- 手綱。(幼児に掛けて一端を大人が持つ)幼児保護用ベルト。(pl)(fig)制御/制御法、抑制、拘束、牽制
- stop or slow up ones horse or oneself by or as if by pulling the reins; "They reined in in front of the post office" (同)rein in
- one of a pair of long straps (usually connected to the bit or the headpiece) used to control a horse
- any means of control; "he took up the reins of government"
- stop or check by or as if by a pull at the reins; "He reined in his horses in front of the post office" (同)rein in
- give free rein to; "The writer indulged in metaphorical language"
- enjoy to excess; "She indulges in ice cream" (同)luxuriate
- the condition of being reinstated; "her reinstatement to her former office followed quickly"
- the act of restoring someone to a previous position; "we insisted on the reinstatement of the colonel"
- the syllable naming the second (supertonic) note of any major scale in solmization (同)ray
- 《しばしば複数形で》『手綱』 / (…に対する)制御手段;統御力;制御,統率《+『on』(『over』)+『名』》 / 〈人が〉〈馬など〉‘を'手綱で操る,御する / 〈人が〉〈感情など〉‘を'抑制する
- 〈欲望など〉‘を'『満足させる』;〈人〉‘の'思いのままにさせる / 〈子供など〉‘を'甘やかす / (欲望などを)『満足させる』,(…を)思いのままにする《+『in』+『名』(do『ing』)》
- 元に戻すこと,復帰,回復,復職,復位
- トナカイ
- レ(全音階の第2音)
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[Wiki ja表示]
ライン - line(英語で直線), Rhein, Rhine, Rein, Rain
- 1 人物
- 2 地理
- 3 芸術作品
- 4 科学・コンピュータ
- 5 その他
- 6 関連項目
- ヴィルヘルム・ライン - ドイツの教育学者。
- ヨハネス・ユストゥス・ライン - ドイツの地理学者。
- ジョゼフ・バンクス・ライン - アメリカの超心理学者。
- ライン諸島 - 中部太平洋にある環礁。
- ライン川 - ヨーロッパ中部の国際河川。
- ライン (レヒ) - ドイツ、バイエルン州ドナウ=リース郡の市。
- ライン (ニーダーバイエルン) - ドイツ、バイエルン州シュトラウビンク=ボーゲン郡の町村。
- ライン (ルツェルン) - スイス、ルツェルン州の町村。
- ロベルト・シューマン作曲の交響曲第3番変ホ長調Op.97の俗称。
- ポルノグラフィティのアルバム『m-CABI』の収録曲。
- ライン (アルバム) - 遊吟のファーストアルバム。
- ライン (小手川ゆあ) - 小手川ゆあによる漫画。
- ライン (西村しのぶ) - 西村しのぶによる漫画。
- LINE(long interspersed repetitive element) - ゲノム中の反復配列の一種。
- LINE (アプリケーション) - 無料音声通話などを行うアプリケーションソフトウェア。
- ライン (音響機器) - おおもとは電話線から来ており、音響機器の入出力をつなぐ配線のことだが、そのつながれる端子やそこで一般的な信号レベルやインピーダンスを指す。
- キャッシュメモリにおけるデータの管理単位。
- コンソール画面、文章などの行。
- 直線。
- 路線 - 特に「-ライン」の形の固有名詞で。
- 釣り糸。
- 生産ライン - 流れ作業に適した大量生産のための専用の工場設備。
- ライン部門 - 組織が目的とする業務を直接担当する部門、およびその部門で働く人間。
- ライン (競輪) - 数人の選手が一列に並ぶ競輪の戦法。
- ライン (髪型) - 短い毛髪に、バリカンで線を入れた髪型。
- ライン (医療) - 点滴ラインをとること。
- LINE (企業) - 「LINE」「ライブドア」「ネイバー」を運営する企業。アプリケーションのLINEにちなむ。
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[Wiki en表示]
For other uses, see Rein (disambiguation).
