- 関
- actual、actually、fact、in fact、in practice、indeed、real、reality、really、substantive
- in a practical manner; "practically orientated institutions such as business schools"; "a brilliant man but so practically inept that he needed help to cross the road safely"
- almost; nearly; "practically the first thing I saw when I got off the train"; "he was practically the only guest at the party"; "there was practically no garden at all"
- of, relating to, or representing an amount that is corrected for inflation; "real prices"; "real income"; "real wages"
- an old small silver Spanish coin
- the basic unit of money in Brazil; equal to 100 centavos
- being or occurring in fact or actuality; having verified existence; not illusory; "real objects"; "real people; not ghosts"; "a film based on real life"; "a real illness"; "real humility"; "Life is real! Life is earnest!"- Longfellow (同)existent
- capable of being treated as fact; "tangible evidence"; "his brief time as Prime Minister brought few real benefits to the poor" (同)tangible
- (of property) fixed or immovable; "real property consists of land and buildings"
- no less than what is stated; worthy of the name; "the real reason"; "real war"; "a real friend"; "a real woman"; "meat and potatoes--I call that a real meal"; "its time he had a real job"; "its no penny-ante job--hes making real money"
- not to be taken lightly; "statistics demonstrate that poverty and unemployment are very real problems"; "to the man sleeping regularly in doorways homelessness is real"
- at the present moment; "the transmission screen shows the picture that is actually on the air"
- used to imply that one would expect the fact to be the opposite of that stated; surprisingly; "you may actually be doing the right thing by walking out"; "she actually spoke Latin"; "they thought they made the rules but in reality they were only puppets"; "people who seem stand-offish are in reality often simply nervous" (同)in reality
- in actual fact; "to be nominally but not actually independent"; "no one actually saw the shark"; "large meteorites actually come from the asteroid belt" (同)really
- as a sentence modifier to add slight emphasis; "actually, we all help clear up after a meal"; "actually, I havent seen the film"; "Im not all that surprised actually"; "she hasnt proved to be too satisfactory, actually"
- taking place in reality; not pretended or imitated; "we saw the actual wedding on television"; "filmed the actual beating"
- presently existing in fact and not merely potential or possible; "the predicted temperature and the actual temperature were markedly different"; "actual and imagined conditions" (同)existent
- existing in act or fact; "rocks and trees...the actual world"; "actual heroism"; "the actual things that produced the emotion you experienced" (同)factual
- being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something; "her actual motive"; "a literal solitude like a desert"- G.K.Chesterton; "a genuine dilemma" (同)genuine, literal, real
- being or existing at the present moment; "the ships actual position is 22 miles due south of Key West"
- an event known to have happened or something known to have existed; "your fears have no basis in fact"; "how much of the story is fact and how much fiction is hard to tell"
- a concept whose truth can be proved; "scientific hypotheses are not facts"
- a piece of information about circumstances that exist or events that have occurred; "first you must collect all the facts of the case"
- a statement or assertion of verified information about something that is the case or has happened; "he supported his argument with an impressive array of facts"
- (used as an interjection) an expression of surprise or skepticism or irony etc.; "Wants to marry the butler? Indeed!"
- in truth (often tends to intensify); "they said the car would break down and indeed it did"; "it is very cold indeed"; "was indeed grateful"; "indeed, the rain may still come"; "he did so do it!" (同)so
- having or put to a practical purpose or use; "practical mathematics"; "practical applications of calculus"
- concerned with actual use or practice; "he is a very practical person"; "the idea had no practical application"; "a practical knowledge of Japanese"; "woodworking is a practical art"
- 『実質的には』,『事実上』,ほとんど(almost)・『実際的に』,実用的に,実際的な方法で
- (想像でなく)『現実の』,実際の,真実の / (まがいものでなく)『本物の』 / 不動産の / ほんとうに,とても(very)
- (まさかと思うだろうが)『実際に』,現に,ほんとうに
- 『現実の』,実際上の(real) / 現在の,現存の
- 〈C〉『事実』,実際にある(あった)事 / 〈U〉真相,真実(truth) / 《the~》(法律用語で)犯行
- 《文全体または前の語を強調して》『実に』,全く / 《前に言ったことを確認あるいは強調して》実は,事実はそれどころか / 《譲歩を表して》『なるほど』,いかにも / 『まさか』,まあ,ほんとうかい
- 『実際上の』,実地の / 『実用的な』,実際の役に立つ / 『良識』(『分別』)『のある』,経験豊かな / (人や考えが)『実際的な』,現実的な / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》実際の経験から学んだ / 実質上の,事実上の
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English Journal
- Selective and sensitive detection of free bilirubin in blood serum using human serum albumin stabilized gold nanoclusters as fluorometric and colorimetric probe.
