (調子が)狂って,乱れて,(関節などが)はずれて;まちがって;損をして / (野球・クリケットで)アウトになって(ボクシングで)ノックアウトになって / 支配権を失った,政権から離れた / (野球・クリケットで打者・走者が)アウトになった / (衣服などが)並はずれて大きい,特大の / 遠く離れた / 《米》…から[外に(を)] / 《米》…に沿って外へ,のはずれに / (野球・クリケットで)アウト;《the outs》守備測 / 《複数形で》失業者 / 《米話》言い訳,口実 / ばれる,露見する / 出て行け
- 支配する,統治する / 支配的な,優勢な,有力な / (法による)判決,決定
- 遠足,遊山(ゆさん),遠出
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English Journal
- Aortic valve stenosis: non-invasive preoperative evaluation using 64-slice CT angiography.
- Ciolina F1, Sedati P, Zaccagna F, Galea N, Noce V, Miraldi F, Cavarretta E, Francone M, Carbone I.
- The Journal of cardiovascular surgery.J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino).2015 Oct;56(5):799-808.
- AIM: In patients affected by aortic valve stenosis (AS) it is mandatory to rule out coronary artery disease (CAD). The role of retrospectively ECG-gated 64-slice CT angiography (64-SCTA) was assessed in patients with AS referred for surgical valve replacement.METHODS: Forty-two patients with AS unde
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- Samber N1, Khan A, Varma A, Manzoor N.
- Pharmaceutical biology.Pharm Biol.2015 Oct;53(10):1496-504. doi: 10.3109/13880209.2014.989623. Epub 2015 Apr 8.
- CONTEXT: Mentha piperita L. (Lamiaceae) has been used in folk medicine since antiquity. Its essential oil (mint EO) and major bioactive components have antimicrobial properties but their mechanism of action is still not clear.OBJECTIVE: The present work aims to elucidate M. piperita's anti-Candida a
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Japanese Journal
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- … We have carried out ultrasonic measurements of a boron-doped silicon ingot grown by the Czochralski method in order to determine the quadrupole-strain interaction constant of a vacancy orbital. … Using a combination of laser scattering tomography and low-temperature softening, we have found a sum rule in which the initially created vacancy concentration N_{\text{total}} corresponds to the sum of the residual vacancy concentration N and the consumed vacancy concentration N_{\text{cons}} as N_{\text{total}} = N + N_{\text{cons}}. …
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- 泌尿器科紀要 59(11), 703-707, 2013-11
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- 松森 晶子
- 国立国語研究所論集 6, 67-92, 2013-11
- 琉球諸語の先行研究では,宮古島の与那覇方言は「ごく区別のしにくい」2つの種類の音調から成り立っており,そのためこの方言は型の「曖昧化」の一途をたどっている,と記述されてきた。これに対し本稿では,この与那覇方言の2つの種類の型は,特定の条件を満たした文節の中で非常に明瞭に区別でき,それには「3モーラがひとつの単位となってフットを形成し,H音調はそのフットに実現する」という制約が関与していることを論じ …
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Related Links
- rule out. 《英英辞典による語句の意味の説明》 [Macmillan 英英辞典] to stop considering something as a possibility ... rule out は ”考慮から外す”意味を持った、 ニュースや刑事もののドラマなどでもよく使われる表現で、 選択肢や可能性などを除外 、考慮に ...
- rule ... outとは。意味や和訳。…を考慮から外す, 除外する;…を許さない, 認めない;… を不可能にする, 妨げる. - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語、百科事典等から まとめて探せる辞書検索サービスです。
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- 締め出す、除外する、排除する(⇔include)。追放する
- 除く、落とす、抜かす
- 考慮しない、無視する。(証拠などを)取り上げない、退ける
- (可能性・見込み・疑いを)全く許さない、~の余地を与えない
- 関
- clearance、eliminate、elimination、evacuate、evacuation、except、exception、exclusion、rule out
- 関
- clearance、eliminate、elimination、evacuate、evacuation、except、exception、exclude、rule out
- 関
- beside、besides、eliminate、except for、exception、exclude、exclusion、remove、rule out
- 同
- rule out, R/O
- 英
- exclusion
- 関
- 圧排、除く、排除、例外、以外
- 関
- anomaly、except、exceptional、exclude、exclusion、rule out
- 規則、規定、ルール。(修道院などの)会則、会規、宗規。(法)(法廷の)命令、規則、法律原則
- 定則、通則。法則、方式、標準
- 通常のこと、常例、通例。主義
- 支配、統治
- 物差し、定規