Reins are used to slow and direct the animal
Reins attached to the rings or shanks of a bit
Pure braided rawhide romal reins
Split reins attached to a western style snaffle bit
Reins are items of horse tack, used to direct a horse or other animal used for riding or driving. Reins can be made of leather, nylon, metal, or other materials, and attach to a bridle via either its bit or its noseband.
- 1 Use for riding
- 1.1 Harness reins
- 1.2 Other uses
- 2 Types
- 3 In popular expression
- 4 See also
- 5 References
Use for riding [edit]
Main article: riding aids
Reins are used to give subtle commands or cues, also known as rein aids. Various commands may signal a turn, ask for a slower speed, request a halt or rein back. Rein aids are used along with leg aids, shifting of body weight, and sometimes voice commands.
Harness reins [edit]
On some types of harnesses there might be supporting rings or "terrets" used to carry the reins over the animal's back. When pairs of equines are used in drawing a wagon or coach it is usual for the outer side of each pair to be connected to the reins and for the inside of the bits to be connected between the pair of horses by a short bridging strap or rope. The driver carries "four-in-hand" or "six-in-hand" being the number of reins connecting to the pairs.
Other uses [edit]
A single rein or rope may be attached to a halter to lead or guide a horse or packhorse. A long rein called a longe line may be used to allow the horse to move in a circle for training purposes, or for the purpose of a clinical lameness evaluation by a veterinarian. On certain designs of headgear, a third rein may be added to the paired reins, used for leading, longeing, or other specialized or stylistic purposes. The best-known example of a third rein used in the USA is the leading rein of the mecate of the classic bosal hackamore.
Types [edit]
Types of reins include:
- Closed reins, or loop reins: reins that are either a single piece or that buckle together at the ends. English riders usually use closed reins. Western riders in timed rodeo events use a single closed rein, as do those who use a romal. A closed rein helps prevent the rider from dropping the reins.
- Double reins: The combined use of two pairs of reins, a curb rein and a snaffle rein. This is usually two single (buckled or sewn) reins, though sometimes split reins may be seen on western-style bridles. Double reins are used with a double bridle, with bits such as the Pelham bit and, less often, on some gag bits used for polo.
- Draw reins and running reins: long reins, usually made of leather or nylon webbing, that attach to the saddle or the girth, run through the bit rings, and back to the rider. Several design variations, they add mechanical advantage to the rider's hands and may the horse's ability to raise its head. Often used in conjunction with a snaffle rein by English riders, usually used alone by western riders.
- Lead rein: A third rein used on bridles, not to be confused with the single lead rope of a halter nor the direct rein aid known as the "leading rein". In North Americaa third rein is most commonly seen as part of the mecate of a hackamore. In Mongolia it is integral to the bridle, and tied to either a bit ring or a chin strap.
- Long reins, longlines, or driving lines: exceptionally long reins which allow the rider to control the horse from a cart, or from the ground, with the handler walking behind the horse.
- Mecate: a style of rein seen on a bosal style hackamore made of a single piece of rope that encompasses both a closed rein and a leading rope.
- Romal reins: a rein style from the vaquero tradition that incorporates a closed rein with a long quirt at the end.
- Side reins: used when longeing a horse, attached from the bit to the saddle or surcingle, they are not meant to be held by the rider.
- Split reins: a rein style seen in western riding where the reins are not attached to one another at the ends. They prevent a horse from tangling its feet in a looped rein, particularly when the rider is dismounted. They are considerably longer than closed reins.
- Two reins—reins used on bridles with two reins:
- Snaffle rein: Usually a laced rein that buckles at the center, used on the bradoon of a double bridle, or the upper ring of a pelham bit.
- Curb rein: The rein used at the end of the shank of a curb bit or pelham. Modern curb reins usually buckle together at the ends, though reins of the classical curb were sewn together at the ends to create a single rein.
In popular expression [edit]
In popular culture, to rein in means to hold back, slow down, control or limit. Sometimes the eggcorn, reign in, is used. Usage of the opposing free rein dates back to Geoffrey Chaucer (1343 - 1400)[1][2] and means to give or allow complete freedom, in action and decision over something.