- Santhosh M1, Chinnadayyala SR1, Kakoti A1, Goswami P2.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2014 Sep 15;59:370-6. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2014.04.003. Epub 2014 Apr 8.
- We report here a fluorescence quenching based non-enzymatic method for sensitive and reliable detection of free bilirubin in blood serum samples using human serum albumin (HSA) stabilized gold nanoclusters (HSA-AuNCs) as fluorescent probe. The fluorescence of the nanoclusters was strongly quenched b
- PMID 24752148
- The influence of dispositional mindfulness on safety behaviors: A dual process perspective.
- Zhang J1, Wu C2.
- Accident; analysis and prevention.Accid Anal Prev.2014 Sep;70:24-32. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2014.03.006. Epub 2014 Mar 28.
- Based on the dual process model of human cognition, this study investigated the influence of dispositional mindfulness on operators' safety behaviors and its boundary conditions. In a sample of 212 nuclear power plant control room operators, it was found that both safety compliance and safety partic
- PMID 24686163
- Controlling for out-of-plane lumbar moments during unidirectional trunk efforts: Learning and reliability issues related to trunk muscle activation estimates.
- Larivière C1, Gagnon D2, Genest K2.
- Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology.J Electromyogr Kinesiol.2014 Aug;24(4):531-41. doi: 10.1016/j.jelekin.2014.04.010. Epub 2014 Apr 28.
- To assess the electromyographic (EMG) activation of trunk muscle during exertions performed in one primary plane (sagittal, frontal, transverse), we previously proposed a protocol allowing minimizing out-of-plane efforts (coupled moments - CMs) with the use of a static dynamometer combined with a vi
- PMID 24845170
- Application of Geant4 in routine close geometry gamma spectroscopy for environmental samples.
- Dababneh S1, Al-Nemri E2, Sharaf J3.
- Journal of environmental radioactivity.J Environ Radioact.2014 Aug;134:27-34. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2014.02.019. Epub 2014 Mar 15.
- This work examines the utilization of Geant4 to practically achieve crucial corrections, in close geometry, for self-absorption and true coincidence summing in gamma-ray spectrometry of environmental samples, namely soil and water. After validation, different simulation options have been explored an
- PMID 24637234
Japanese Journal
- 今更聞けないシリーズ(No.81)実務で役立つ「分割出願」について
- 大貫 進介
- 知財管理 = Intellectual property management 64(4), 588-593, 2014-04
- NAID 40020038784
- 松井 佑記,小島 英春,土屋 達弘
- 情報処理学会論文誌 55(3), 1177-1185, 2014-03-15
- 本研究では,ネットワーク上に分散したレプリカからなる多重化データの可用性を最大化する手法について議論する.障害が生じる状況下において,データのレプリカに対する一貫性を提供する機構として,多数決投票システムが知られている.多数決投票システムにおけるレプリカへの票割当ては,このシステムにおけるデータ可用性に大きな影響を与える.そこで,本研究では,可用性を最大化する票割当てをMAX-SMT問題と呼ばれる …
- NAID 110009752407
- Note: Low energy inverse photoemission spectroscopy apparatus.
- Yoshida Hiroyuki
- The Review of scientific instruments 85(1), 2014-01-08
- … 539-540, 180-185 (2012)], the collection efficiency of photons is improved by a factor of four and practically any conductive substrates can be used. …
- NAID 120005385886
- Method of Image Green's Function in Grating Theory: Extinction Error Field
- NAKAYAMA Junichi,TAMURA Yasuhiko
- IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Electronics E97-C(1), 40-44, 2014-01-01
- … Numerical examples are given to demonstrate that the formulae work practically even at a critical angle of incidence. …
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- 実際に、実際にやってみると、実際面では、実際のところは、実際には、実際問題として、現実面では、実地に、実行する上で
- 練習して、練習を続けて、熟練して
- 実施中で
- (医者・弁護士などが)開業して
- 関
- actual、actually、fact、in fact、indeed、practically
- 関
- bona fide、genuine、practically、reality、really、substantive、true、truly
- 英
- fact、actual、actually、indeed、in fact、in practice、practically
- 関
- 現実、事実、事実上、現状、実態
- 関
- actual、actually、in fact、in practice、indeed、practically
- 関
- actual、fact、in fact、in practice、indeed、practically、virtual
- 関
- pragmatic