- 英
- most、best
- 関
- 最高、最良
- it would be sensible; "youd best stay at home"
- the supreme effort one can make; "they did their best"
- the person who is most outstanding or excellent; someone who tops all others; "he could beat the best of them" (同)topper
- (superlative of `good'
- in a most excellent way or manner; "he played best after a couple of martinis"
- very; "a most welcome relief"
- used to form the superlative; "the king cobra is the most dangerous snake" (同)to the highest degree
- (superlative of `many used with count nouns and often preceded by `the'
- the superlative of `much that can be used with mass nouns and is usually preceded by `the; a quantifier meaning the greatest in amount or extent or degree; "made the most money he could"; "what attracts the most attention?"; "made the most of a bad deal"
- (『good』の最上級;比較級は『better』)『いちばんよい』,最もよい,最良の / (『well』の最上級;比較級は『better』)『健康状態が最良の』(healthiest) / 最大の,大部分の / 《話》(反語的に)きわめてひどい,徹底した / (『well』の最上級;比較級は『better』)『いちばんよく』,最もよく,最も / 《通例過去分詞と結合して形容詞を作って》最もよく / 『最上』,最善,最良;最もすぐれた人々(物) / (…の)『最もよいもの』(部分)《+『of』+『名』》
- 《the ~》(数・量・程度などが)『最も多い』,最高の,最大の / 《theをつけないで》『たいていの』,大概の / 《the ~》《単数扱い》『最大数』(量),最高額,最大限度 / 《theをつけないで》(…の)『大部分』,大多数《+『of』+『名』》 / 『最も多く』,いちばん / 《形容詞・副詞の最上級を作って》『最も』 / 《theをつけないで》はなはだ,非常に / 《米話》ほとんど(almost, nearly)
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Japanese Journal
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- 「開拓」と「移民」の空間 : 童仙房における記録と記憶
- 社会科学 = The Social Science(The Social Sciences) 46(2), 31-44, 2016-08-25
- NAID 120005838235
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- 関
- highest、most、paramount
- 英
- best、highest、paramount
- 関
- 最も、最良
- 関
- best
- 英
- best
- 関
- 最高、最も
- 英
- full-blown
- 関
- 末期、満開