- 関
- childhood、infant、preschool
- the state of a child between infancy and adolescence (同)puerility
- the time of persons life when they are a child
- a unit of geological time during which a system of rocks formed; "ganoid fishes swarmed during the earlier geological periods" (同)geological period
- (ice hockey) one of three divisions into which play is divided in hockey games
- the end or completion of something; "death put a period to his endeavors"; "a change soon put a period to my tranquility"
- the interval taken to complete one cycle of a regularly repeating phenomenon
- a punctuation mark (.) placed at the end of a declarative sentence to indicate a full stop or after abbreviations; "in England they call a period a stop" (同)point, full_stop, stop, full point
- (Persian folklore) a supernatural being descended from fallen angels and excluded from paradise until penance is done
- a beautiful and graceful girl
- an educational institution for children too young for elementary school
- (1歳未満の)『乳児』,乳飲み子 / 《英》(普通7歳未満の)学童 / 未成年者 / 幼児の,幼児用の / 始めたばかりの,初期の
- 『幼時』,子供時代
- (あることが続く)『期間』 / (歴史的な)『時代』 / (試合の)『一区切り』,ピリオド / 授業時間,時限: / (循環して起こる現象などの)周期 / (回転運動などの)周期 / 紀(地質時代の区分の一つ;era(代)の下,epoch(世)の上) / 《おもに米》『ピリオド』,終止符(《英》full stop;Mr.,U.S.など略語の符号(.)も含む) / 《複数形で》《文》掉尾(とうび)文(多くの節から成り,論理的に緊密な構成をもっている文) / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》ある時代[特有]の,時代物の / (文の終わりに感嘆詞的に)以上,終わり・月経(期間)
- 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》小学校入学前の,学齢未満の・幼稚園より手前の児童の通う幼稚園予科のような施設(保育園=day-care centerとは異なります)
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English Journal
- Age-related changes in learning across early childhood: A new imitation task.
- Dickerson K, Gerhardstein P, Zack E, Barr R.SourceDepartment of Psychology, Binghamton University-SUNY, Binghamton, NY 13902-6000.
- Developmental psychobiology.Dev Psychobiol.2013 Nov;55(7):719-32. doi: 10.1002/dev.21068. Epub 2012 Jul 11.
- Imitation plays a critical role in social and cognitive development, but the social learning mechanisms contributing to the development of imitation are not well understood. We developed a new imitation task designed to examine social learning mechanisms across the early childhood period. The new ta
- PMID 22786801
- Comorbidities in preschool children at family risk of dyslexia.
- Gooch D, Hulme C, Nash HM, Snowling MJ.SourceDepartment of Psychology, Royal Holloway University of London, London, UK.
- Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines.J Child Psychol Psychiatry.2013 Oct 10. doi: 10.1111/jcpp.12139. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Comorbidity among developmental disorders such as dyslexia, language impairment, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and developmental coordination disorder is common. This study explores comorbid weaknesses in preschool children at family risk of dyslexia with and without language
- PMID 24117483
- NET-Works: Linking families, communities and primary care to prevent obesity in preschool-age children.
- Sherwood NE, French SA, Veblen-Mortenson S, Crain AL, Berge J, Kunin-Batson A, Mitchell N, Senso M.SourceHealthPartners Institute for Education and Research, 8170 33rd Ave. S., Mail stop 21111R, PO Box 1524, Bloomington, MN 55440-1524, USA. Electronic address: nancy.e.sherwood@healthpartners.com.
- Contemporary clinical trials.Contemp Clin Trials.2013 Oct 9. pii: S1551-7144(13)00166-3. doi: 10.1016/j.cct.2013.09.015. [Epub ahead of print]
- Obesity prevention in children offers a unique window of opportunity to establish healthful eating and physical activity behaviors to maintain a healthful body weight and avoid the adverse proximal and distal long-term health consequences of obesity. Given that obesity is the result of a complex int
- PMID 24120933
Japanese Journal
- Developmental Trajectories of Social Skills during Early Childhood and Links to Parenting Practices in a Japanese Sample
- 特別講演 生涯を見通したESSENCEという考え方 (第23回大会特集 より効果的な支援をめざして : 学習支援から問う特別支援教育)
- LD研究 = Japanese journal of learning disabilities 24(1), 10-20, 2015-02
- NAID 40020425446
- フレーベル受容期における幼稚園教師養成課程の構築に関する研究 : 19世紀後半のドイツ・フレーベル連合を中心に
Related Links
- Growth of Stature in the Preschool Period. Howard V. Meredith. Full text. Full text is available as a scanned copy of the original print version. Get a printable copy ( PDF file) of the complete article (417K), or click on a page image below to ...
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- 英
- childhood
- 関
- 幼児
- 関
- 就学前、小児期、乳児、乳児期、幼児、乳幼児期、乳幼児
- 関
- infant、preschool、preschool period
- 関
- ambient、around、circumferential、surrounding
- 関
- duration、phase、stage、term、time
- 関
- childhood、infant、preschool period