- 同
- mark with diacritics; "point the letter"
- a very small circular shape; "a row of points"; "draw lines between the dots" (同)dot
- an instant of time; "at that point I had to leave" (同)point in time
- repair the joints of bricks; "point a chimney" (同)repoint
- a V shape; "the cannibals teeth were filed to sharp points" (同)tip, peak
- a linear unit used to measure the size of type; approximately 1/72 inch
- a style in speech or writing that arrests attention and has a penetrating or convincing quality or effect
- one percent of the total principal of a loan; it is paid at the time the loan is made and is independent of the interest on the loan
- the unit of counting in scoring a game or contest; "he scored 20 points in the first half"; "a touchdown counts 6 points"
- the gun muzzles direction; "he held me up at the point of a gun" (同)gunpoint
- the property of a shape that tapers to a sharp tip (同)pointedness
- a wall socket (同)power_point
- an outstanding characteristic; "his acting was one of the high points of the movie" (同)spot
- a distinguishing or individuating characteristic; "he knows my bad points as well as my good points"
- sharp end; "he stuck the point of the knife into a tree"; "he broke the point of his pencil"
- a V-shaped mark at one end of an arrow pointer; "the point of the arrow was due north" (同)head
- a brief version of the essential meaning of something; "get to the point"; "he missed the point of the joke"; "life has lost its point"
- a geometric element that has position but no extension; "a point is defined by its coordinates"
- a promontory extending out into a large body of water; "they sailed south around the point"
- the object of an activity; "what is the point of discussing it?"
- the precise location of something; a spatially limited location; "she walked to a point where she could survey the whole street"
- be positionable in a specified manner; "The gun points with ease"
- indicate the presence of (game) by standing and pointing with the muzzle; "the dog pointed the dead duck"
- mark (a psalm text) to indicate the points at which the music changes
- mark (Hebrew words) with diacritics
- having the same quantity, value, or measure as another; "on equal terms"; "all men are equal before the law"
- be identical or equivalent to; "One dollar equals 1,000 rubles these days!" (同)be
- make equal, uniform, corresponding, or matching; "lets equalize the duties among all employees in this office"; "The company matched the discount policy of its competitors" (同)match, equalize, equalise, equate
- be equal to in quality or ability; "Nothing can rival cotton for durability"; "Your performance doesnt even touch that of your colleagues"; "Her persistence and ambition only matches that of her parents" (同)touch, rival, match
- the force applied to a unit area of surface; measured in pascals (SI unit) or in dynes (cgs unit); "the compressed gas exerts an increased pressure" (同)pressure level, force per unit area
- an oppressive condition of physical or mental or social or economic distress
- the somatic sensation that results from applying force to an area of skin; "the sensitivity of his skin to pressure and temperature was normal" (同)pressure_sensation
- a force that compels; "the public brought pressure to bear on the government"
- having a point
- direct and obvious in meaning or reference; often unpleasant; "a pointed critique"; "a pointed allusion to what was going on"; "another pointed look in their direction"
- an area on the skin that is highly sensitive to pressure; "you must know the pressure points in order to administer shiatsu"
- 〈C〉(針・鉛筆・剣などの)『とがった先』,(…の)先端《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉岬(みさき) / 〈C〉(小数点・句読点などの)点 / 〈C〉(図形上の)点 / 〈C〉(ある特定の)『地点』(spot),場所(place) / 〈C〉(計器の目盛りなどの)『点』,『度』 / 〈C〉時点,瞬間 / 〈C〉《単数形で》(物語・議論などの)『要点』,核心《+『of』(『in』)+『名』》 / 〈U〉(…の)『目的』,『意義』,ねらっている点《+『of』(『in』)+『名』(do『ing』)》 / 〈C〉(全体の中の)個々の項目,細目(item),細部(detail) / 〈C〉特徴(characteristic),特質(trait) / 〈C〉(競技・学校の成績などの)得点 / 〈C〉ポイント(活字の大きさの単位;約1/72インチの大きさ) / (…に)〈銃・指など〉‘を'『向ける』《+『名』+『at』(『to, toward』)+『名』》 / …‘に'『指し示す』《point+名+to+名…に…をさし示す》 / …‘の'先をとがらせる,‘に'先を付ける / …‘に'点を打つ;…‘に'小数点を付ける;…‘に'句読点を付ける / 〈猟犬が〉〈獲物〉‘を'指し示す / (…を)(指などで)『示す』,指し示す《+『at』(『to, toward』)+『名』(do『ing』)》 / 〈猟犬が〉獲物の位置を示す
- 『等しい』,同じ / 『平等の』 / 互角の;均等の / (任務・作業などに)耐える力がある,(…する)力量がある《+『to』+名(do『ing』)》 / (…と)『同等の人(物)』《+『of』+『名』》 / …‘に'等しい,匹敵する;(…の点で)…‘に'匹敵する《+『名』+『in(as)』+『名』》
- 〈U〉『押すこと』,『押しつけること』,圧搾,圧縮;〈C〉〈U〉『圧力』,圧力の強さ / 〈U〉『圧迫』,『強制』 / 〈U〉(不快な)圧迫感 / 〈C〉〈U〉(精神的な)重荷,苦脳;(時間・金銭的)切迫 / 〈U〉多忙,あわただしさ / 《おもに米》…‘に'圧力をかける,強制する(《英》pressurise)
- 『先のとがった』,鋭い / (皮肉など)痛烈な,しんらつな / (ある目標に)向けられた,(はっきりと特定の人に)向けられた,当てこすりの
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English Journal
- A microfluidic approach for investigating multicomponent system thermodynamics at high pressures and temperatures.