See also [edit]
- Horse tack
- Neck rein
- Riding aids
References [edit]
- ^ The Portable Chaucer Geoffrey Chaucer, Penguin 1975 page 245
- ^ Merriam Webster definition of "free rein". Accessed March 3, 2008
Horse tack and other equine equipment
Saddles, component parts and accessories
- Western saddle
- English saddle
- Australian Stock Saddle
- Sidesaddle
- Pack saddle
Component parts and accessories
- Girth (tack)
- Breastplate (tack)
- Stirrup
- Tapadero
- Saddle blanket
- Saddlebag
- Pannier
Bits, bridles and hackamores
- Bridle
- Hackamore
- Double bridle
- Bitless bridle
Bits and bit parts
- Curb bit
- Snaffle bit
- Gag bit
- Kimblewick bit
- Pelham bit
- Spade bit (horse)
- Ring bit
- Bit mouthpiece
- Bit ring
- Bit shank
Component parts and accessories
- Noseband or cavesson
- Bosal
- Mechanical hackamore
- Reins
- Romal
- Mecate (rein)
- Curb chain
- Fiador (tack)
- Bit converter
- Bit guard
- Lip strap
- Tongue-tie (tack)
Horse harness and carriages
Harness and parts
- Horse harness
- Horse collar (includes hames)
- Breastplate (tack)
- Breeching (tack)
- Crupper
- Trace (tack)
- Terret
- Surcingle
Harness bridle components
- Blinders or blinkers
- Shadow roll
- Bearing rein or overcheck
Horse-drawn vehicles
- Carriage
- Sulky
- wagon
- Sled
- Cart
- Horse and buggy
- Naturmobil
Tack accessories and training tools
- Martingale (tack)
- Whip
- Crop (implement)
- Quirt
- Spur
- Surcingle
- Bitting rig
- Longeing cavesson
- Side reins
- Chambon
- Draw reins and running reins
- Gogue
Other equipment
Stable equipment
- Halter
- Lead (tack)
- Grooming tools
- Horse blanket
- Fly mask
Leg protection
- Leg wraps
- Polo wraps
- Shipping bandage
- Stable bandage
- Bell boots
- Splint boots
- Skid boots
- Hobble (device)
- Picket line
- Twitch (device)
- Cattle crush
Historic or ceremonial equipment
- McClellan saddle
- Barding
- Kura (saddle)
- Abumi (stirrup)
- Frentera
- Shabrack
- Caparison
- Horse brass
- Hipposandal
Farriery (horseshoeing)
- Horseshoe
- Hoof boot
- Caulkins
- Glossary of equestrian terms
- Category:Horse tack
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English Journal
- Preventing hyperthermia: A cross-over study comparing two negative pressure devices during continuous passive heat stress.
- Rein EB, Filtvedt M, Ræder JC, Walløe L.Author information Department of Physiology, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo , N-0317 Oslo , Norway .AbstractAbstract Heat-related illness and mortality increase significantly during heatwaves. Out-of-hospital treatment to avoid elevation of body core temperature (hyperthermia) could be beneficial for selected patients. Negative pressure devices have been proposed as an effective treatment method. This study compared the effects of two devices on healthy volunteers under continuous passive heat stress in a climatic chamber. Nine subjects were studied in a prospective cross-over study on two separate days. Subjects were randomized to treatment with either CoreControl® (CC) or ThermoTube (TT) on the first day. They were exposed to an ambient temperature above skin temperature and high air humidity throughout the experiment. Treatment intended to prevent the development of hyperthermia started after 60 min of passive warming. Core temperature continued to rise during treatment with CC, whereas it dropped slightly and then stabilized during treatment with TT.
- Journal of medical engineering & technology.J Med Eng Technol.2014 Jan;38(1):37-41. doi: 10.3109/03091902.2013.859756.
- Abstract Heat-related illness and mortality increase significantly during heatwaves. Out-of-hospital treatment to avoid elevation of body core temperature (hyperthermia) could be beneficial for selected patients. Negative pressure devices have been proposed as an effective treatment method. This stu
- PMID 24328992
- The roles of K(+) channels in cancer.
