- 関
- external cause、extrinsic cause、extrinsic factor
- purely outward or superficial; "external composure"; "an external concern for reputation"- A.R.Gurney,Jr.
- outward features; "he enjoyed the solemn externals of religion"
- coming from the outside; "extraneous light in the camera spoiled the photograph"; "relying upon an extraneous income"; "disdaining outside pressure groups" (同)extraneous, outside
- from or between other countries; "external commerce"; "international trade"; "developing nations need outside help" (同)international, outside
- happening or arising or located outside or beyond some limits or especially surface; "the external auditory canal"; "external pressures"
- be a contributing factor; "make things factor into a companys profitability"
- any of the numbers (or symbols) that form a product when multiplied together
- an independent variable in statistics
- anything that contributes causally to a result; "a number of factors determined the outcome"
- consider as relevant when making a decision; "You must factor in the recent developments" (同)factor in, factor out
- resolve into factors; "a quantum computer can factor the number 15" (同)factor in, factor out
- an event known to have happened or something known to have existed; "your fears have no basis in fact"; "how much of the story is fact and how much fiction is hard to tell"
- a concept whose truth can be proved; "scientific hypotheses are not facts"
- a piece of information about circumstances that exist or events that have occurred; "first you must collect all the facts of the case"
- a statement or assertion of verified information about something that is the case or has happened; "he supported his argument with an impressive array of facts"
- a nonresident doctor or medical student; connected with a hospital but not living there (同)medical extern
- 『外側の』,外部の / (作用・動作などが)『外側からの』,外部からの / 表面上の,見せかけの / 体外の;体外用の / 外国の(foreign) / (…の)外観,外形《+『of』+『名』》
- (…の)『要因』,(…を生み出す)要素《+『in』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / 囲数,約数 / 代理人,《おもに英》仲買人 / =factorize
- 〈C〉『事実』,実際にある(あった)事 / 〈U〉真相,真実(truth) / 《the~》(法律用語で)犯行
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English Journal
- The influence of environmental features on route selection in an emergency situation.
- Vilar E, Rebelo F, Noriega P, Teles J, Mayhorn C.Sourceelipessoa@gmail.com
- Applied ergonomics.Appl Ergon.2013 Jul;44(4):618-27. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2012.12.002. Epub 2013 Jan 23.
- Understanding the influence of external information at a lower level of awareness during the processes of route selection could be a key factor to predict user's movements within complex buildings, avoiding wayfinding problems and improving egress in emergency situations. This study aims to verify w
- PMID 23351607
- Influence of heavy snow on the feeding behavior of Japanese macaques (macaca fuscata) in northern Japan.
- Enari H, Sakamaki-Enari H.SourceSatoyama Science Research Center, Faculty of Agriculture, Utsunomiya University, Utsunomiya, Tochigi, Japan.
- American journal of primatology.Am J Primatol.2013 Jun;75(6):534-44. doi: 10.1002/ajp.22128. Epub 2013 Feb 21.
- Natural disasters can degrade primate habitat and alter feeding behavior. Here, we examined the influence of unusually heavy snow on diet and feeding-site use by Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) in northern Japan. To compare the winter-feeding behavior under different snow conditions, we recorded
- PMID 23436304
- Adapting the Facilitating Conditions Questionnaire (FCQ) for Bilingual Filipino Adolescents: Validating English and Filipino Versions.
- Ganotice FA Jr, Bernardo AB, King RB.SourcePalawan State University, Puerto Princesa, Philippines.
- Child indicators research.Child Indic Res.2013 Jun;6(2):237-256. Epub 2012 Oct 3.
- This study examined the applicability of the English and Filipino versions of the Facilitating Conditions Questionnaire (FCQ) among Filipino high school students. The FCQ measures the external forces in students' social environments that can influence their motivation for school. It is composed of 1
- PMID 23646097
Japanese Journal
- 耐震診断による上部構造評点を用いた木造在来軸組構法住宅の地震特性能評価
- 岩西 正晴,岩井 哲
- 広島工業大学紀要. 研究編 42, 191-197, 39479-00-00
- … The diagnosis grade-point for superstructure of wooden house corresponds to the wall-fulfillment ratio, that is, the safety factor of the load-carrying capacity against the external force such as an earthquake or a wind. …
- NAID 120005403279
- 大学生の離人症状の体験について : 対人ストレッサー・精神的健康との関連から
- 荒木 優花,石田 弓
- 広島大学心理学研究 (14), 71-84, 2015-03-31
- … This study examined the effects that status of interpersonal stressors and frequency of interpersonal stressors have on the experience of symptoms of depersonalization, including the factor of mental health status. …
- NAID 120005611441
- Nanobonding: A key technology for emerging applications in health and environmental sciences
- Howlader Matiar,Deen M.,Suga Tadatomo
- Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54(3), 030201, 2015-01-29
- … This bonding technology allows for the integration of electronic, photonic, fluidic and mechanical components into small form-factor systems for emerging sensing and imaging applications in health and environmental sciences. … Our nanobonding technologies provide void-free, strong, and nanometer scale bonding at room temperature or at low temperatures (<200 °C), and do not require chemicals, adhesives, or high external pressure. …
- NAID 150000110170
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- 英
- extrinsic factor、external factor、external cause、extrinsic cause
- 関
- 外因子
- 関
- 病因、内因
- 関
- external factor、extrinsic cause、extrinsic factor
- 関
- external cause、external factor、extrinsic factor
- 英
- extrinsic factor、external factor
- 関
- 外因
- 関
- exo、exterior、externally、extra、lateral、laterale、lateralis、laterally、outer、outside
- 関
- actual、actually、in fact、in practice、indeed、practically
- 関
- element、elementary、factorial、parameter