- Pinho B1, Girardon S, Bazer-Bachi F, Bergeot G, Marre S, Aymonier C.
- Lab on a chip.Lab Chip.2014 Oct 7;14(19):3843-9. doi: 10.1039/c4lc00505h.
- In this work, we present a novel microfluidic-based approach for investigating the thermodynamics of multicomponent systems at high pressures and temperatures, such as determining miscibility diagrams and critical coordinates of complex mixtures. The developed method is primarily based on (i) bubble
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- Quantification of the acute effect of a low dose of red wine by nonlinear measures of RR and QT interval series in healthy subjects.
- Platiša MM1, Gal V2, Nestorović Z2, Gojković-Bukarica L3.
- Computers in biology and medicine.Comput Biol Med.2014 Oct;53:291-6. doi: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2014.08.015. Epub 2014 Aug 20.
- The measures of nonlinear properties of RR interval and QT interval time series are sensitive to physiologically- or pathologically-induced complexity/regularity changes, but were not used to estimate the effect of alcohol intake. We wanted to examine the potential of these measures to quantify the
- PMID 25194258
- The functional coupling of the deep abdominal and paraspinal muscles: the effects of simulated paraspinal muscle contraction on force transfer to the middle and posterior layer of the thoracolumbar fascia.
- Vleeming A1, Schuenke MD, Danneels L, Willard FH.
- Journal of anatomy.J Anat.2014 Oct;225(4):447-62. doi: 10.1111/joa.12227. Epub 2014 Aug 20.
- The thoracolumbar fascia (TLF) consists of aponeurotic and fascial layers that interweave the paraspinal and abdominal muscles into a complex matrix stabilizing the lumbosacral spine. To better understand low back pain, it is essential to appreciate how these muscles cooperate to influence lumbopelv
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Japanese Journal
- 中学生から大学生までの水中の「浮力」に関する認識調査:―「浮力」の概念に関する指導方略への提言―
- 新里 和也,古屋 光一
- 理科教育学研究 54(3), 403-417, 2014
- 本研究では, 中学生から大学生までの「浮力」の理解を明らかにするために2 つの調査を実施した。調査Ⅰの目的は, 中学校段階における「水圧」の学習が, その後学習する「浮力」の理解にどのような影響を与えるのかを対象者の「水圧」の認識と「浮力」の認識の観点から検討することである。また, 調査Ⅱの目的は, 浮き沈みする水中の物体 …
- NAID 130003398849
- 天明 敏行,中村 雄二,加来 睦宏 [他],山上 裕也,角 哲也
- ダム工学 23(3), 199-206, 2013
- 高圧のジェット水を利用して負圧を発生させ,土砂を吸引・輸送するエジェクターポンプを用いてダム堆砂を湖内移動する試験工事を実施した。水深3~15mの範囲を約3,500m3浚渫し,400m上流の湖内へ配管で輸送して排出した。実稼動時間当たりの移動土砂量は約70m3/hであった。排出部での濁水の拡散防止には天然凝集材を使用し,エジェクターのノズル先端から添加することにより攪拌効果を高めた。これに加え,汚 …
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- 田平 一行,赤壁 知哉,井上 裕水
- 日本理学療法学術大会 2012(0), 48101952-48101952, 2013
- … 道内圧よりも胸腔内圧が高くなり気道が狭窄する現象(動的気道狭窄)が起こるため,安静呼吸のようにそのままには成立しない.この場合,気道内圧と胸腔内圧が等しくなる点(equal pressure point: EPP)よりも上流(肺胞側)に注目し,コンデンサの放電モデルで表すことが可能である.今回は,このEPPよりも上流の抵抗(Rus)を用いてシミュレーションした.咳嗽シミュレーシ …
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- 関
- comparable、compare、considerably、correspond、equally、equivalence、equivalent、equivalently、identical、identically、match、parallel、same、substantial
- 指さす、示す(at,to)
- (ある方向に)向いている(to,toward)
- 傾向にある(to)
- 関
- dictate、direct、dot、indicate、indication、instruct、instruction、spot
- とがり付け、ポインティング,照準,目地仕上,先付け