- Pardo LA1, Stühmer W2.Author information 1Oncophysiology Group, Max-Planck-Institute of Experimental Medicine, Hermann-Rein-Strasse 3, 37075 Göttingen, Germany.2Department of Molecular Biology of Neuronal Signals, Max-Planck-Institute of Experimental Medicine, Hermann-Rein-Strasse 3, 37075 Göttingen, Germany.AbstractPotassium channels are transmembrane proteins that selectively facilitate the flow of potassium ions down an electrochemical gradient. These molecules have been studied in great detail in the context of cell excitability, but their roles in less cell type-specific functions, such as cell proliferation, angiogenesis or cell migration, have only recently been assessed. Moreover, the importance of these channels for tumour biology has become evident. This, coupled with the fact that they are accessible proteins and that their pharmacology is well characterized, has increased the interest in investigating potassium channels as therapeutic targets in cancer patients.
- Nature reviews. Cancer.Nat Rev Cancer.2014 Jan;14(1):39-48. doi: 10.1038/nrc3635. Epub 2013 Dec 12.
- Potassium channels are transmembrane proteins that selectively facilitate the flow of potassium ions down an electrochemical gradient. These molecules have been studied in great detail in the context of cell excitability, but their roles in less cell type-specific functions, such as cell proliferati
- PMID 24336491
- The ultrafiltration coefficient: this old 'grand inconnu' in dialysis.
- Ficheux A, Ronco C, Brunet P, Argilés A.Author information RD - Néphrologie and Groupe Rein et HTA, EA3127, Institut Universitaire de Recherche Clinique IURC - UM1, Montpellier 34090, France.KEYWORDS: convection, dialysis, ultrafiltration coefficient, water permeability
- Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association.Nephrol Dial Transplant.2013 Dec 19. [Epub ahead of print]
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- Vision problems are a leading source of modifiable health expenditures.
- Rein DB.Author information National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago, Public Health Department, Atlanta, Georgia.AbstractAccording to recent studies, visual problems represent one of the top contributors to economic health burden in the United States. This burden is divided nearly equally between direct expenditures for the care and treatment of visual problems, and the indirect costs of outcomes caused by low vision, including productivity losses, the cost of care, and incremental nursing home placements. A large amount of academic research is devoted to visual science, the biology of the visual system, and the medical treatment of visual disorders. Compared to the burden, a disproportionate share of this research is devoted to the study of retinal disorders and glaucoma. This is understandable, as research into the retina and optic nerve has the potential to unlock fundamental insights into the nature of sight and visual cognition. However, population visual health and the functionality that depends upon it also may benefit greatly from additional research into areas of prevention, rehabilitation, and adaptation. In addition, comparative research into the benefits of resource allocation across prevention, treatment, and rehabilitative resources could lead to improvements in population health.
- Investigative ophthalmology & visual science.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci.2013 Dec 13;54(14):ORSF18-22. doi: 10.1167/iovs.13-12818.
- According to recent studies, visual problems represent one of the top contributors to economic health burden in the United States. This burden is divided nearly equally between direct expenditures for the care and treatment of visual problems, and the indirect costs of outcomes caused by low vision,
- PMID 24335062
Japanese Journal
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- P-2 MDPB含有窩洞殺菌材の抗菌効果と歯質接着性への影響の評価(研究奨励賞審査対象ポスター,研究奨励賞応募ポスター発表,第65回日本歯科理工学会学術講演会)
- 高分子分散剤による木材由来ナノセルロースの界面機能制御と樹脂複合材料への応用
- Registration on the Renal Transplantation Waiting List and Mortality on Dialysis: an Analysis of the French REIN Registry Using a Multi-state Model
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- indulgeo to give free rein to
- ~にふけらせる
- 気ままにさせる、(子どもを)甘やかす
- (欲求などを)思いのままに満たす
- 喜ばせる、楽しませる
- (快楽・趣味などに)ふける、身を任す(in)
- (略式)たらふく食べる、痛飲する
- He decided to indulge less at future parties.
- (~に)従事する。(好ましくないことに)かかわる(in)
- 関
- indulger, indulgingly
- 関
- tissue kallikrein
- 関
- reinfect