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Gangraena is a book by English puritan clergyman Thomas Edwards, published in 1646. A notorious work of "heresiography", i.e. the description in detail of heresy, it appeared the year after Ephraim Pagitt's Heresiography. These two books attempted to catalogue the fissiparous Protestant congregations of the time, in England particularly, into recognised sects or beliefs. Pagitt worked with 40 to 50 categories, Edwards went further with around three times as many, compiling a list of the practices of the Independents and more extreme radicals:
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Thomas Edwards, in his Gangraena (1645), enumerated, with uncritical exaggeration, no less than sixteen sects and one hundred and seventy-six miscellaneous "errors, heresies and blasphemies," exclusive of popery and deism.[1] |
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- 1 Nature of Gangraena
- 2 Reception
- 3 Notes
- 4 Further reading
- 5 External links
Nature of Gangraena
Gangraena is generally described as an alarmist work, deducing a collapse of national polity from the ramification of different religious creeds. Typically, the Baptist Hanserd Knollys was accused of being an Anabaptist.[2] Heresy is foregrounded, and the analogy suggested that heresy is to the soul as witchcraft to the body.[3] Edwards was an unsparing writer and Gangraena is described as "monumentally vituperative".[4] The title itself refers to 2 Timothy 2:17, and "canker" in the King James translation.
It is not really a unified work, called a "complex, ramshackle text" by Nicholas Tyacke.[5] It appeared in three volumes, with information added from correspondents, and Richard Baxter in particular was also a contributor.[6] Scholarly opinions on it are now mixed, having in the past been somewhat dismissive of the work as paranoid and probably counter-productive in the way of providing and circulating a menu of "heretical" options. Some scholars now see it as made more coherent by its inferences from and to the diabolical element, and more readable casually for the audience of the times, than it has in the past been allowed credit.[7]
It provoked over 30 pamphlet responses in the period 1646-7, mostly hostile.[8] Among them were works by Jeremiah Burroughes,[9] John Goodwin,[10] John Lilburne, John Saltmarsh and William Walwyn.
- ^ http://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/hcc7.ii.i.xii.html
- ^ Barry H. Howson, Erroneous and Schismatical Opinions: The Questions of Orthodoxy Regarding the Theology of Hanserd Knollys (c. 1599-1691) (2001), p. 1.
- ^ John Marshall, John Locke, Toleration and Early Enlightenment Culture: Religious Intolerance and Arguments for Religious Toleration in Early Modern and 'early Enlightenment' Europe (2006), p. 287.
- ^ Thomas N. Corns, A Companion to Milton (2003), p. 142.
- ^ Nicholas Tyacke, England's Long Reformation 1500-1800 (1998), p. 241.
- ^ William Lamont (1979), Richard Baxter and the Millennium p. 252.
- ^ Nathan Johnstone, The Devil and Demonism in Early Modern England (2006), p. 258.
- ^ Ann Hughes, "Popular" Presbyterianism in the 1640s and 1650s: the cases of Thomas Edwards and Thomas Hall, p. 248 in Nicholas Tyacke (editor), England's Long Reformation, 1500-1800 (1998).
- ^ A Vindication of Mr Burroughes, against Mr Edwards his foule aspersions in his spreading Gangraena, and his angry Antiapologia (1646).
- ^ Cretensis, or, A briefe answer to an ulcerous treatise lately published by Mr. Thomas Edwards, intituled Gangraena; calculated for the meridian of such passages in the said treatise which relate to Mr. John Goodwin, but may without any sensible error indifferently serve for the whole tract etc. (1646), anonymous.
Further reading
- Gangraena and the struggle for the English revolution by Ann Hughes ISBN 0-19-925192-4
External links
- Online text, pt. 1 and pt. 2
English Journal
- [Our experience in Fournier's gangrene with severe septic shock].
- Lukász P1, Ecsedy G1, Lovay Z1, Nagy I1, Kári D1, Vörös A2, Ender F3.
- Magyar sebészet.Magy Seb.2014 Jun;67(3):113-22. doi: 10.1556/MaSeb.67.2014.3.6.
- in
English, HungarianA Fournier-gangraena egy ritka, necrotizáló, gyorsan tovaterjedő fasciitis, amely beszűri a genitáliát, a perineumot, majd innen kiindulva felfelé, az alhasra és lefelé, a combok felé is terjed. Súlyos, életet veszélyeztető septicus állapot alakulhat ki néhá
- Antibacterial effect of different root canal sealers on three bacterial species.
- Heyder M1, Kranz S, Völpel A, Pfister W, Watts DC, Jandt KD, Sigusch BW.
- Dental materials : official publication of the Academy of Dental Materials.Dent Mater.2013 May;29(5):542-9. doi: 10.1016/j.dental.2013.02.007. Epub 2013 Mar 22.
- OBJECTIVE: Bacteria persisting in the root canal system may thwart endodontic therapy. It is therefore interesting to know whether clinically available root canal sealers have an antimicrobial effect. The objective of the present in vitro study was to investigate the antibacterial effect of various
- PMID 23523285
- [Hospital gangrene (Gangraena nosocomialis)].
- Laval R E1.
- Revista chilena de infectología : órgano oficial de la Sociedad Chilena de Infectología.Rev Chilena Infectol.2012 Feb;29(1):108-11. doi: 10.4067/S0716-10182012000100018. Epub 2012 Apr 10.
- Hospital gangrene refers to a historical presentation of septic wounds, which was associated to situation with a multitude of wounded patients. Later, it was proven that hospital overcrowding together with inadequate wound treatment options aggravated the spread of the infection by nurses and surgeo
- PMID 22552521
Japanese Journal
- 初期啓蒙思想とキリスト教神学 : ペトルス・ファン・マストリヒト(1630-1706)のデカルト主義批判
- 加藤 喜之
- キリストと世界 : 東京基督教大学紀要 24, 1-24, 2014-03
- 本論文では、17 世紀のネーデルラント改革派教会における正統主義神学者のひとりであるペトルス・ファン・マストリヒト(Petrus van Mastricht、1630-1706)による、デカルト主義者たちとの哲学と神学の関係についての議論に注目する。ファン・マストリヒトは、当時のプロテスタント教会において、最も影響力をもった神学者の一人であり、彼の生涯はデカルト主義との論争に満ちていた。ファン・マ …
- NAID 110009751941
- 宗教的セクト運動と近代市民社会の成立--T.エドワ-ズ「壊疽」Gangraena(1646年)を素材に
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- ラ
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