出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/12/22 15:27:48」(JST)
Neurogenic bladder | |
Classification and external resources | |
ICD-10 | N31.9 |
ICD-9 | 596.54 |
DiseasesDB | 30837 |
MedlinePlus | 000754 |
eMedicine | med/3176 |
MeSH | D001750 |
Neurogenic bladder dysfunction, sometimes simply referred to as neurogenic bladder, is a dysfunction of the urinary bladder due to disease of the central nervous system or peripheral nerves involved in the control of micturition (urination).
Neurogenic bladder is often associated with spinal cord diseases (such as Syringomyelia/Hydromyelia), injuries, and neural tube defects including spina bifida. It may also be caused by brain tumors and other diseases of the brain, and by peripheral nerve diseases. It is a common complication of major surgery in the pelvis, such as for removal of sacrococcygeal teratoma and other tumors.
Neurogenic bladder usually causes difficulty or full inability to pass urine without use of a catheter or other method. Catheterization methods range from intermittent catheterization, which involves no surgery or permanenty attached appliances, to the creation of a stoma, which bypasses the urethra to empty the bladder directly.
Intermittent catheterization is the use, several times a day, of straight catheters (which are usually disposable or single-use products) to empty the bladder. This can be done independently by the patient, or with help, in the case that the patient lacks the dexterity to manage the catheter.
For patients that are unable to tolerate disposable straight catheters, the use of a Foley Catheter is used to allow continuous drainage of urine into a sterile drainage bag that is worn by the patient.
Other treatments involve creation of a stoma that is continent and readily accepts a catheter. These are known as Mitrofanoff mechanisms. An example of this treatment is the creation of an Indiana pouch. Additionally, a muscarinic agonist like Bethanechol may also be used, particularly in the postpartum or postoperative period.
Function of the stoma may be augmented by periodic injections of botulinum toxin to relax one of the two sphincters involved in normal urination.[1] The effect is longer lasting with botulinum toxin type A than with type B.[2] This use of botulinum toxin is discussed at length in the French medical literature.[3][4][5][6][7]
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リンク元 | 「神経因性膀胱」「neurogenic urinary bladder」「過敏膀胱」「過敏性膀胱」 |
拡張検索 | 「autonomous neurogenic bladder」「congenital neurogenic bladder」 |
関連記事 | 「neurogenic」「bladder」 |
橋排尿中枢より上位の障害 | 脳血管障害(脳出血、脳梗塞)、パーキンソン病、認知症、脳外傷、脳腫瘍 | [橋排尿中枢への抑制が失わる]蓄尿による求心性知覚線維(Aδ)の興奮→(中枢より抑制を受けず)PMCによる排尿指令→仙髄副交感神経中枢による排尿指令→排尿筋収縮 | 蓄尿障害(排尿筋不随意収縮、切迫尿失禁、頻尿) |
核上脊髄障害 | 脊髄損傷、多発性硬化症、損傷部位に依存して後縦靭帯骨化症、二分脊椎、HAMでも起こる | [異常な排尿回路の形成]蓄尿による求心性知覚線維(C)の興奮→(C線維による2つの異常な回路が形成され、求心性知覚情報はここに入力)(1)仙髄副交感神経中枢による排尿指令、(2)オヌフ核による外尿道筋収縮→排尿筋収縮+外尿道筋収縮 | 蓄尿障害(反射性尿失禁)、排尿障害(排尿筋括約筋協調不全) |
仙髄より下位の神経障害 | 下位脊髄損傷、仙髄以下馬尾神経の障害をきたす二分脊椎、脊髄稽留症候群、腰部脊柱管狭窄症、下位の損傷を起こすような後縦人口骨化症、シャイ・ドレガー症候群、脊髄小脳変性症、多発性硬化症、脊髄癆、HAM | 排尿障害、残尿、尿閉 |
[★] 膀胱 urinary bladder 胆嚢 gallbladder